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Writing Sites That Pays

You to Blog

By Jaymie SuhPublished 4 years ago 3 min read
Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

So you're looking for a writing side hustle but don't know where to start. I have new discovery where you can start blogging without the need to create your own website.

I know, it can be intimidating to just start a blog from scratch. Not to mention you need to get a web hosting service and register your domain name.

Don't start me up with monetizing because honestly, it's complicated to teach. I'm developing a short course for that. But for now, let's just go with the shortcuts.

Writing Websites That Pays You To Blog

It was also known as KikiTime. I recently just discovered this website or should I say their smartphone app.

Yes, you heard it right. It's an app and you can simply download it in both iOS or Android.

Anyway, this is a good place to start if you are an aspiring blogger. Why? Because they will pay you from $1-$2 per post. It depends on which country you're from but still, a dollar is a dollar.

Don't worry, because you can post as much as you want. Just make sure to follow their rules and you're good to go.

It's like social media but you can share your stories. If you want to get paid, you have to write from 300-400 word article.

They also required you to post non-copy write photos. Or better yet, use your own images from your camera.

As you grow your audience, you will receive FIRE which is their like button. Whenever you give another blogger a FIRE, you will get a point for yourself as well.

Since I'm still starting up with them, I haven't reached the payout yet. But with my 3 articles, I already earned $4.90. Not bad for a start.

Once you reach the payment threshold which is $75, you can get it with PayPal, Bitcoin, GooglePay, and PayTM. Please be aware that a few will also be deducted from your earnings.

Kiki Super Creators can also be a good goal to reach. With this status, you will receive a colorful diamond badge and you will become a VIP.

Qualifications to be a Super Creator

1. The account should be 2 months old.

2. You must have 50 posts in your account.

3. Have at least 500-page followers.

4. Your badge should reach the Silver Creator.

5. Content must be creative.

Vocal Media is another writing website where you can create and share your stories. It's more strict rules than Kikiers. Since you have to wait for approval after you submitted your article.

You need to write a minimum of 600 words to get your article approved. Your earnings will be based on your reads so it's a little bit tricky.

If you get 1000 reads, you will get $3.80. But if you want to increase it, you can join the vocal + account. It's their Premium account. If you are serious about your blogging with them, just pay the $9.99 monthly fee.

You will get paid via Stripe so you will need to set it up to get paid. Just verify your details and once its approved, you're good to go.

They do not have a referral program though so you can just go to their website to sign up. For more details, you can check their website.

Feel free to also check my article there titled, Paranoia. This way, you will have more ideas on what type of articles they likely to approve. Just make sure to write at least 700 words to be safe.

I was also able to write more articles with Vocal and I already made more than $1 for not even promoting my articles from them. I guess its really a good decision to join them and I am planning to focus more on it.


Writing can be a very good source of some extra cash. These websites can possibly provide a good passive income compared to others out there. It’s also better than starting your own website since you can get results in just a short time. So if you are looking for something good that will provide better results, you can give both of these websites a shot! I hope you will find it useful in your writing journey.


About the Creator

Jaymie Suh

A highly regarded writer known for her insightful and engaging content. With a passion for storytelling and a talent for crafting compelling narratives, she has made a significant impact in the world of online writing and content creation.

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