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Memories: 27 November 2023

Love in the afternoon, after ill health and years of celibacy…what next? We shall see, says the blindsided Tanya.

By Tanya Arons Published 9 months ago 23 min read

27 November 2023

27 November 2022

Trigger warning: true accounts of systemic abuse in my Brisbane Jewish community …and the Covid Epoch globalist abuses also!



Ashley Alexia: Can you elaborate on this? Do you think there’s a connection here? My daughters father has a real boner for raising her Catholic and I’ve had no qualms with the Catholic people I have known. He used to be a pagan.

Me: Ashley Alexia I have no qualms with Catholics or any religion.

I have had longstanding “cold wars” and epic abuse from within my own Brisbane Jewish community.

I was an active member in our Reform movement for 30 years. During that time I was slandered and accused of being a Nazi because I had a German mother and it took 2 years and my German/Israeli Reform Rabbi having to fight alongside me to clear my reputation. This was just after migrating here with my husband and two babies.

Then when it came to Crystal’s Bat Mitzvah I was vilified again…this time due to my level of poverty. The shule tried to cancel the Bat Mitzvah. Again my rabbi went in to bat for me.

I also attempted an Orthodox conversion in 1994 and this was so vicious and slanderous that I gave it up at the eleventh hour.

The Sydney Beth Din discriminated against me. Expected me to fly to Sydney (when I had no money to do so) but they flew rabbis up here for wealthy candidates.

The same candidates that were viciously vilifying me and accusing me of not really keeping kosher and that the kosher cheese I was selling for my Orthodox Yemenite Kabbalist rabbi Moshe Cohen (a beautiful soul!) did not have a valid hechsher. More lies and tyranny.

Rabbi Cohen was a food technologist before he became a rabbi so I can be certain he knew how to discern if a product was worthy of a hechsher (kosher certification) that he himself supervised at the kenilworth cheese factory!!!

After that ugly putrid dirty fracas they did not renew his contract as a rabbi so basically ran him out of town.

Then…foolishly in February 2020, I attended the meeting for this holocaust centre to be installed.

I was humiliated and insulted by various members of our venal community. One mocked and derided my shoes. Can you believe it? They behaved like peasants and infested schoolyard bullies. I laughed my arse off. The shoes are beautiful but unbeknownst to those sexualising fucked up predators, cost me $4 in an op shop.

I made particular mention about my concentration camp surviving stepfather being a monster and a paedophile and I wanted them to know that whilst I fully endorse the continued memory of the holocaust and wanted that Centre built…that we must also always remember the intergenerational victims of survivors of concentration camps that were so damaged they thought nothing of constantly predating on their children. This includes their biological children.

I will never sway from the truth of child sexual abuse that is as pernicious in our Jewish community, as it is in every vector of human society. A putrescence and a scourge without end.

They made fun of me for my geographic address (erroneously! As I moved out of that vile lowest socio-economic ghetto in 2003).

So the dumb cunts were attacking and vilifying me and had not done the homework to see I had upgraded and fought a long hard battle with my own government to do so.

Ultimately it wasn’t really about the shoes, my address, or my fierce stance against child sexual abuse or even about the last major Jewish genocide!

They were already injecting themselves with mother hydras babies like it was a fashion statement, injecting their own babies (I referred to Moriah College in Sydney as “Moloch” college for actively promoting “vakkk sins” to the effect they wanted to inject Nannies, neighbours and any human vaguely associated with their kids.

So The Tanya screamed “Hell No” and I will be standing in defiance of these sick perverted EVIL people forever! Or at least until I leave this rotten place and this compromised pustulant pestilential greedy corrupt mortal coil!!!

So the Bris BANE Jewish community that lacks decency, courage and genuine respect for a certain woman (indeed most women!)!

Is now outsourcing the holocaust centre to the Catholics. Which I find weird. There will be more behind this, of course. But I no longer give a fuck as to how and where they set this up.

