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Important Tips For Choosing The Right Recruitment Agency

See these important tips if you're a company looking for the right recruitment agency.

By Next Day RecruitmentPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

Recruitment agencies have long been the ideal bridge connecting the gap between a candidate and a company. Not only it helped fill various job vacancies from all kinds of industries, but also helped the unemployed gain a living and build their careers. While companies can do this by themselves, they can save a lot of their resources if the core team is focused on the business itself and give the job of hiring quality candidates to recruitment agencies.

Way back some years ago, recruitment agencies have been highly in demand for companies looking to hire recruits. While this is common for labour companies, office-based jobs don't usually hire the services of recruitment agencies until the later years. Now, more and more industries have been depending on the expertise of agencies for a wider pool of highly skilled candidates.

And if you're a company looking for the right recruitment agency Northern Beaches to help you find candidates that will best fit your hiring needs and budget, you have to see these five important tips.

Check their price range

The best recruitment agency is not of any use to you if you're working on a budget. So, this should be your first concern upon researching for a recruitment agency. You can check their websites, as most agencies now have their sites and sometimes display their price range for specific services. For a faster answer, you can just contact them directly for inquiries. Prepare a list of agencies to call beforehand so you can compare the services they offer and its prices. A great recruitment agency should always be ready to negotiate.

Choose the right type of recruitment agency

You can only get the right services that your company needs if you choose a specific type of recruitment agency that specialises on the service that you need. For example, if you need more executives, you need to look for executive recruiters that focus on building their executive-level pool to find the top-level personnel that you need. Another type is the temporary employment agencies that hire temporary or project-based staff and manpower for any industry. This kind of agency caters the need of huge firms that need additional staff for seasonal work or replacement for those who take leaves of absence. Also, there are industry-specific recruiters which cover every industry that exists. So if your company is looking for a chef, nurse, admin assistant, or engineers, you need to hire the service of industry-specific experts. Finally, there are international recruiters if you run a global company which will also help you with the standard salary offers in their countries. The key is determining which service you need and then finding the best agency that fits your budget and needs.

Review feedback from former clients

The best recruitment agencies never hide their feedback from public view, instead it is usually placed on their website's homepage. Also, who would want to risk getting the services of a recruitment agency that has nothing but bad reviews, right? All companies do intense research first and create comparisons before deciding which recruitment agency to hire. It is always helpful to look for their old clients and their reviews about the recruitment agency so you'll have an insight into their services and professionalism before hiring them.


Before getting the services of any recruitment agency, make sure to pay attention to what their former clients have to say. Listen to them because they have first-hand experience. In the end, it will help you come up with the final decision. Also, never forget to do comparisons between several agencies too before coming up with a decision. Do not forget to scrutinise their guarantee and terms too because there are instances of the smallest discrepancies.


About the Creator

Next Day Recruitment

We leverage expertise to get it Right First Time. We are a recruitment agency Sydney sourcing local and global talent from industry connections that we know and trust.

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