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How I Raised My Vibrations

"As you think, you vibrate, and as you vibrate, you attract." -Abraham Hicks

By🪲Published 3 years ago 4 min read
How I Raised My Vibrations
Photo by Julian Hochgesang on Unsplash

Have you ever heard of the word "Vibe?" The vibe is short for vibrations which is something that all living things possess. We all have a vibrational frequency.

Throughout our lives, when it comes to our energies, they can sometimes be affected by people we surround ourselves with, the food we eat, and even what we smell. I learned this while trying to learn how to manifest. If you want something that makes you happy in the future, you need to match that same energy.

I want to share with you 6 ways to raise your vibrational frequency and uplift your mood.

1. Listen to Feel-Good Music

An article from, says that research has found whenever someone listened to music, it gave them chills and triggered dopamine in the brain.

Music can move us, and can help us feel good! Try surrounding yourself with music that motivates you or makes you dance. Instead of listening to music that's sad or makes you feel bad, try listening to a positive playlist.

A song that makes me feel really good for the day, is "Here Comes The Sun" by The Beatles. You might be reading this and thinking, such a typical, happy-go-lucky song right? You would be right! But the fact is, the song makes me feel good.

What is a song that makes you feel uplifted and happy? Try putting all those songs you love into a morning playlist. Doing this will make you feel more positive and ready for the day, and I promise your mood will change.

2. Eat Colorful Foods

Eating fruits and vegetables can really help you feel better, not only physically but emotionally.

Did you know that the food you eat has vibration frequencies?

A chart showing the vibrational frequency of foods

I found out about the charts of foods and what energy it possesses. It also made me put the pieces together as to why I was feeling so down. I constantly ate fast foods, drank alcohol, and didn't eat my vegetables. It took a while for me to understand that my bad eating habits were the source of my unhappiness.

After taking time to enjoy my fruits and vegetables, enjoying the food I ate, taking my time with how I was consuming food, and staying away from added sugars and carbs, I genuinely felt better. I watched this video from Isabel Palacios to help me implement awareness in my day. Click below to check out what she eats to have a higher vibration.

3. Put the Attitude In Gratitude

Be thankful! Being thankful for the possessions you have, and even for your body, will not only raise your vibrations but also allow you to manifest whatever you want into your life. Starting the day with giving thanks will allow you to see the beauty in things, be more grateful, and can allow you to see things in a more positive light.

Waking up in the morning and first giving gratitude for everything that I have allowed me to truly feel happier about myself and my life. From the things I currently have, to the things I want in the future, to even things I overlook at times, like my sight, my hearing, and my body.

You can always start by writing in a journal, or a diary and write 5 things you're grateful for. And as the days go by, add 5 more things to be grateful for. This practice is also allowing blessings into your life!

You can also try following gratitude affirmations online to help you appreciate things in your life.

6. Surround Yourself with High Vibed People

How do you feel when you talk to the person who uplifts you, gives you good advice, and has a positive mindset? You probably feel good right? Now let me ask you this. How do you feel when you're talking to the person who constantly puts you down, lies to you, and isn't nice to everyone? Most likely, you feel drained and even might feel like you're grouchy.

Surrounding yourself with people who want to grow, change, and be positive can actually allow you not only to be happier but to have the influence to be the same energy they possess.

Have you ever heard the saying, "Who you surround yourself with, is a reflection of who become?" That is something that is very true and is powerful. Try surrounding yourself with people with good intentions, are positive & empathetic. Not only will they change your mood, but you will see yourself being more positive like they are.

Click here to get advice on how to surround yourself with positive friends.


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About the Creator🪲

---- Article & Fictional Writer On Vocal. Media ---

☀️ Host of the "A Collaboration of my Emotions” podcast ☀️

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