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15 Simple Tips To Easily Develop Self Discipline In Your Life.

Developing self-discipline is an important key to success in life. But the problem is that most people don't understand how to do it.

By BingBingMoneyPublished 3 years ago 8 min read

Most of us are pretty good at doing the things we want, but not the things we need to in order to reach our desired goals in life. If you're ready to change that, then this list of 15 simple tips is for you. Try them out and let us know how they've been working for you.

1. Go to bed early and wake up early.

You need a certain amount of sleep every night in order to function at your best. Get into a routine of going to bed early and waking up early even on the weekends. This will help get you into the habit of sleeping enough every night no matter what time you go to sleep because you'll already be used to getting enough sleep by going to bed earlier than most people do. Also, getting enough sleep makes it much easier to wake up in the morning, which is important because we're talking about self-discipline here, not self-sabotage.

2. Make a commitment to get your resolve up.

Decide in advance how long you're going to engage in self-discipline for and then keep a tally of your total hours of self-discipline. Plan on reaching your goal around the end of the week. This helps you stick with it because now you have to see it through to the end, rather than just making halfhearted efforts at self-discipline each day and letting it go on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

3. Use journaling as a form of deep thinking time each day.

Keeping a journal of your achievements can help you feel both proud of yourself and committed to self-discipline, since you'll be looking back on all the great things you've already accomplished. Try writing down your three best attributes and then list the five top reasons why achieving your goal is important to you.

This helps remind you that there are certain qualities about yourself and things in your life that really matter to you. If those qualities are important enough for you to write down, then it's important for them to be present in all areas of your life. Self-discipline is a very humanizing quality because it allows us to exercise control over ourselves and our lives.

4. Make a list of the things that really matter to you.

Check off each thing you've accomplished as you complete it. Remember that self-discipline is a commitment and not simply a case of saying yes or no to something. That's how most people end up saying no more often than not.

Once you get started, the things on the list will be much easier to achieve because they will already be in your life, and there's more of an effort involved with each one because they're already there waiting for you to pick them up and carry them forward.

5. Learn to say no.

Being able to say no is one of the most important abilities you can develop for yourself in life. Saying yes all the time leads to overcommitting yourself, which makes it much harder to stick with self-discipline because you're already thinking about so many things that you have to do that there's not enough free time left over for what matters most. Just remember, you don't need to explain yourself or discuss it with people. Just say no and move on about your day.

6. Take it a day at a time, not a week at a time.

If you have a lot of important things you want to accomplish in life, it's important to keep them in perspective when it comes to being able to stay on track. It's tempting to try and force yourself into setting aside the first of the month or the last of the month as "self-discipline days" because they're now clean slates for all things related to self-discipline because that's when you get your paycheck or deposit if you're paid bi-weekly or weekly.

However, it's not a good idea to take things day by day, but instead, week by week. This is because our paydays don't always fall on the same day. If you have a lot of important things that you want to accomplish in life and you're already putting them off for one reason or another, taking them one at a time would be better because then you can work on them at your own pace, regardless of your income or financial status.

7. Avoid distractions and practice deep thinking time.

Many people these days are easily distracted by their surroundings even when they're trying to do something important like complete a task or goal they've set for themselves in life.

They're easily distracted by things that are far more unimportant than the things they should be focusing on. To prevent this from happening, make sure your surroundings are quiet and that you don't have any other distractions going on nearby.

If you're outside in public for some reason, then turn your phone off or set it to vibrate. Also, make sure to set aside time every day when you can just sit down and think about what's important to you and how those things in your life can be improved by achieving what you want.

8. Make a list of people who will support your goals.

Get a list of all the people who will support your goals and put it in a place where you will see it regularly. This can be beneficial for several reasons.

First, the act of writing out the list can make you more aware of who supports your goals and why they're important to you.

