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Why I Can't Stand Woda Maya & Don't Understand Why Africans Ignore His Sexists Posts, One Sided Videos Of Africa

Africans seem to be struggling to make Africa appear to be perfect and it's not, no where on earth is perfect

By IwriteMywrongsPublished 5 months ago Updated 5 months ago 13 min read
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Saturday, 9 December 2023

By: TB Obwoge

Woda Maya who's real name is Kobina Ackon, he's a Ghanian social media influencer, his entire goal is to show Africa as this perfect place, with perfect people who don't discriminate against anyone. They're the victims of the world's discrimination, so they're perfect and accept everyone.

These types of influencers are the most annoying, they're one sided views never prepares others for the reality that they'll run into in African countries. Here I will lay out every aspect of his misleading videos and all the bullshit lies he's feeding people.

1. His videos of sexism towards women just for likes, shares and comments. This typical Ghanian man & I say that with joking and a bit of reality. Ghana has a "rape culture" that is actually disgusting. I've deep dived into several times before, frankly it's gross. Laughing at rape, sexual violence towards women, men thinking they can openly touch women. That behavior is world-wide.

However when in South Africa, this sub-human decided it would be a good idea to record women's rear ends. Women who were simply walking down the street, he didn't tell them or get permission. I guess he thought since their faces were not being shown it was perfectly acceptable to show their asses.

South Africa, has a systemic rape problem, a rape problem that touches even children. Rape in South Africa is widely known and discussed. A quick Google search would tell anyone all they need to know about how bad things are.

A Ghanian social media influencer, goes to South Africa, to further sexualize South African women. What a flex for this 4-foot tall moron.

Screenshot from Twitter X

1a. Sexualizing women continues to be his theme, he always post videos about which country has the most beautiful women. Why are African women to be sexualized by a Black African man?

Again typical behavior I witnessed in Ghana.

2. Let me explain the photo used for this article, in this video Woda Maya, is eating with a group of other Africans. He's rude and started to eat during the prayer over the food, however he doesn't address that behavior.

During the meal, the only woman in the video picks up her food with her left hand, Ghanians believe their left had is dirty. It should only be used to wipe yourself and clean dirty things. I have no idea how you can properly clean anything without using both hands, however I found most things and places in Ghana to be filthy and don't see how cleaning was taught.

Screenshot from Facebook Post of Wada Maya's Video

This is also a Muslim practice, when I mentioned this to a Ghanian, several started insulting me saying no it isn't it's an Akan tradition. It's also a Muslim one I explained, again insults poured in, something I'm used to experiencing from living in Ghana.

West Africa has a very large Muslim community, in many West African countries it's the most practiced religion.

He says to her, "You would be smacked in Ghana!" He made a nasty face, then proceeds to tell her I'm about to leave the table, he then tells her she needs to learn and start eating with her right hand. Typical behavior from a man.

What a perfect time to teach someone about your culture, instead he behaved like a moronic, typical, angry African man that was forcing someone to practice his way of life. He could've explained to her how it's done in his country, why they do this and their beliefs.

Some people commented that she's from Zimbabwe, it doesn't mater where she's from he could have behaved like an adult and taught her & the viewers something about his culture from Ghana.

In the comments, several Africans said that they're left handed and how would eating work for them. Even a Ghanian who's left handed said he uses his all the time in Ghana. He was insulted by several people, the insults were typical again of my experiences living in Ghana. Insults were the main experiences of the day and it gets tiring very quickly.

The fact that he met her with violence is another issues I found very common in Ghana. Parenting, violence, hit, beat, brutalize children, never explain and talk to them to correct behavior. Seeing infants with broken limbs and people thinking smacking infants is acceptable.

Caning in Ghana's schools is acceptable and legal to this date, it's been outlawed in several African countries like Kenya. It also has still lead to the death of children in Kenya.

Of course this isn't everyone or every parent, for those waiting to attack and get angry at anything an "outsider" says. This also was common practice for Ghana, you can't dislike anything and speak about it, you're told to get out of their country.

I find it sad that an influencer with millions of views can't teach more, instead of assuming everyone in Africa should practice his culture.

3. Not one African in the world hates Black Americans - Bullshit!

This influencer found one Black American man that claims he thought Africans hated Black Americans but no they don't. This is what the man said, Woda Maya made an entire nonsense speech once again how Africans accept and love everyone.

