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Popular Diets: Which One Will Work Best for You Long-Term?


By HUMBALE STORY Published 2 years ago 3 min read
Popular Diets: Which One Will Work Best for You Long-Term?
Photo by amoon ra on Unsplash

How many times have you tried to go on a diet? For most people, the answer would be several times! It’s easy to start the new year, new me vibe and try out whatever diet happens to be popular at the time—from Paleo and vegan to low-carbohydrate. But while these diets can work in the short term, it’s important to consider which one will work best long-term. Everyone’s body is different, and what works for one person might not work for another.

Is a low-carb diet right for me?

Low-carb diets like Atkins and Keto have surged in popularity over recent years, but it’s important to weigh up whether a low-carb diet is right for you. It can be tough to make sure you get all of your nutrients without consuming enough carbs—but there are ways around that.

What about Whole30?

There are so many diet options out there that are both popular and effective in the short term, but it’s important to consider which one will work best long-term. The Whole30 program has gained a lot of traction lately, mostly because it's simple and designed to give you tangible results fast. But what about other programs like Weight Watchers or Paleo? It all depends on your goals. If you're looking to lose weight and improve your health, then a balanced diet combined with exercise is key. But if you're looking to increase energy levels or focus more intently on work tasks, then something like intermittent fasting might be better suited for your needs.

Is Paleo my ideal option?

Paleo is one of many healthy diets that emphasize vegetables, grass-fed meats, and nuts. But if your goal is to lose weight in a way that’s sustainable long term, it’s a good idea to choose a diet you can stick with in all situations. For example, since Paleo isn’t necessarily low-carb or keto friendly, I wouldn’t recommend it as an ideal option for people who are trying to lose weight quickly. If you want to find out which diet will work best for you long-term (and take into account your current health status), ask yourself these questions: What kind of food do I enjoy eating? Do I have any allergies or intolerances? What are my strengths and weaknesses when it comes to cooking? How much time do I have available each week to devote towards grocery shopping and meal prep? How important is convenience when choosing what foods I eat each day?

Should I count calories or macros instead?

I’m here to answer your question, which is a great one! There are tons of diet options out there that are both popular and effective in the short term, but it’s important to consider which one will work best long-term. Counting calories can help you get an idea of how many calories you’re consuming each day, but sometimes it can be tricky to know what food items have what number of calories.

How can intermittent fasting benefit me as an endurance athlete?

Intermittent fasting has gained a lot of popularity recently and is touted as one of best ways to age in reverse. From an endurance athlete’s perspective, that means eating fewer meals but more calories and rest days between workouts will provide a boost in energy that could lead to better times on race day. But before you give intermittent fasting a shot, there are some things you should know.

Do meal replacement shakes really count as part of my daily nutrition intake?

Meal replacement shakes are an easy way to stay on track with your diet plan, but they aren’t really part of a healthy nutritional plan. To lose weight and feel good, it’s important to eat proper meals that have a balance of carbs, protein and fat. When you consume fewer calories than you burn off throughout your day, you lose weight.

Are meal replacements better than fresh fruit & vegetables?

When you’re trying to lose weight, it’s easy to assume that eating as little food as possible will get you there fastest. And while it might be tempting to reach for that prepackaged meal replacement shake over fresh fruit and vegetables, think twice before doing so.


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