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Social media: Friend or foe

The joys and pain of a global powerhouse

By AntheaPublished 5 months ago 3 min read
Social media: Friend or foe
Photo by dole777 on Unsplash

Social Media.

We all use it or at least we've heard about it.

An enigma to put it lightly.

Social media has become a global force to be reckoned with. A sign of compliance with the times. A tool of social acceptance and recognition. A weapon of mass destruction in some cases. It has become the new society. Unfeeling, unyielding, unnamed, unashamed. It has its own voice. Its views and it's standards though unrealistic and reckless.

In the wake of this media takeover, many are caught up in an endless cycle of trying to impress, level up or simply measure up. The concept of being good enough just the way you are is gaining popularity because let's face it, social media says the opposite. Social media tells you what body type is best, that you need to have perfect skin and no body bulges, what a guy or girl wants, and if you're not that then you're not it. Many young people are bullied and trolled for not fitting into the stereotype of what social media deems "good enough". In fact statistics show that we are dealing with the most mental health issues, depression, and suicide that we have ever encountered as a planet, the virus and negative effects of social media are widespread.

However, social media is not purely evil. It has brought its opportunities. It has brought hope, fame, recognition, platforms, and most importantly,


Social media has provided platforms for business collaborations and outreach. It has provided brands with a way to constantly reach their lifeline, customers. Aside from money social media has also provided avenues for ordinary people to be heard, to encourage, empathize and influence other ordinary people like them and once in a while an ordinary person gets a life-changing opportunity when they are discovered. So social media is not all bad. It helps to unite our nations and create less distance between people. It empowers individuals on opposite sides of the globe to interact easily and without any restriction. Social media has connected people with their business partners, life partners, and lifelong friends so it's not all bad right?

I think that the verdict concerning this global giant lies squarely on two criterias. The first one is what it is used for and the second is how it is managed or interpreted. As is commonly said, you can only benefit fully from an object when you understand its function. So I would say, understand why you use social media and be careful how you interprete the things you see. Don't believe everything and guard your heart and mind jealously. Remember that most people on social media only share their wins. Some just want to sell their product or service and others are just there to feel better about themselves by putting others down or are desperate for attention.

So this said, how can one navigate the often treacherous streets of social media without being overwhlemed, overpowered or completely taken out? How can one stand their ground without compromising and losing guard in the midst of the many loud and vicious voices of social media?

I would say to listen and connect with the right voices. Identify the voices that reflect your values and beliefs and stick with them. Know who you are and what you stand for so that it's easier to not compromise in tempting situations. Stay true to yourself and be confident in what you have to offer. Put yourself out ther but don't be desperate for attention. In time you will start to find your voice and it will eventually drown out the rest.

Before you know it, you will start to master the enigma that is social media.

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I am passionate about writing content that is relatable, entertaining, edifying and life changing. Watch this space.

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