As long as there is a living memory of the holocaust and there is education so this evil shit is not continuously perpetrated on my watch in my lifetime.

I have suffered enough systemic abuse and vilification for having, in more ways than one, the moral fibre and backbone to DEFY ALL MY ABUSERS UP TO AND INCLUDING THAT ENCLAVE OF EVIL THAT IS THE JEWISH BOARD of Deputies OF BRISBANE.

AS A JEW (albeit a lapsed one now…) it is my holy duty to stand for truth. Even if it meant that I am cast out and scapegoated by the most malevolent venal CUNTS!

I saw one rabbi leave australia completely and another one be driven out of his role so I know well how the “elites” in our community treat fellow Jews of much higher spiritual moral ethical calibre than they…while they scrabble in their own shit of their own making.

I simply…watch and wait. Karma is a Bitch! 🙂

These children of holocaust survivors who have behaved no better than their former torturers of the Nazi regime have blood and tears on their hands. Our own children and grandchildren. Shameful it truly is.

So when they see me they know: I know exactly who and what they are.

Will the catholic church protect and respect our living memory of the Shoah? Hmmm? The Vatican sold Jews out during the holocaust. Over and over again.

I have not forgotten. So it’s ironic…the placement of this. That is all I am saying. I will visit when it’s built. I hope they don’t turn it into a further disgrace.

The ones who did not survive the camps, who did not get the opportunity to raise children in safe wholesome decent respectful environments, without the domestic violence and sexual Abuse…the good men and women and children who died in the gas chambers, in the tunnel of Mittelbau Dora, in the writhing agonised mass graves shot and stripped naked…DESERVE BETTER!!

Their souls cry out for Justice. To be honoured and remembered. For future generations to behave with nobility and respect for Life and our planet.

But instead we are gifted Covid by our own scientists. It’s almost so breathtakingly absurd but this is where we are at. Another mass genocide. Whilst our “leaders” fawn and fellate the orchestrators for a few extra bucks or the false promise of eternal life.

Hahahaha. It’s not funny but sometimes you have to laugh in the face of their perversion and insanity.

27 November 2021

Thought for the day! (and I have had cause to remind people if this many many many times over the last two decades!)

WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE…but not Today. Or not all at the same time.

Life is precious. Love each day as a mysterious unwrapped beautiful gift.

Eat that ice cream, hug your children and tell them stories of grandeur and magick and hope and beauty. Remind them that the future belongs to them and they will be the Way Showers for the generations that are dying out (as is part of the natural process of life!)

Live each day In Bliss and peace manufactured by Heart and your own Spirit and your own inner knowing…intuition.

Turn off the media whores and assorted spreading verminous troglodytes that infect you with a worse virus than any disease or virus or other calamity.

Smile! At each other. At strangers. Remind random people and animals that the world can still be sacred and kind and safe.

You are The One you have been waiting for. Love that person that got you through so many other ghastly horrors to this moment in time. Breath by breath. On wings of angels. On hope and resilience and sometimes yes manic denial but…fuck that!

This is a deliberate orchestrated agenda so refuse to play in the brass section and get out and dance to your own tunes.

Dance! Make love! Relish and cherish each moment.

See each other. Truly See with open hearts and open minds.

We are all destined to die but don’t let anyone kill your spirit prematurely.

Kind regards,

The Tanya

27 November 2020

Liver scan done and dusted. Now for some food and drink! Yayyy!

Laura Martin: Will you have a nice Chianti with that liver? 🍷😊

Me: Laura Martin I doubt my liver is very palatable after 15 years of psychotropic psych medication and the occasional Jack Daniels. It’s also had to filter more Bullshit then the average human. My insides had to whelp all the toxic energy from narcopaths and attempted murderers.

So I Lecter would not choose my liver although he might admire my wit or other stranger organs. My lungs would be rather brittle too. My bladder has been artificially hitched.

