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What About the Hypothesis That Gravity Is Just a Myth?

Just an Illusion

By Ian SankanPublished 10 months ago 5 min read

Sir Isaac Newton is said to have observed an apple fall from a tree in the 17th century and wondered why it had fallen to the ground rather than upward or sideways, which would have been freaky. After years of research, he concluded that gravity must be the culprit; scientists called it a force of attraction that was present between all objects, but Albert Einstein revolutionised these ideas about gravity many years later. As a young scientist, Einstein reportedly struggled to develop theories to explain the behaviour of moving objects. When an experiment came to his mind, he is said to have called it the "happiest of thoughts," according to legend. He reportedly wasn't entirely satisfied with Newton's findings because something seemed wrong. He compared the feeling of gravity to writing in an ascending lift. relativity in general. Simply put, Einstein started working arduously to establish this theory, and at a certain point, he even expressed concern that he would go insane. According to general relativity, space warps or curves due to gravity. Our sun is large enough to warp space throughout the entire solar system, which is why our planet and every other planet in the solar system orbit the star. This warping also affects how we measure time; if you look at your watch, time appears to pass at the same rate every day, but if you hike to the top of a mountain, time seems to pass at a different rate. that's because, bearing these studies in mind, gravity influences how quickly time passes. We experience gravity as a force simply because we are placed on a surface; however, if there were no service and no attraction between us and this surface, we would become weightless. If you don't mind some strange looks, Einstein concluded that gravity was not an attraction force but instead a curvature in the fabric of space-time. Attempt this experiment. You'll soon notice that your weight changes, requiring a bathroom scale and a lift to ride. At the International Space Station, astronauts move along with the station, so there is nothing to push them against the station's side so that they have some weight even if we continue to believe that gravity as a force it's the weakest one we know because it only attracts and there is no negative coercion. However, as you move up and down in the building in the lift, the gravitational Force is the same, but your weight varies because the lift speeds up and slows down. The Earth's gravitational pull is less powerful than that of a refrigerator magnet. All species on Earth are constrained in their growth by the height of their skeletons and by how much weight they can support, which is directly related to gravity, which is why some marine creatures are capable of getting bigger. The fact that our planet has gravity also influences the way people look and behave. the largest animal on our planet right now is the Antarctic blue whale it's regarding the size of two school buses paired that's because sea creatures can float which a bit counteracts gravity the effects of gravity can be seen in individuals too we are taller in the morning than we are in the evening our everyday duties and the added impact of gravity make the cartilage in our ankles knees hips back as well as neck compress once you have overnight sleep the cartilage swells back to normal gravity may also affect your shower everyday that is if you're an astronaut they have to depend on the old-fashioned way of bathing up there on the space facility they can't take a shower because the Force of gravity up there is unique and water doesn't flow as it ought to instead they use liquid soap water as well as no rinse shampoo they initially squeeze some liquid soap along with water from pre-made water pouches onto their skin afterwards they open the no rinse shampoo and add a little water to cleanse their hair towels are then utilised to wipe off the extra water which is really precious in space to make sure they recycle it Excess water is immediately evaporated using an airflow system. Weight and gravity should not be equated. Since weight is the Force an object exerts on a person back on Earth, astronauts on the space station do float, and you may occasionally hear that they are in a state of zero gravity, but this is untrue because gravity up there is only about 90% of what it is on Earth. However, astronauts appear and feel weightless because most creatures have evolved to sense and adapt to Earth's gravitational pull in the sea; for example, some fish have floating calcium carbonate deposits. Our own Moon also remains where it is due to the effects of gravity; if not for this Force, our satellite would have floated away by now. The objects with the biggest gravitational pulls in the universe are black holes; fortunately, our planet. Salmonella, the type of bacteria known to cause food poisoning, becomes three times nastier in the condition of microgravity, so you've got to cook your chicken. Even light itself cannot escape a black hole's gravitational pull. similarly gravity is different on each planet and due to of that things weigh differently depending on which planet they're on take Earth for instance an object that weighs 100 pounds here might only be 38 pounds on Mercury but if you're planning on losing weight fast try booking a trip to Pluto an individual who weighs 150 pounds on Earth would weigh no more than 10 pounds on Pluto the same person might weigh considerably more on Jupiter which is the planet with the most powerful gravity 150 pounds on Earth would consequently into more than 354 pounds there no thanks remember that experiment with watches ticking at distinct levels of elevation it transforms out that gravity isn't spread evenly on the surface of Earth why because our planet isn't a flawless sphere the mass of Earth isn't evenly distributed either that's why you get shifts in gravity in different locations more so gravity is weaker at the equator since of the centrifugal forces produced by the planet's rotation since we've always perceived gravity as a force we seem to suspect that it has somewhat of a suction motion but it's not precisely true back in 1998 scientists were baffled to see that the expansion of the universe was speeding up so they related this to the repulsive gravity of mysterious Dark Energy we now know that dark energy makes up for greater than 60 percent of the mass energy of our whole universe but because nobody knows what it actually is we can only make assumptions and when this largely accepted is quantum theory which appears to claim that gravity pushes rather than pulls things.

fact or fiction

About the Creator

Ian Sankan

I am a writer with proven writing ability in various fields. I consider writing a passionate career and a platform through which I extend my intellectual ability.

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