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What's wrong with getting up in the morning with a bitter mouth and bad breath?

Bad breath may bring four kinds of diseases

By Kenneth M BassPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

Get up in the morning feeling bitter mouth, bad breath, revealing the body 4 problems

If you get up in the morning after a period of bitter mouth, bad breath can be relieved, generally do not have to worry too much, most of them are due to physiological reasons. But if it does not go away for a long time, you need to be alert to some disease factors that may cause it.

1, oral disease

Some people do not have the habit of cleaning their teeth before going to bed, so it is likely that a large amount of food residue will remain in the mouth. After a night's sleep, food residues will be fermented in the mouth with bacteria, and then the mouth will become bitter and smelly.

Especially some people who suffer from stomatitis, periodontitis, etc., do not brush their teeth properly, then the situation of bitter mouth and bad breath will be more serious, but this situation can generally be relieved after brushing.

2, liver and gallbladder damp heat

Chinese medicine believes that the liver is the main drain, some people due to liver fire and other factors lead to liver function is impaired, and bile secretion will be affected, daily especially prone to bitter mouth symptoms, even after brushing teeth can not be relieved.

People suffering from cholecystitis and gallstones are also prone to bitter mouths due to the decline of gallbladder function, which leads to the normal excretion of bile. In addition to bitterness in the mouth, these people often have the characteristics of red faces, red eyes, and impatient personalities.

3、Gastrointestinal diseases

Many modern people have the habit of long-term improper diet, which can easily induce gastrointestinal diseases. Such as some people suffer from gastroesophageal reflux, in the next morning when the mouth will have obvious bitter, smelly symptoms.

There is also impaired intestinal function, resulting in food not being digested properly. During the night, food will be digested slowly under the action of stomach acid, and in this case, it is also easy to cause bitter mouth and bad breath.

Some people who have stomach heat have a higher chance of having a bitter mouth and bad breath. These people have excessive secretion of gastric acid and abnormal gas production in the stomach, and a large amount of gas flows back into the mouth, leading to abnormal symptoms.

4, emotional problems

There are some people in life, long-term in a state of high emotional tension. These people are prone to the performance of bitterness in the mouth, but also with some abnormal acidity. Under bad emotions such as tension, fear, and anxiety, the symptoms will appear more obvious.

In addition, some people have bitter mouths and bad breaths may be due to smoking, I believe we have seen some long-term smokers have black teeth, these people's mouths will exist in an odor, and smokers will have a clear sense of bitterness in the morning.

For some people who have a bitter mouth and bad breath after waking up in the morning, how to relieve this situation? You can learn a few ways.

How to deal with the problem of morning bitterness and bad breath?

First of all, in the daily to do a good job of oral cleaning, it is recommended to brush your teeth once in the morning and once at night before going to bed, and after brushing your teeth at night before going to bed, it is best to work with dental floss, flosser, etc. to clean the food residue that may stay in the teeth, so that you can prevent the performance of bitter mouth the next day.

Secondly, we should also pay attention to our diet. It is recommended to eat less spicy and heavy food, such as seafood, hot pot, barbecue, etc. These foods are relatively difficult to digest after entering the body, which can easily cause bitter mouth and bad breath symptoms.

In the diet can be appropriate to eat more fiber-rich foods, such as fresh fruits and vegetables, coarse grains, etc., for health benefits.

Third, we should learn to control our emotions in life, not be in a negative mood for a long time, if we feel our emotions are not high, too nervous, etc., we can properly talk to people, or go out more. If necessary, you can also go to the hospital to seek the help of professional psychologists, emotions are very important for health.

Fourth, it is recommended to maintain a sufficient amount of exercise, exercise can promote the gastrointestinal tract for peristalsis, and for some people with poor gastrointestinal function, can play a good role in relieving.

At the same time, exercise for the improvement of mood also has a certain help, because in the process of exercise can be secreted happy dopamine, in a way exercise can play a two-fold role.

If you find yourself in daily life difficult to relieve the symptoms of bitter mouth, and bad breath, it is recommended to seek a medical examination to find out whether it is due to disease factors, and then to follow up on the targeted treatment.

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Kenneth M Bass

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