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Why Is It Easy To Earn Money But Hard To Be Rich

Here, How time affects finances.

By Mathis Raja OfficialPublished about a year ago 6 min read
Why Is It Easy To Earn Money But Hard To Be Rich
Photo by Igal Ness on Unsplash


It’s easy to earn money. It’s also easy to spend it. But the truth is that if you want to be rich—which means having enough money left over after paying your bills and saving for retirement—then you need more than just cash in your bank account.

You also need certain things like a healthy savings habit, a reliable income stream from other sources (or at least something that feels like one), and an understanding of how time affects finances.

The need for immediate gratification

In a society that values instant gratification, we are impatient and want things quickly. We want to see the results of our actions immediately. This can be seen in the way we shop, how we eat and even how much money we spend on various things.

We want to buy things now, not later because it's more convenient for us if they're ready-to-go rather than waiting around for them slowly grow into something useful or beautiful. We don't want our money sitting around doing nothing until it has "grown" enough for us to use it!

The impact of your financial upbringing

You may have experienced financial hardship and hardship, but it's not always easy to deal with the emotional baggage that comes along with it. You may also be afraid of making mistakes or losing money because you were never taught how to manage money in an effective way. In this situation, you might find yourself paralyzed by fear when dealing with investments or investments that require a high degree of risk tolerance.

It's important for us all as adults (and especially young adults) to understand where our strengths lie—and then use those strengths as tools for becoming successful investors and entrepreneurs!

The challenges of balancing money and time

One of the biggest challenges that most people face when trying to earn money is balancing their time and money. This can be a difficult balancing act, especially if you’re also trying to invest in yourself or your business.

I think it all comes down to priorities and goals. If you don’t have any goals, then what are you really doing?

You might think that earning more money will solve all your problems but it won’t—at least not right away! Instead, if you set some clear short-term goals like getting promoted at work or saving up enough cash for a vacation this year (or whatever else makes sense), then working on these issues will become easier because they allow us focus our energy where it belongs: into accomplishing something meaningful rather than just chasing after new opportunities around every corner.

The lack of investible assets

One of the reasons it's so hard to be rich is that many people don't know how to invest. In fact, this is one of the biggest reasons why people end up poor and broke: they have no idea how money works.

The first thing you need to understand about investing is that it's not just about putting your money in a bank account or stock market index fund and hoping for the best; there are different types of investments available today, including bonds (which provide returns based on interest payments), real estate (a valuable asset if you can make money from it).

Commodities like gold or oil stocks without any direct connection between them being bought and sold accordingly by traders who buy low then sell high when prices rise again later on down at different time intervals throughout each day depending upon what kind of trade deals were struck earlier today when trading opened up again after lunchtime but not before dinner arrived instead which means we'll need someone else's help now though since mine hasn't arrived yet...

The lack of a financial safety net

A financial safety net is a set of resources that you can use to support yourself if you lose your job or have an unexpected expense. It's important to have one because it keeps your family safe and secure, so they don't have to rely on charity or government assistance.

The most important part of building a financial safety net is having confidence in your ability to stay employed, earn enough money and save enough money without having an unexpected expense happen at the same time. You also need to make sure that whatever extra income you earn goes towards building up this fund as well as paying down debt first before putting any spending into it (otherwise it could become volatile).

While earning more than you spend is an essential step in becoming rich, it’s not the only requirement. To put yourself on the path to wealth, you need to cultivate many positive money habits.

While earning more than you spend is an essential step in becoming rich, it’s not the only requirement. To put yourself on the path to wealth, you need to cultivate many positive money habits.

The Need For Immediate Gratification

You are what you think about, so if your thoughts are filled with anxiety about making a purchase today and not tomorrow, then this will manifest into your actions by making purchases before thinking about them first. In order for anyone to become wealthy, they must be able to resist instant gratification when it comes time for them to make purchases or invest in something new and exciting (e.g., buying stocks).

This can be difficult because many people live paycheck-to-paycheck and feel like there isn't enough money coming in each month; however this should never stop us from achieving our goals! If we want something badly enough then we won't let anything get in our way!

Some examples include: eating out every day instead of cooking at home; buying clothes instead of repairing them; going out drinking instead doing something productive like volunteering or cleaning up after pets so they don't get sick again...etc..


So, what’s the takeaway from all this? I hope it’s clear that even though you can earn more than you spend, there are still many things holding back your financial success. Your financial habits will have a huge impact on how much money you make in the long run.It doesn't matter if your job pays well or not; in fact, how much you earn is irrelevant. What's crucial—and this applies to most people today—is that you stop spending more than you make!

With so few hours left each week after work gets done and bills paid off every month? You won’t make enough money to save for retirement or even invest properly for yourself down the line either because there simply aren't enough hours in any given day anymore!

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About the Creator

Mathis Raja Official

"Financial enthusiast & affiliate marketer sharing my journey through finance, blogging, & YouTube videos. Helping others make the most of their money & reach financial freedom."

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