My heart broken and battered so many times it’s now kintsugi!

Hahaha. The Tanya is unpalatable on several Fronts. Not so easily “Digested”!

LM: Tanya Arons It sounds like you're pretty safe from cannibals! Psychic vampires are another story, though. 😒

Me: Laura Martin ahhh yess...psychic vampires. Ugly people. They are everywhere.

LM: Speaking of psychic vampires.... I've been binge watching a tv series, "What We Do In The Shadows", written and directed by Jemaine Clement and Taika Waititi. If you haven't seen it, you really should!

Me: It’s excellent. Made in NZ

LM: Tanya Arons Yes, I thought of you when I first saw it. I'm only three shows in so far. Working for a living is seriously cutting into my tv watching. 😏

And speaking of Taika Waititi... isn't he a gorgeous hunk of man meat! 🥰

Me: I loved his last movie “Jojo Rabbit” it’s about the Hitler Youth.

LM: Tanya Arons I haven't seen it yet, but I think it's on HBO this month.

Cooking Apricot chicken with the lovely chicken thighs that Margot gave me! About to drink a Jack Daniels with coke as well.

Thriving in the schvitsing summer heat with the sweetness and generousity and authentic love of good kind friends.


27 November 2019

Having a little chuckle at the song lyrics gifted to me randomly by spirit over the past few days.

Grease! “You’re the one that want” starts off with “chills, they’re multiplying and I’m losing control.. then something about a fire that is Electrifying!

Grease, actual intense greasy food started this off plus all my trauma processing of recent weeks.

My body finally says. “No!”

The other song Big has a line that says “...and the nasty little thought that I’ve really nothing left to Give!” It’s like being trapped in my own personal horror movie with no way out.

So I am calling mine enemies out! I know when I am being variously tortured for standing in my own integrity, honour and Light for daring to speak openly and....Whatever...too sick right now to care. Nothing left to give.

Haha. Listening to my lungs make tiny hissy sounds which actually sound like the Pew pew pew of the missiles on the Death Star. How Maudlin but deliciously vaudeville also!

Bregje Tit: The Death Star.... 😂 did not know yet you are a Star Wars lover.. me too 😍

What is it about the shamanic/spiritual community that they simply refuse to acknowledge their own anti Semitic tendencies when I call them out?

Bizarre. Either walk your walk or gain enlightenment and educate yourself.

I do not endorse Nazis or their fellating handmaidens on my page. Bye Fellatio!

Last night, at 4:45 am my body finally puja-ed a delayed trauma response in the most violent way. It felt like dying. Another “mini-death”. I am so sick of living this way.

I wanted more out of life than THIS! Joy, true noble authentic caring love, peace. But I shall have to create my own serenity. From the smoking ashes of my last Phoenix rebirth.

Which means I will be forced to scrabble around in my own shit for a few more months until my heart and full-sized plumage grows back out. Quilling is excruciatingly painful for birds. I can only imagine how excruciating it must be for mythical Phoenixes.

Barely enough time to rise again in their glorious fiery fury and radiance then puff...a dirty motherfucker with no heart and soul burns us down again.

All good though. I have been reintegrating decades of trauma, betrayals, dead loves and I will keep blowing that shit out (ahem!) until my body likes me again. Until my spirit settles back into a new paradigm where all my most heartfelt dreams come true.

If I could only Trust my own Self more. I have experienced how majestic She can be under pressure. A diamond in the rough and tumble dross of a life barely worth holding onto. Yet, here we are. :-)

I am very ill today. First the epic gastric disorder during the night which left me very weak. Then bad asthma at my lovely friend and hairdresser Kylie.

When I got in my car I was hit by both waves of nausea and more coughing as there is a pall of smoke over the entire city. Some little pyromaniac is literally going to kill me.

I managed to drive home but got hit with such a bad coughing fit which affected my gut (ergo vomiting and gasping and praying.). But I somehow got through that attack as well.