Once again this is the typical White Supremacy you'll find in the United States, "Oh look we found a negro that says white people aren't racists and love the blacks!"

He found the one Black man that never in life found the hatred that some Africans bring to the US about Black Americans. Hell, there are even white Americans that know of Africans who simply hate Black Americans for no reasons. In-turn there are Black Americans who will hate Africans.

In the United States there have been Africans refusing to serve Black Americans in their businesses. Same for a Jamaican woman who went viral for refusing to rent her Air BNB to any Blacks from America.

Black African women, where bonnets on their heads as well, it's nothing wrong with it. I've even seen house dresses worn by Africans in the streets, it's perfectly fine, they're not naked, people can wear whatever they want, in Africa, America or in Jamaica.

The leader of this Fundamental Black American movement Tariq Nasheed, often points out racism in America. Many of his followers argue & insult Africans online, Nigerians mainly are their targes. However he argues with many Africans about nothing, his account however posts several videos of Africans saying and doing hateful things in American towards Black Americans (African Americans) a term I don't regularly use and I know my people are from Africa.

There is so many people in Ghana who are not accepting of anyone who's different. Many of the citizens are not welcoming, even their own large Lebanese population continues to receive discrimination. Most have money and can live in segregated communities away from most everyday citizens.

The lie of everyone accepting tattoos, dreadlocks or anyone without very dark skin, is just that a lie!

4. Painting Africa with "rose colored glasses" making it appear as such a perfect homogenous continent - Perspective from an African who can't stand Wada Maya's content

8 Reasons Why I’ve Begun Losing Interest In influencer Maya’s YouTube Videos

I can’t stomach the thought of Wode Maya promoting Sub-Saharan African countries through rose-colored glasses, because no matter how hard Wode Maya tries to deny it, Africa is still the poorest continent on the planet. According to, the rural population in Africa will face extreme poverty at a rate of roughly 50% in 2022, compared to 10% in metropolitan regions. Malnutrition is common in Africa, along with poverty.

Food insecurity leads to poor health, which increases the chance of falling into poverty. I also do not believe it is my responsibility to impose Pan-Africanism on Black people who are citizens of nations other than Africa.

Asa Frenchman of Congolese descent who has lived in a few African countries, I have no objections to Wode Maya attempting to promote Africa in a way that is respectable in the eyes of the world, given that continent is known for poverty, hunger, political instabillity, tribalism, a lack of structure, religious conflicts, ethnic conflicts, climate problems, corruptions, and so on.

The image of a poverty-stricken Africa persists in the minds of average individuals in the West and other countries outside of Africa because those of us who are originally from Sub-Saharan Africa do not respect ourselves. I am sick and tired of my fellow Black Africans blaming former colonial powers for all of our difficulties in life and across diverse African countries. It has been the thing that we have maintained doing for decades, and how the hell has it worked for us?

1. If Africa is the best continent in the world, why are many Africans fleeing it for a better life in the developed world?

If Africa is the best continent in the world, why are so many Africans going to Europe, the Americas, and Asia for a better life? The reason I’m saying this is because I’m calling out Wode Maya for saying such nonsense. The African continent continues to face enormous health issues, including high mother and newborn mortality rates, a high prevalence of HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria, epidemics, and neglected tropical diseases. Africa’s poor energy distribution includes aging infrastructure, a lack of government oversight, and a skills shortage to operate national systems. Another issue in Africa is a huge unemployment population, which implies the lost potential because communities and nations fail to capitalize on what the youth could have to offer to their respective Sub-Saharan African countries

2. Wode Maya keeps dreaming of utopian Pan-African ideals that keep off track.

Pan Africanists like Wode Maya have unattainable goals of uniting Africa into a single Black African nation; to that I say, fuck you, because this is what I mean by Black Supremacy. When will Pan-Africanist idealists wake up and realize that Africa is a continent with 54 f-ing countries with diverse cultures, tribes, histories, traditions, and customs? How are they going to get 54 countries together to become one Africa?

3. It is not Wode Maya’s or the average Black African’s responsibility to travel to countries with a high concentration of Black people in the diaspora and teach them about their Africanness.

Why should I care if there are Black people in Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Honduras, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Brazil, and other Latin American countries who do not want to be called Africans? If some Black people in that region and elsewhere do not wish to see themselves as Africans, why should Wode Maya try to persuade some Black people in Brazil, and potentially other African countries, to have strong ties to the motherland? These Black populations reside in countries that are their only home, and they are not stupid since they know they came to that region of the world in slave ships decades ago.

