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The Consistency Challenge

A Dance with My True Self

By Danielle WilsonPublished 8 months ago 4 min read
The Consistency Challenge
Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash

The universe has an impeccable way of aligning our paths with those challenges that invite us to truly meet ourselves. This is my testament to one such journey, a profound exploration of consistency and the subtle whispers of imposter syndrome.

Though I stand today as the founder of a thriving marketing agency, a guest lecturer at five community college small business centers, and an energizing speaker at a few conferences around the United States for the last few years (minus time off for the global pandemic), the shadows of doubt never quite let me be. My credentials may include an MBA, but the occasional knock of imposter syndrome on my heart's door reminds me of the eternal dance between our higher selves and our fears.

Recently, the universe introduced me to the thought-provoking words of Abena Talks and Noah Miller, two of my newest favorite authors on Their articles on the transformative power of consistency and creating challenges resonated deep within my soul. It was as if the Universe whispered, “Leap, dear soul, into a writing challenge.”

Since my days in high school when I declared English my favorite subject, the urge to weave words into stories and insights has been a constant tug within. Yet, just as fervently, a tiny voice would question, “What if your words aren't received with the same love with which they’re penned?”

Enter Vocal.

This platform felt like an embrace from the very first article I chanced upon, written by the talented Chloe Gilholy. Her article, celebrating the addition of one of her poetry books to a library, drew me in. The outpouring of warmth and support from the Vocal community towards Chloe for such a huge moment in a writer’s journey spoke volumes about the kinship that seems to thrive here. This experience attracted me, making me want to share my expertise which is in marketing, a realm I’ve navigated since 2012.

Yet, as I continued to navigate and read through more articles on Vocal, a realization came to mind. My heart desires to explore and write about topics far beyond the familiar boundaries of just marketing. From productivity and spirituality to the delicate balance of working alongside my beloved partner and stepping into the role of a stepmom, the canvas of my interests is vast and varied. The entrepreneurial spirit, a constant beacon, also inspires me to write every day.

But here is my dilemma - the range of passions I want to express made consistency seem more elusive. At times, the vast ocean of topics felt overwhelming, leading to pauses and moments of introspection.

You see, consistency, in its profound beauty, has been both a guiding light and a challenging adversary.

I've realized that it isn't just about the act of doing, but the spirit of being. It's a testament to the daily commitment and unwavering dedication to an inner calling that truly creates miracles. Yet, it’s equally true that the fear of faltering, of one's essence not being recognized, can create hesitations.

With a heart full of hope and a spirit ready to soar, I lay down my intention: A sacred 90-day journey of writing an article every weekday and sharing it with the world through Vocal.

However, the universe also reminds us of the importance of rest and rejuvenation. As I look forward to my upcoming first-ever cruise to the tranquil shores of Hawaii, I know that even souls on a journey need moments of pause. For isn't it in the quiet moments that our deepest inspirations are birthed?

To my fellow writers who have embarked on similar journeys, thank you in advance for your articles will be like lanterns on my path. Every word of encouragement, every nugget of advice, is a cosmic gift that I cherish.

I wish to end with this thought: The journey of introspection, of overcoming the challenge of imposter syndrome, is a road many of us undertake at various phases of our lives. Whether we stand at the beginning of our endeavors or at a point where numerous accolades grace our name, it is this very journey that makes us truly whole.

May we all find the strength to heed the whispers of our souls, for in them lies our most authentic truth.


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