So I am lying in bed, with beautiful glamorous hair and very uncomfortable lungs (even with several sprays of Ventolin!)

I have to laugh at the misbegotten irony that just as I fully embrace/welcome/embody and even preach about the rising Divine Feminine that I am beset with quite serious attacks in the 3D reality.

I decided though, even if I should die, I have contributed to the new awakening to Spirit and the multiverses in quite astounding, awe-inspiring Ways so my “work” may have merit long after I officially pop my clogs.

Nil Carborendum Et Bastardoes. Never let the bastards (across all paradigms!) grind us down 😉

I am very conscious that my German/polish grandmother suicided four months before her 55th birthday. I get it. She was terminal with TB.

But here I am just over 5 months prior to my own 55th Birthday! I can only hope and pray that the gods are not making me live out Eva Meyer’s karma/dharma.

I did try to slip out the back Jack early, on 22 August 2015. But by crikey, by Odin/ by Thor, by the schechinah, or by Lilith (love your work Girlfriend Goddess!) I was hoping to live out my highest ideals and prettiest most romantic and authentic Dreams.

I even have seen it starting to evolve for me! An offer of a dinner date last Saturday morning and a gift of a wooden rose on Sunday, even if I did buy that for myself to facilitate the sweetly obsessed homeless man moving along. Whom much later I realised I had actually bought a rose from him some years ago and that is why he thought he knew me. Sweetness.

But I think I might need to lay very low for the next 5 months... but then of course my time to exit Earth has never been in my control.

Someone keeps kicking me back here. I must love my Self and my gods that love me and see what pans out in the very near future.

Meanwhile, I got breathing to do!

27 November 2018

These past few months have been intensely spiritual and soul-nourishing. I let go of toxic friends and when I did, it was like a light switched on in the abyss and I started to climb upwards again.

There was a cycling of souls that came to witness my transformation. In real world (at the casino!) so many former love interests and an ex lover and even recently (wtf????) an ex lover of a former longterm woman friend.

To say I felt stalked and a tad creeped out is an understatement. Then when I did not show much reaction to the wannabe suitors/lovers/henchmen of lovers or ex friends I had visitations from the spirit world.

My first boss and family friend, Suzy and a few weeks prior my first clairvoyant manifestation of Sir James Douglas (Black Douglas!)

I still don’t know what it all means except that I personally hold the belief that Love is eternal and that the spirit (or the energy we pour into our loved ones as well as our enemies can never truly die) so that explains so many of them demanding my attention as they transition from the physical world to the metaphysical world of spirit and dimensions.

I don’t know why this year they felt the intense need to gain my approval or my acknowledgement. Some were truly unworthy of my heart or intent.

Some caused me great suffering. Some brought me great joy and were life-enhancing at a time I barely held onto life myself.

It is what it is. I am at peace in my own heart. A powerful blossoming Love permeates every aspect of my life.

It glows and it flows. It blesses whom it pleases and shuts out the ones that can only drain and claim without true respect or intent.

Oh and funny story, the last plumber that visited to put a camera down the sewer left me a sign in pink spray paint on my lawn. A huge x and several o’s. Jarrod saw it on Monday.

It must be plumber code for the drainage people as to where the blockage was or if it’s cleared. But it looked like a little love note to me. Hahaha. Shit happens but so does Love and Magic.

I finally gave the suitcase I decoupaged to Crystal last night. It took over a year to complete. Wow! She seemed happy with it.

I drove Crystal to work at Manly West. She didn’t want me to pick her up after work so I took Bobo for a lovely walk and paddle at Wynnum Beach.

We both enjoyed having our feet in the ocean although Beau did not want to go in too deep for a proper swim. But we ran along the boardwalk and had the wind in our hair and fur and felt much cooler and carefree.

Then we came home to a hot house. Argggh.

Anyway I am still tired from over a week of insomnia and only 2 nights proper sleep so I might have a rest now.

