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Life's Unexpected Twists and the Silver Linings That Come With Them

How Heartbreak Reminded Me Why I Started My Business

By Danielle WilsonPublished 9 months ago 2 min read
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Life is like a roller coaster, full of unexpected twists and turns.

Some days you’re soaring, the wind in your hair, and other days, it feels like you're plummeting down, holding on for dear life. This year, for me, has felt like an endless series of drops worse than any roller coaster I’ve ever encountered.

February dealt me a heavy blow when I lost one of my best friends, closer than many relatives, to lung cancer. The sting was still fresh in March when I had to bid farewell to my loyal companion, Luke, my 17 year old Labrador Retriever. Then April, with its promise of spring and new beginnings, ironically brought an end I wasn’t prepared for—the loss of my grandfather.

Each loss felt like a gut punch, leaving me gasping for breath. But through the haze of grief, a recurring thought kept haunting me.

What If only I had a little more time with each of my loved ones?

Time to say the things that remained unsaid. Time to create just a few more memories.

Rewind a bit, let me paint a clearer picture. I was once deep in the corporate world, grinding away in my high-paced all consuming pharmaceutical sales job. Sure, it promised freedom. But that freedom was elusive, always just out of reach. Late nights on the road became routine, and weekends were peppered with urgent emails, reports due and calls.

Seeking a change, in 2012, I decided to take control of my destiny.

With a mix of excitement and anxiety, I launched my marketing agency. It wasn’t smooth sailing. Many nights turned into early mornings as I navigated the intricacies of my industry. Sometimes work seeped into my weekends. Yet, among these demanding times, there were glimpses of the life I truly wanted.

Fast forward to a day that brought my world into sharp focus. As I frantically packed essentials, preparing to be with my mother during her heart surgery at The Cleveland Clinic, a profound realization washed over me. The true essence of starting my business wasn’t just about financial success. It was about having the flexibility to be present in the crucial moments of life—those instances when family needs you the most.

For those of you feeling the itch to branch out and start something of your own, my advice? Jump in with both feet. Life has shown us, more times than we'd like, how it can throw a wrench in the works, especially in these uncertain times.

Yet, here's a nugget of wisdom for aspiring entrepreneurs and business owners: Amid the hustle and inevitable chaos, take a moment to pause and reflect. Remember the reason that nudged you to this path. That underlying 'why' is your North Star. It's what will steer you right when you're lost, motivate you to find efficient ways to work, and most importantly, remind you of the world beyond spreadsheets and deadlines.

Looking back, life's unexpected turns have shaped my story—a journey from deep heartaches to rediscovering my purpose.

If this story strikes a chord with you, take solace in the fact that you're not alone. Each one of us has our unique tapestry of experiences, woven with threads of joys, sorrows, trials, and triumphs.

While each story differs in its details, at its core, it echoes the shared human experience of resilience, growth, and hope.


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