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How to Diversify Your Income- A Brand New Method

A bit of an oldie but Goodie

By Mathis Raja OfficialPublished about a year ago 4 min read
How to Diversify Your Income- A Brand New Method
Photo by Daniel Lincoln on Unsplash


The concept of diversifying your income is a bit of an oldie but goodie. The best way to diversify your income these days is through online ventures.

There are 3 kinds of online work:

  • Sell digital products and information.
  • Sell physical products.
  • Offer services

Digital Products are popular because they are the easiest to make (no shipping!) and the most scalable. They also do NOT require you to sit down at a computer in order to make them. They can be made while commuting or while playing with your kids! Best of all, they often have ZERO overhead costs meaning you're making straight profit! You can sell digital products on sites like Gumroad, Etsy, or your own website! This is the new age of entrepreneurship and you don't need a huge wallet or lots of free time in order to dip your feet in the water!

The best way to diversify your income these days is through online ventures.

The best way to diversify your income these days is through online ventures. You can do it from anywhere, and you don't need a huge wallet or lots of free time. All you need is a computer and an internet connection.

Start small and grow over time! Start by doing simple tasks like writing articles or creating guides on how to make money online through affiliate marketing or blogging (if that's what interests you). Then move on to bigger things like creating ebook courses or training videos for other people who want learn how  to do something similar but better than what they already know how to do in their own businesses."

There are 3 kinds of online work.

There are three main types of online work:

  • Sell digital products and information
  • Sell physical products (e.g., eBooks, audio files)
  • Provide services to customers, such as writing blogs or creating websites

1. Sell digital products and information.

This is the most obvious choice, but also the most lucrative one if you can make it work for you. Digital products are easy to create, easy to sell and can scale up or down at any time without any overhead costs involved.

They have zero upfront costs (except for your time), so there's no reason why someone shouldn't be able to turn their hobby into a full-time job if they really want it bad enough!

2. Sell physical products.

If you’re interested in selling physical products, there are many ways to do it. You can sell on your own website or through other sites like Etsy or eBay.

You can also use Amazon as a place to sell your wares if you have a large following online. Another option is to host an online store that only accepts payments via PayPal (which gives users greater protection against fraud). The most important thing is that people know where they can find what they want—and that means having several options when it comes time for purchase decisions!

3. Offer services

There are many ways to diversify your income, but the most important thing is that you need to do it. You can offer services online, in person and/or by phone. The most important thing is that people pay you for your time and effort!

You might be thinking: "Who am I going to charge?" Well, if someone asks for help with something specific (like writing an essay), then just ask them what they want done!

See if there's something that would work better than what they're doing now; maybe getting someone else involved would make everything easier overall? Or maybe even switch gears completely so we're talking about something completely different?

It's worth trying at least once because sometimes people just don't know how much value there really is behind their current situation/problem/struggle etc., so offering up some advice could help take away some stress from both of those parties involved—and ultimately lead towards greater happiness down the road ;)

Digital Products are popular because they are the easiest to make (no shipping!) and the most scalable. They also do NOT require you to sit down at a computer in order to make them.

They can be made while commuting or while playing with your kids. Best of all, they often have ZERO overhead costs meaning you're making straight profit! You can sell digital products on sites like Gumroad, Etsy, or your own website!

Digital products are popular because they are the easiest to make (no shipping!) and the most scalable. They also do NOT require you to sit down at a computer in order to make them.

They can be made while commuting or playing with your kids. Best of all, they often have ZERO overhead costs meaning you're making straight profit! You can sell digital products on sites like Gumroad, Etsy, or your own website!

This is how I started making money online:

This is the new age of entrepreneurship and you don't need a huge wallet or lots of free time in order to dip your feet in the water!

You don’t need a huge wallet or lots of free time in order to dip your feet in the water!

This is the new age of entrepreneurship and you don't need a huge wallet or lots of free time in order to dip your feet in the water!

You can start a business with very little money, but it will require some effort on your part. You can also start a business with very little experience, but again this takes some work from you. It's not easy at first, but once you get past those early stages then things become much easier for both parties involved!


If you’re looking to diversify your income and gain a passive stream of income from the comfort of your own home, then this is the new age of entrepreneurship.

You don’t need a huge wallet or lots of free time in order to dip your feet in the water! Now with sites like Gumroad, Etsy, and other online services available at low cost or zero costs (like Gumroad), anyone can easily earn money by selling digital products on these platforms without investing any money upfront.

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About the Creator

Mathis Raja Official

"Financial enthusiast & affiliate marketer sharing my journey through finance, blogging, & YouTube videos. Helping others make the most of their money & reach financial freedom."

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