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Back Pain: When the Doctor Says There's Nothing Wrong

Back pain

By HUMBALE STORY Published 2 years ago 3 min read
Back Pain: When the Doctor Says There's Nothing Wrong
Photo by Louis Hansel on Unsplash

It’s not uncommon to go to the doctor complaining of back pain and be told that there’s nothing wrong. While it’s true that your pain may be caused by mental distress or an unrelated issue, it doesn’t mean that you don’t have back pain at all. In fact, it could be severe, but the source might be unknown until further testing is done. This article will help you navigate your next visit to the doctor if you experience back pain and what to do if you find yourself in this situation again.

What is low back pain?

Low back pain is one of those vague medical terms that covers a range of problems. While non-specific low back pain refers to no known cause for your pain, other causes for back pain include compression fractures in vertebrae, infections, and even kidney disease. If you experience chronic or non-specific low back pain, it may be caused by spinal disc herniation or degeneration. Either way, treatment will depend on what’s causing your discomfort—and it’s important to pinpoint these causes to avoid misdiagnosis. Some chiropractors use manipulation techniques when treating chronic low back pain; others prescribe holistic treatments like acupuncture and massage therapy.

Symptoms vary widely

Spinal stenosis, a narrowing of spaces in between bones, can cause low back pain when you bend forward or twist your torso. Fibromyalgia, which causes muscle and soft tissue pain throughout your body, can also contribute to chronic back pain. See your doctor for a diagnosis.

Low back pain can radiate

A common form of chronic back pain is called lumbar radiculopathy. This form of low back pain is caused by damage to a nerve root at or near where it leaves your spinal cord. The nerve may be irritated by a herniated disc, bone spur, arthritis or spinal stenosis (when there’s reduced space for a nerve in your spine). Symptoms include numbness, tingling, weakness and/or pain.

Often diagnosed as muscular

The first step to back pain relief is a chiropractic appointment. Your doctor will likely work on several areas of your spine, both diagnostically and therapeutically, in order to determine where the source of your pain lies. Don’t be alarmed if you feel significantly better after only one visit—and don’t worry that it doesn’t last long. Your pain may return for any number of reasons, but a second appointment will likely solve any remaining issues.

Causes can range from structural to emotional

Although back pain is often thought of as a physical problem, it may be caused by mental distress or an unrelated issue. It’s good to get checked out by a medical professional, but don’t be surprised if they can’t find anything wrong with you. If your doctor says there’s nothing wrong with you and you have lower back pain, it may be worth trying something like chiropractic care or yoga therapy in addition to traditional treatments.

Many non-serious causes require no treatment

Low back pain can be due to any number of things, ranging from your mattress to your mental health. Even if a doctor tells you that there’s nothing wrong with your back, it doesn’t mean that they aren’t able to help you. One option is seeing a chiropractor, who can manipulate your spine in order to alleviate pain and help keep things in alignment.

Lifestyle changes can do wonders

Although doctors may attribute your chronic pain to stress or fatigue, back pain doesn’t need to be a life sentence. With consistent self-care and alternative forms of treatment like chiropractic care, you can overcome back pain and begin living a normal life again. If you’re experiencing back pain, visit an international association for the study of pain certified doctor in your area.

Yoga is a great addition to any exercise routine

If you’re looking for an activity that’s low impact and can help with back pain, yoga may be a good option. While it isn’t meant to be used as a sole treatment for lower back pain, regular yoga practice can strengthen your core muscles and give you better posture. And although it won’t cure your back pain entirely, these benefits alone can relieve some of your suffering.


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