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10 tips for losing weight

Healthy Ways To lose Weight

By Johanna WanjiruPublished about a year ago 7 min read

Our dietitians do not advise extreme weight loss, but there are healthy, sustainable approaches to jump-start weight loss.

Fast weight loss can seem quite alluring. This is particularly true when fad diets and social media make it appear more feasible to lose 10 pounds in 10 days than it actually is. Yo-yo dieting or "weight cycling" is really linked to a higher chance of passing away. The reality is that losing weight is difficult for many people for a variety of reasons, including life stage, body composition, physical activity, genetics, and hormones. Additionally, weight is just one of many elements that affect our general health; it is not the be all and end all.

Our nutrition and fitness professionals would never advise extreme calorie restriction and excessive exercise for health reasons, but they also point out that if you try those methods, you'll probably put all the weight back on faster than you lost it. The healthiest approach to weight loss is without a doubt changing your food and lifestyle as a whole.

There are a few healthy suggestions that almost all of us can put into practice starting right now if you're trying to lose weight in a healthy way that will last.

10 Tips for Safe Weight Loss Backed by Experts

1. Up your veggie intake.

Focus on including a variety of nutritional foods into your diet to support overall health and weight management rather than limiting particular foods and food groups. Produce naturally contains little fat and calories, but is nevertheless nutrient-dense and nourishing. The water and fiber it contains lend bulk to recipes. By substituting fruits and vegetables for foods with a higher caloric content, you can make delightful dishes that are lower in calories. Consider using 50/50 or cauliflower rice in place of starchy white rice. You're on the correct track to greater health if you consider making any meal largely vegetables (at least 50% of anything you're having).

2. Build a better breakfast.

If you are currently skipping breakfast and still finding it difficult to prioritize leading a healthy lifestyle, a balanced meal that is packed with fiber, protein, and healthy fats will alter your day. By making you feel "hangry" in the afternoon, skipping breakfast may affect your hunger hormones throughout the day, making it more difficult for you to resist overeating or seeking foods high in sugar and refined carbohydrates. Breakfasts that will fill you up, keep you full, and ward off cravings later in the day are the greatest, heartiest breakfast options.For your morning meal, aim for 350 to 500 calories and include a source of lean protein, filling fat (like eggs, unsweetened Greek yogurt, nuts or nut butters), and fiber (like vegetables, fruit, or 100% whole grains). You'll lose weight if you start your day with a blood sugar-stabilizing combination of nutrients.

3. Skip sugary beverages.

Simply said, liquid calories don't make us feel as satisfied as actual food does. A bowl of stir-fried vegetables and protein is much more satiating than a juice or caramel coffee drink. Avoiding sugary drinks is frequently the simplest way to lose weight more quickly, and as an added bonus, it's beneficial for things like heart health and diabetes prevention. Keep an eye on how much juice, soda, sweetened coffee, tea, and alcohol you consume. If you sip on each of those drinks throughout the day, you'll have consumed an additional 800 calories by nightfall and still feel hungry. Alcohol may, incidentally, inhibit the metabolism of fat, making it more difficult for you to burn those calories.

4. Get moving.

Any kind of exercise can be a very effective weight-loss technique. Walking is a fantastic, affordable choice that only needs a nice pair of sneakers as additional workout equipment. According to a recent study, those who walk 8,200 steps per day are less likely to gain weight, experience major depressive disorder, or develop other chronic health disorders. Consider walking as a result to lose weight and improve your general health.Strength training also increases the amount of lean muscle tissue, which burns more calories throughout the day, seven days a week, whether exercising or just relaxing. You will lose weight more quickly the more lean muscle you possess.

5. Eat mindfully.

It might be beneficial to portion control to take your time while eating and concentrate on the flavor, textures, temperature, and aromas of your food. However, mindful eating also entails paying close attention to what you eat and when you consume it. This can help you spot unneeded snacking times throughout the day that you might not be aware of but could be adding extra calories to your diet. More essential, attempt to stay away from eating meals that you didn't choose. The focus of control can be shifted from outside authorities and cues to your body's own inner wisdom with the aid of mindful eating. Making smarter decisions in the short and long term also involves recognizing where your extra calories truly originate from.

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6. Spice up your life.

In fact, eating spicy food can aid in calorie reduction. This is due to the fact that the component capsaicin, which is present in both jalapeo and cayenne peppers, may (slightly) raise your body's production of stress hormones like adrenaline, which can hasten the rate at which you burn calories. Additionally, consuming hot peppers may encourage you to eat more slowly and limit your intake. You're more likely to remain aware of your hunger cues. Along with hot peppers, ginger and turmeric are also excellent options.

7. Go to bed earlier.

Numerous studies have shown that having less sleep than is ideal, or roughly seven hours per night, can cause your metabolism to slow down. Chronic sleep deprivation may even change the hormones that regulate hunger, and some studies link choosing unhealthy foods and insufficient sleep. Numerous other advantages of getting enough sleep include increasing alertness, enhancing mood, and generally improving quality of life. Don't shortchange yourself on sleep, and you'll be rewarded with an edge when it comes to general health and weight loss. Every minute counts, so start small by simply advancing bedtime by 15 to 30 minutes.

8. Keep a food journal.

Studies repeatedly show that people who document every meal, especially those they eat, are more likely to lose weight and keep it off in the long run. According to a study that was written up in the journal Obesity, the habit also only requires less than 15 minutes each day on average when practiced frequently.Start keeping track with a simple notepad or a monitoring app like MyFitnessPal. You'll be able to take responsibility for your food choices. Plus, when it's written down in front of you, you can quickly spot places that could require some improvement.

9. Resist the urge to skip a meal.

Our nutritionists emphasize that missing meals won't hasten your weight loss. Put some fruit and nut butter in your car or handbag, keep snacks in your desk drawer, or do whatever it takes to avoid being hungry if a busy day prevents you from sitting down to a meal.Long periods of fasting undermine our efforts to eat healthily by slowing down metabolism and preparing us for binge eating later in the day. Don't go more than three to four hours without eating, and make it a goal to consume three meals and two snacks each day. If necessary, set a "snack alarm" on your phone.

10. Munch on mineral-rich foods.

Sodium, which causes bloating, can be balanced out by potassium, magnesium, and calcium. Leafy greens, the majority of "orange" foods (oranges, sweet potatoes, carrots, and melon), bananas, tomatoes, and cruciferous vegetables, particularly cauliflower, are foods high in potassium. Nuts, seeds, and low-fat dairy products can all help you fight bloating. In addition, they've been connected to a slew of other health advantages, including lowering blood pressure, managing blood sugar, and lowering the risk of chronic disease in general.

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