27 November 2017

Busy day. Vacuumed/mopped the filthy floors because even I can’t abide the pigsty anymore. Cleaned Charlie’s cage. Washed towels. Cracked my collection of macadamia nuts. Washed dishes. Changed the water for the Bettas.

Now waiting for Jarrod and Harvey to arrive. Nearly 5 pm! Day went quick!

Bit tired after all the odd jobs today. It is nice to have clean floors!

27 November 2016

Watching Happyish. Triggeringly delightful. Hahaha.

Home from a beautiful day out with Terina at Byron Bay. She spoiled me with a beautiful lunch: French Brie, olives, sun dried tomatoes, strawberries, hot roast chicken. We had wine and lemonade. Delicious! We sat on the beach and enjoyed our feast.

Unfortunately there were blue bottles all over the beach. Bobo got a sore paw so I think he stepped on one. So I lay in the shallows and had a little splash trying to encourage him to come into the water. No swim as I worried about being stung too.

We had a long walk up the beach and Beau played with dogs that he met on the sand. Lovely.

27 November 2015

Alcide is not coming home to me. He needs an operation and will be a very sick dog all his life. Bev the breeder has refunded me all the money I spent on him and the initial vet fees. I am devastated.

Life for me is one debacle after another. Not only can I not get a loving sexual permanent relationship with a man, it seems the universe won't even let me have a beautiful soulmate dog. Even Penny cat is upset.

Jarrod Nielsen: You know my thoughts on the subject. I am so sorry that this has happened, I know how happy that little pup made you!

Me: I know Jarrod. I also know how thrilled you were and how you also fell in love with him and wanted dognap him.

Sally Castle: Oh Tanya I'm so sorry to hear this. I'm sure there is a doglet out there for you xxx

Terina Edwards: Sorry to hear this news. His time in your life was short but he got so much love from you. He will always remember you. You have so much love to give Tanya

Corena Bohm: Oh no, this is just awful, awful news! I'm feeling for you Tanya. 😞 xox

Julie Goddard: I'm sorry hun , there will be another , Alcide wasn;t mean;t for you same as Shilo wasn't meant for the lady who got him , he went to her grandson because they have a bond , Don;t be hard on your self you will find another ... hugs hun .

27 November 2014

Watching Lou on Sbs on Demand. Very triggering. I have lived that nightmare!

Mancora. Interesting movie set in Peru. Ayahuacsa reference. It is supposed to heal PTSD. I should go to the Amazon and try some one day. I guess near the end of my life it's a bit too late to bother though :-)

You know it's summer in Brisbane when you have a packet of matches in your bra, in case of a power outage during an epic hail storm!

4.44pm. It's beautiful!

Hailll! Hope my car is all right at Crystal's

Storm...incoming!!!!! A lot can change in 33 minutes! Stay safe people!

Gahhhhh! 12.30 pm. Awake. Been only getting 7-8 hours sleep like, you know, a Normal person. Naturally, I am still tired.

I have let the chooks out, and now have the day ahead of me.

Tomorrow we go to Byron. Yesss! Life will be kick-started again. The Zen Zone always rejuvenates my weary broken spirit. Water, sand, sky and unusual characters all around me, where I am seen without hate or judgement or envy. It is awesome!

These are the things that irked me for the past 2 weeks:

1. A tick bite that made a gland go up behind my ear at the base of my head. It was swollen and tender for about 5 days. That was 2 weeks ago when Gail found it on me

2. Very tender Achilles tendon. Both feet this time, usually just the right one from my stomping moshing dancing style. In fact they still hurt. Starting to think it is part of the septic arthritis symptoms.

3. Several splinters in my finger. (These drive me to distraction. The constant stabbing and stinging when you touch anything with affected area.

I have had a thorny splinter from the raspberry lodged in my left thumb pad for a week now. It still hasn't come out!

