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Our Greatest Fear

A Messege

By umer aliPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Our Greatest Fear
Photo by Anderson Rian on Unsplash

"Our greatest fear should not be of failure but of succeeding at things in life that don't really matter."

That way you really have lost nothing, and may have even accomplished something.

You get a lot of people asking, what do you see for yourself?

I never have an answer.

I try to see the potential for where it will go and how it will develop, I try to take the positives and move on, but mostly I try to focus on the now.

The past is just that, the past.

It sounds silly but think about it.

Let's say you never met the love of your life and spent your days never knowing it, or perhaps you just moved to a different city and fell in love with someone who you will never meet.

It doesn't matter.

You have a better chance of winning the lottery twice than getting married or meeting the person of your dreams.

Same goes for accomplishments.

If you were to die tonight with zero material accomplishments what would your life be worth?


Think about it.

Would that be a bad thing?

I think not.

What would that say about you?


You are nothing, you are worthless, and you are a worthless individual.

So why have you wasted your time?

To have zero to offer and zero to give is a waste of your life.

Stop being stupid.

Stop living a meaningless life.

Realize that life does not begin at 30 or 40 or 50, or even at 80 or 90.

No life is meaningless.

Some are filled with love, some with hate, some with sorrow, some with joy, but all are filled with meaning.

Nothing is meaningless.

If you think your life is meaningless you are wrong.

Life has meaning.

Your life has meaning.

Don't waste your life being a useless twit.

Fuck it, if I have no purpose why am I even alive?

You are alive for a reason and that reason is not to screw around and get stoned and waste your life.

That's what high school and college students do.

That's why they get stoned.

In fact it was cool in high school to go home and high five your parents and say, "See, I did what you wanted."

Yeah, right.

Fuck that shit.

Fuck them.

That was a waste of your time.

You were too stupid to get anything out of it.

You had no chance, you did not have what it takes.

You are now working for some big company that makes a shitload of money because you couldn't hack it at one.

No, you had to suck that big corporate dick.

Suck it good.

You got your ass handed to you, you are now the dumbass on the other side.

When is the last time you ever talked to someone from that company?

Hell, when was the last time you talked to anyone from that company?

I bet you have not talked to them in 10 years.

Life is short, enjoy it while you can.

Learn a skill.

Learn a trade.

Get a career.

Do something with your life.

It is not too late.

If you go through your life living on the sidelines you have wasted your time.

Life is short, make the most of it.

But for God's sake, make the most of it.

So here I am sitting in this little cubicle, stuck behind a computer.

How many other people are stuck here?

That is an excellent question.

I wonder what they do here all day long?

Probably not a hell of a lot.

There are people who work here, sure, but not nearly enough.

He is an idiot.

A complete idiot.

And when I say he is an idiot, I do not mean he is stupid.

No, he is not stupid.

He is just an idiot.

I mean an idiot of the highest order.

His name is...

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About the Creator

umer ali

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