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10 Ways to Stay on the Highest Timeline Even When All Hell Is Breaking Loose Around You

There may be chaos around you, but don’t let it in you

By Erin MixonPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

Peace is not the absence of chaos or conflict, but rather finding yourself in the midst of that chaos and remaining calm in your heart — John Mroz.

In this day and age of war, pandemics, inflation, and rising food and gas prices, many are struggling and finding it hard to stay afloat. But while many are struggling, some have miraculously managed to stay sane and not only stay afloat but actually thrive.

It’s pretty miraculous. It’s like there are two groups existing on 2 separate timelines. How can this be? Well, let’s explore why this happens…

10 Ways to Stay on the Highest Possible Timeline

Limit your time watching the news. As we know, the news can be pretty negative. Networks broadcast literally all day long constantly informing us how awful the state of our world is. Tune in every now and then…get the gist and then turn it off. Remember what you focus on multiplies.

Limit time spent with negative people. It can definitely be addictive to sit around complaining about how bad things are. It can even make us feel better at first. But it’s a trap. The more you talk about how bad things are, the more your universe will adjust to confirm what you are affirming. Don’t fall into this trap.

Limit your time on social media. Social media can be a cesspool of negativity. Between the often inaccurate and inflated news reports and statistics and the extremely negative and draining comments, social media can often leave you feeling much worse than you did initially. So be mindful of what you view and take in on social media.

Don’t spend too much time engaging in conversations with friends about how bad things are. Talking with friends is always a source of comfort. So it’s understandable that you would want to talk with friends often. But if you find yourself getting into negative conversations about the state of the world, redirect the conversation to something more positive.

Don’t watch TV specials that go on and on about how bad the state of things are and how we are all doomed. I’m sure you’ve seen these “special reports” that come on during prime time television that emphasize the pandemic numbers, the rising inflation, the surging gas prices, and the soaring price of food. Maybe watch the first 15 minutes to get the gist, and then move on.

Take frequent mental health breaks. I usually watch the news maybe two times out of the week. This is so I’m aware of what’s going on, but not consumed by it. But there are times when I don’t watch it at all because I simply need a break. Take mental health breaks as needed.

Take in counter views that speak about how things are improving and getting better. For every news report that speaks about how terrible the state of the world is, there is a positive report that counteracts this. Listen to those reports more often!

Listen to inspirational messages and reports. In this world of craziness and doomsday messages being spewed left and right, we need some positivity as well. Listen to positive speakers like Joel Osteen to bring some balance back into your life.

Find positive and supportive groups online. Social networks like Facebook and Twitter have groups you can join where you can engage with other like-minded, positive people. This engagement leaves you feeling happy, uplifted, and positive rather than down, drained, and negative.

Give thanks and express gratitude often for the many blessings you experience at this time. (i.e. stimulus checks, discounted gas and food, healthy friends and family).

I know that we are living at a time where things can be very challenging and frustrating. But there truly is so much to be grateful for and so many blessings all around us.

We just have to tune into these blessings. We do this by taking our focus off of the negative so we can actually see the abundance of blessings.

When we do this, the universe adjusts to meet our expectation of existing in a positive world, rather than a negative one.

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About the Creator

Erin Mixon

I am a blogger and inspirational writer.

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