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The Worlds I'm Creating

"I love being creative, and for me, it doesn't matter what it is- whether it's art or music or just daydreaming." -Brett Dennen

By🪲Published 3 years ago 4 min read
The Worlds I'm Creating
Photo by Guillermo Ferla on Unsplash

You probably clicked on this story, wondering what it meant. I'm happy I got your attention. :)

Hi. My name is Frankiesha, and I like to write fictional books. I truly get excited whenever I think of characters, themes, and scenarios. Stories are so much fun to write, and I always loved to visit new worlds. I truly find happiness in writing fictional stories.

Since I was in middle school, I've always loved fully releasing into my writing, expressing ideas, and creating different walks of life. In a way, it's like my escape from the reality I'm currently in. You don't really see a lot of unicorns and aliens roaming through our universe.

Have you ever thought to yourself as you look at the sky, "I wonder what's up there?" I think that all the time! I have tried astral projection, but it only allows me to move my soul and witness my surroundings without moving my body. I don't have much drive to be an astronaut. That's not my thing.

But to play Flying Lotus, and make a story about heroes and animals that you created with your mind, brings me so much dopamine to my senses.

What I am currently working on

A scene from the film Paprika.

Right now, I am currently working on my first book, which I hope people will enjoy. I don't want to say too much about what it's about but an adventure that I know people will love.

That is a manifestation of mine, to have the book published and for people to fall in love with the characters I created. Part of having what you manifest is to let go and let the universe do its job. A mental task that is hard for me to do, but it's worth doing to get what you want.

I created characters for this book when I was about 17 years old. And this was the source of why I didn't have the best grades in class, but I loved thinking of how my protagonist looked and writing her story. It makes me feel like, in a way, I'm writing my own story.

I am very much into surrealism, as well as metaphysical themes in cartoons and movies. I grew up watching Adventure Time and Satoshi Kon films. I fell in love with the idea that philosophy, technology, science, and spirituality and heavily influenced my favorite shows and movies.

What Influenced Me to Start this?

This idea started when I was around 16. I wanted to make a story based on my life, but after some thinking, I decided to write instead a story about a fictional character that helps save the world! I've always loved movies featuring heroines! Hayao Miyazaki movies made me feel like I could do anything just because they did.

One of my favorite heroines from his films is San from "Princess Mononoke." San is one of my favorite characters because she has good intentions for the earth spirits and the forest but is misunderstood because of her appearance and how she was raised.

The way she looks in the film is what I admire. She stands out, wearing fur, and has a red wolf mask. Her outfit reminds me of Indigenous custom wear. Very beautiful, and she looks like she's part of the pack.

Another thing that influenced me to start writing this book is a classmate in my French class. She already published a few books with years of poetry put into it at the age of 15. I was very impressed! I already had the drive to write poetry, and her sharing of her accomplishments inspired me to start writing a book.

After that, What Next?

BMO from Adventure Time cutting a rug

So I write the book, and it's published. Now, what's next to do?

The book will actually be the first part of a series. I want my audience to grow and develop with the character the same way I grew watching Adventure Time & Avatar: The Last Airbender. The protagonist is currently in high school. I want the character to end her story in her 30's.

I'm already getting new ideas for the next book coming up after this project is done. The theme is a bit different, but will still have that same aesthetic, with some new characters I planned and designed.

This is a story involving different universes that I made myself. I want to put the story in more than just one book. Projects like this usually take a good deal of time. I usually have one excellent idea, then think of another one, and erase some of my work to improve the story. I've made decisions like that with my podcast and my book. I know that this projecting I'm creating will be successful.


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Follow me on Instagram @lafrankiesha


About the Creator🪲

---- Article & Fictional Writer On Vocal. Media ---

☀️ Host of the "A Collaboration of my Emotions” podcast ☀️

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