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How To Write a Layoff Résumé

Résumé Writing

By Eva LeePublished 7 years ago 3 min read
Layoff Resume Tips

A layoff is a temporary or a permanent termination of a group of employees for reasons such as downsizing of an organization, cost-cutting, and an economic slump. We live in times where a majority of the workforce is vulnerable to technological disruptions, recession, and stringent economic policies. "Layoff" is not a novel phenomenon as we often find the news feed buzzing with headlines such as “a massive layoff in so and so company.” Getting laid off can be emotionally devastating for people facing the ordeal for the first time, and the concerned person might consider it as a deterrence in future endeavors of his/her career. However, it is not the end and there are opportunities to bounce back.

The best way to deal with a layoff is to accept the fact that it is an unfortunate event, and instead of succumbing to the situation, one should learn to manage his/her emotions. Instead of giving up on the hope to find a new job, one must look for opportunities without wasting time. Getting laid off is not as bad as sitting at home and not capitalizing on opportunities. Being out of work for a long period can be detrimental; therefore, it is important that you start looking for opportunities and apply for jobs. Getting a job after a layoff depends on the way you justify your situation to the hiring managers and build a résumé that can be beneficial for you in the long run.

Factors to Be Considered While Writing a Layoff Résumé:

Mentioning a Layoff on Your Résumé

Candidates applying for a job after a layoff are plagued with the question “whether or not they should mention the layoff on their resume.” The plain and simple answer to this question would be 'No'. A résumé is a marketing tool used by job seekers, and mentioning a layoff may not serve in your best interest. Mentioning a layoff would also require commenting on the same, and doing so on a résumé can make the recruiters skeptical and probably wouldn't even consider shortlisting you as they would have several other options worth considering. Therefore, it is best that you don't address it in your résumé, and you would be poised better to surmount that hurdle if it is brought up in the interview, or you can mention the same in a cover letter.

Cover Letter

A cover letter is sent along with the resume to provide additional details regarding your skills and experience. It is a medium of introducing a candidate to the hiring manager. Unlike a résumé, a cover letter can be a medium in which you can justify the reason for the layoff. Providing a genuine reason and a statement affirming the eagerness with which you are looking forward to holding a position in their company can be a good sales pitch.

Highlight your Accomplishments

Napoleon Bonaparte led several successful military campaigns for the French military. He staunchly believed in taking action with the resources that were available at hand, rather than waiting for the situation to be in his favor. Similarly, your accomplishments are the only resources that you have garnered in the tenure of your previous employment. Mentioning your achievements, promotions, awards, and projects that you completed single-handed and in a team on a résumé can significantly improve your profile outlook. Therefore, mentioning your accomplishments on the resume can improve your odds and diminish the impact of a layoff.

Dealing with a layoff can be difficult. But you should discern the fact that being laid off doesn't necessarily mean that it is your incompetence. Companies have to be ruthless in their approach sometimes as there are many factors that play a vital role in the governance of the company. Even employers realize the fact that layoffs are part and parcel of the corporate culture and provide a leeway to job seekers who bear the brunt of layoffs.

how to

About the Creator

Eva Lee

Eva Lee is an Enterprise Software Technology project Manager who also enjoy's writing,Eva started writing the blogs and articles on Resumes, Career oriented topics.

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