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Why Fruits Should Be a Part of Your Diet


By HUMBALE STORY Published 2 years ago 3 min read
Why Fruits Should Be a Part of Your Diet
Photo by mk. s on Unsplash

No matter what type of diet you follow or the way you choose to eat, there’s one thing that all diets have in common: they focus on your food intake and the nutrients it provides. Fruits are some of the best sources of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, and they can easily fit into any diet, including vegan, Paleo, low-carb, and even ketogenic diets. However, some people don’t take advantage of this opportunity because they have certain misconceptions about fruit.

What Are Some Benefits of Eating Fruit?

Benefits of eating fruit are numerous. It is estimated that more than two-thirds of Americans fall short on their fruit intake, according to recent data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Eating fruits can be part of a healthy diet, along with exercise and other healthy habits.

What Happens When You Don’t Eat Enough Fruit?

Although fruits have always been considered part of a healthy diet, people don’t eat enough. Most people need more than 5 servings (1 serving = 1/2 cup) per day to stay healthy, but studies show that people are consuming only 2-3 servings (1 serving = 1/2 cup) per day. It doesn’t matter if you snack on them or include them in meals – just make sure you get your fill every day!

Common Questions About Fruit

Are Nuts Healthy? Yes or No? Some nuts are healthy, and some aren’t. It all depends on what type of nut you’re talking about. For example, walnuts contain omega-3 fatty acids, which can help lower cholesterol levels. Almonds are packed with fiber and protein—and they also contain calcium and vitamin E. But peanuts are high in fat and sodium—and they don’t provide much nutritional value at all. So how do you know which nuts to eat?

Substitutions For Not Eating Fruit

Sadly, most people don’t include fruits in their diets, or eat them only sporadically. Many of these people claim that they don’t like fruit or it doesn’t taste good to them. These are just excuses that can be overcome by substituting healthy fruits for less healthy alternatives. Replace junk food snacks with fresh fruits when you feel like having something sweet and satisfying.

How Do I Get My Kids To Eat More Fruit?

If you're an adult, it's easy to be pretty healthy—you can buy whatever food you want and decide for yourself whether or not to eat it. When it comes to kids, however, things are different. You don't have as much control over what they eat; you have to figure out how to get them on board with eating healthy foods like fruits and vegetables. Here are some tips for getting your kids to start enjoying more fresh produce

Tips For Buying And Storing Fruit

There are so many types of fruits in the world, but they all have two things in common: they’re nutritious and they taste good. Fruit is also loaded with vitamins, antioxidants, and fiber. So to help you get your daily serving of fruit without filling up on sugary snacks or processed foods, here are some simple tips for buying and storing fruit.

What Is the Best Way to Prepare Fruit?

Fruit is an important part of any healthy diet. Not only is it nutrient dense and low in calories, but it’s also packed with disease-fighting antioxidants that help protect against cancer and heart disease. To stay healthy, eat a variety of fruits each day. Each fruit has its own unique set of health benefits, but most fruits are high in vitamins A and C and contain antioxidant flavonoids like lutein and zeaxanthin that boost eye health.

Where Can I Find Easy & Healthy Recipes With Fruit?

From smoothies to appetizers and full meals, there are plenty of recipes out there that are both healthy and delicious. You can find them in books and magazines as well as online; from eHow’s collection of easy recipes with fruit to Smitten Kitchen’s collection or The Kitchn. A lot depends on your preferences, but one thing is sure: you’ll find enough choices to keep yourself busy for quite some time!

Sample Weekly Menu Planning With Fruit

One major part of making a healthy diet plan is selecting proper food. And it’s impossible to go wrong with fruits and vegetables. Try to incorporate 2-3 different fruits into your diet every day.


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