Second, it gives you more incentive to stick with things because they're not just something that's going on inside your head anymore. You have other people involved now, and there are things that are important to them as well as yourself, so it gives you an added sense of responsibility in achieving your goal that stems from within and without.

9. Make a list of reasons why not to self-discipline.

If you find that you're not getting your resolve up to be successful in self-discipline, then make a list of the reasons why not to engage in self-discipline. You can also make a list of reasons why it's okay if you are successful in self-discipline, which can be beneficial to see if your motives for engaging in self-discipline are authentic or just an excuse.

10. Keep a journal or logbook of what works and what doesn't work.

This is one thing that I did while I was trying to develop myself further into the person I am today and was able to overcome my own limitations in life. I kept a journal of everything that worked throughout the year and everything that didn't work.

I did this by breaking my year down into smaller chunks and then listing the things that worked during those chunks of time. Then, I would review my logs after the first month, second month, third month, and so on until I hit the end of the year. Then, I'd start over again.

This really helped because it showed me what was working and what was not working in achieving what was important to me at the time. I would then apply those things that worked in the rest of my life and what I did in my life to apply them to other areas.

This was definitely beneficial because it really helped me understand why self-discipline worked or didn't work for me when it came down to a certain time of the year. It also helped me understand why certain things happened and why some things were overlooked when it came down to certain situations.

11. Do something that makes you feel better about yourself each day.

This is good advice whether you're trying to be more productive, build better relationships with people, or improve your education and overall knowledge of the world in general.

Doing things that make you feel better about yourself can help give you a boost in your self-esteem, which in turn can help develop a more positive outlook on the world and life itself.

This will certainly be helpful in terms of self-discipline because it can help you achieve more of what's important to you, which ultimately gives you more reason to feel good about yourself and the direction in which your life is headed.

12. Make sure that you have enough reasons for why self-discipline is good.

When it comes down to self-discipline, it's important to know why you're doing it in the first place. It's not about just being lazy or having an excuse to do whatever you want when you're not in self-discipline mode.

A lot of self-motivation and self-discipline is found during times of being disciplined in the first place, such as while breaking something down into a list and then deciding how much time is needed each day to complete that thing.

If you don't have any good reasons for why you need to be more disciplined and how that discipline can help make your life better, then chances are good that you'll find yourself struggling because of those things.

13. Make sure that you have enough reasons for why self-discipline is bad.

This is also important because it can help you from straying from things in a way that will make you feel worse about yourself. If there are things that are keeping you from being disciplined and successful, then chances are good that it's because you're not following through with what's important to you in life.

This can be beneficial because it will help push your resolve to the limits and make sure that nothing gets done if your reasons for why self-discipline is bad are stronger than your reasons for why self-discipline is good.

14. Don't see failure or success as a big deal.

I feel this one is pretty simple. There are things in life that are going to work out and things that aren't. It's hard to be successful all of the time, but it's even harder to fail at something all of the time.

For most people, they have more fails than they do successes in their lives because they're not doing what they want or what they think is important. I'm not saying that you should stick with something if it's clearly not working after a certain amount of time.

You should just make sure that you see failure or success as a part of the overall process, which is something that you have control over, and the process is what's most important.

15. If you're going to procrastinate, make sure it's worth it.

There are a lot of people who seem to procrastinate more than they succeed at many things in life because they don't know how to prioritize what needs to get done and what doesn't need as much attention. Sometimes, it seems like there's so many things on your plate that you can't possibly do them all properly or adequately because of time

In Conclusion

I hope you find these tips helpful in terms of engaging in self-discipline and building better relationships with yourself.

If you want to engage in self-discipline, then make sure the purpose is for something that's truly worth it. Don't just stick with things that don't matter to your overall happiness because you'll never be successful at being happy if you don't know what's truly important.

If you haven't thought about being more productive and having better relationships with other people, then maybe this was beneficial to some of the tips I gave above.


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    BingBingMoneyWritten by BingBingMoney

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