4. Africa is the most corrupt continent in the world.

According to the Corruption Perception Index, Sub-Saharan Africa has maintained its status as the world’s most corrupt geographical region. The majority of African countries (44 out of 49) in this year’s index fell below the CPI midpoint of 0 (very corrupt) to 100 (extremely clean).

5. Wode Maya doesn’t question mentalities, values, and ways of thinking that keep Africa stuck.

Wode Maya, as someone who has lived in China and traveled to Singapore, should encourage African societies to wake up and put in the work required to benefit from the construction of durable but flexible institutions, which must push through at least four radical, intensive import substitution, export-oriented manufacturing; to moving the entire economy up the value chain; and finally, and sharply turning the focus to infrastructure, human capital.

6. Wode Maya has not promoted a North African country on his YouTube channel

Many of you are well aware of how critical I am and have been of the Arab world’s silence on the Darfour Genocide, as well as Libyans selling Black people from other African countries as modern-day slaves to human traffickers. I have also stated that the Arab world will never produce democratic societies, especially when one considers how they treat Black people and other minorities in their countries, and racism is a cultural and social norm in that part of the world that is not even condemned by society and governments; it is shameful.

Source Medium

I speak to this African man via my WhatsApp, I don't share all his views on Africa, he often doesn't understand why I want to live in African countries. I can't explain it, I love it, Ghana was tramatic for me but not all African countries are bad. Also Africa is 56 countries, with 55 members of the African Union.

Not all Africans scream at you when walking down the roads in Ghana and think they're polite while calling you fat, biggie or white when you're not.

5. Ignoring North Africa (Skin color, racism in Africa because they're looked at as Arabs not Africans but Sudan is North Africa)

Not all North Africans think that they're not Africans, this was a line in the article from above. Wada Maya is doing a horrible disservice by not showing the lives, architecture and beauty of North Africa.

Also there is a large population of darker skinned, North Africans that don't get much exposure, from Tunisia, to Egypt to Morocco and even Algeria.

His colorism and racism with excluding North Africa is another typical issue I found in Ghana. Why the hatred for the non-Black Africans? I will never understand this, why so many Africans think Africa is a Black continent. This influencer has the chance to show that Africa isn't just where Black people have lived all their lives. There are white Africans.

6. Africans thinking they own the "Blackness" which is promoted within Woda Maya's videos -

3. It is not Wode Maya’s or the average Black African’s responsibility to travel to countries with a high concentration of Black people in the diaspora and teach them about their Africanness.

This point from the above article, this is what annoys me the most, this was what Burna Boy tried to proclaim, this is what Akon tells Black Americans as well.

Black Africans seem to think you're nothing without their culture or loving Africa and Africans. Black Americans are force fed this mentality that we have no culture, are just like white people in America.

I happened to find several Africans posting this on Facebook, you're looked at as nothing if you don't love Africa or Africans, this is common shaming Blacks in America face by the hands of Africans. If you've never travelled to Africa you are worthless in the eyes of many Africans because they own Blackness and you have no culture if it doesn't appear exactly like their culture.

Where are Woda Maya would've actual been beaten, had a Black American Christian mother caught him stuffing his fat face during the prayer over the meal. No matter what religion that was disrespectful and he did it on camera while forcing someone to respect his Ghanian (Muslim) practicing culture.

Woda Maya promotes racial division (which I've seen so many Black Africans use then say Black people can't be racist) he promotes the sense that you have no culture unless you either practice Ghana's culture or ones that look exactly like theirs.

It's a common thread that leads to hatred for Black Americans who don't walk around wearing and talking only about Africa and Africans. Again this is typical White Supremacy mentality, if you don't look and behave like one of us you are nothing and we will discriminate against you.

Sadly millions of Africans don't see any issues with Woda Maya, they only care that you look like them and that Africa & Africans are painted as perfect.

Thank you for reading 🙏🏽 Please consider buying a coffee for Lacey’s House efforts in Gender Equality & Children’s Rights as it tries to move international.

©️TB Obwoge 2023 All Rights Reserved

pop culturetravelsocial mediahumanity

About the Creator


I'm the president of a nonprofit. I've lived in 3 countries, I love to travel, take photos and help children and women around the world! One day I pray an end to Child Marriages, Rape and a start to equal Education for ALL children 🙏🏽

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