4. Major fatigue (used to that!)

5. Epic breakdown on Sunday after the upsets the night before outside Casino.

6. Epic highs again, after getting message from an old friend. Love Never dies!

So back up on my Mustang called Life and galloping on. But the emotions have run so very low and then so high but I am balancing out again.

Freedom makes me balanced and content.


7. Eating ice cream and chocolate for 3 days as I was comforting myself over meltdown, splinter, sphincter and heels.

8. Not having my car

9. Not having a man to roll over in the morning, look me in the eye, tell me he loves me (and mean it). Then make love.

Yup Major Tanya fantasy but might be possible one day.

7 months celibate and I am going to stay that way until I work out who really loves me. Not fucking with empty vessels anymore. I want the deep connection, the loyalty, faithfulness and real, enduring love bond.

If I can't ever get that...I am happy to be Alone with my animals for the rest of my life.

They love me, never cheat or lie or betray me. Never play confused schoolboy games. Never give up in me, even when I am raw, ugly and demented.

10. I forgot what 10 was....everything.....everything...everything....Zen!

(Get your own material, Psychedelic Dreamer!!!)

Ok ok, don't hit me with a flower when I am beating my own Bush!

Burning Bush, burn, baby, burn!

My heart will go on, all that jazz and don't forget that old black magic running up and down my spine.

At 17 I learned the truth, but I have been in Denial ever since, but it's all right now. Baby!

I will walk on the wild side, flipping a finger and being ironic...when I am not Catatonic or cat on hot tin roof, cos it's too hot in Brisbane CBD for me. They have been trying to drive me out, but they won't conquer my Precious, 'cos I know who I am and I am way better than that. Motherfuckers!

Just as an aside, can you tell I am out of I scream?

Calcified ligaments in my jaw...but I can still scream if I want to! ;-)

Oh, and what is more I am happy today, but not too happy, (society prohibits that! Professional Hobbits don't like being Pro Hibited. I know I know. That was a stretch!)

Oh now I remember! 10 was the dentist. Still have a sore mouth from monday. Like WTF?

So there are 11 irky things.

But tomorrow, there will be Byroooonnnn!

Crystal brought dinner and my car, but I told her to keep car til Friday when we go to Byron.

She mentioned how much she loves the antique credenza thingy in the lounge that was my mother's. I was amazed. I thought she hated all that stuff.

I was thinking about selling it so I could buy a pomeranian pedigree puppy.

Lucky I didn't as Crystal loved that piece of furniture so I will keep it for her.

It is very ironic though, as only 2 years ago I was being told to get rid of all the shit, Mum, we don't want or need it. There were various shrieks that I was a Hoarder. Now that I have gotten rid of a lot of excess stuff, they must be freaking I will go all Minimalist and get rid of everything! (Tempting lol!)

Funny how adult kids change their mind about attachments to their family heirlooms. Lmao!

It is a nice piece though. I can wait for my new doggess goddess. She probably hasn't been born yet!


Service due for my car. $334. Fuck it!

It's a beautiful day. Much cooler. I am going out to ground, with my chooks and garden.

3.56 am. Laila Tov. Hot! Need a shower and a schluff!

27 November 2011

I slept until 4 pm! Still exhausted from the asthma and the other distressing ugliness! I got up and took Bella to the dog park as she barked last night from 2-5 am so is having her own doggy breakdown!

She played with two little dogs then we came home and I watered the garden. Feel a lot calmer and very much loved and supported by my wonderful friends! I am so lucky to have you in my life!

27 November 2009

is so happy that Crystal got shortlisted in her NIDA audition. Call back on Tuesday. I just know she will rock their world!

Copyright Tanya Désirée Arons


About the Creator

Tanya Arons

I write about my life experiences. I write about complex ptsd, the agonies, the angst and my post traumatic growth. About Beauty, Truth and Honour and little vignettes of comfort from the spirits that love me: living and dead. I also Dance!

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