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How I Earn $20,000 Per Month From These Three Side Hustles

The three best side hustles to start right away. Are you ready to start earning $1,000 more per month? Maybe $5,000 or $10,000 per month from your side hustle? So, I started my side hustle in my parents' basement, and I'm going to show you exactly how you can do it as well.

By Claudiu CozmaPublished 3 years ago 8 min read

I'm going to tell you about the three highest paying side hustles and why they're the best side hustles. I'm going to show you how to steal customers from your competitors legally and ethically so you can get started right away. And I'm going to reveal my biggest secret for making twice as much money as others with side hustles. So, there are numerous advantages to side hustles, the most important of which is that you can use your side hustle to become an entrepreneur.

As an entrepreneur who began with a side hustle and then turned it into a full-fledged business, I can assure you that it will allow you to increase your income.

There is no upper limit to the amount of money you can make with a side hustle. Nobody pays you a salary or tells you how much they'll pay you per hour. In general, the more you do it or the more customers you have, the more money you can make, and the income with a side hustle/your own business is limitless.

Furthermore, it is your company. It's your side business. As a result, you can work on it whenever you want. If you want to begin working at 2 o'clock or 3 o'clock in the morning. Or, if you want to work on your business at 9 p.m., when other businesses are closed, you have that option.

When it's your business, you get to choose when you're open, what you're going to do, and how many clients you accept. And, in some cases, such as mine, you get to choose which clients you will work with and which you will not.

This way, you can start a business or a side hustle that you truly enjoy. You don't want to start a business or side hustle where you have to work with people you despise.

That is the worst possible scenario. Noelle has already done so. You want to start a business and a side hustle where you can work with people you like and be paid enough to live comfortably. You don't want to struggle, you don't want to strive, and you certainly don't want to work with people you dislike. So, let's talk about how you can get started.

1. Wholesaler

When you find a property off-market that is not for sale at a discount, you are wholesaling it. You get the property under contract and then sell it to an investor for a fee.

Now, I've created an entire video series to teach you about wholesaling, but that is the definition, and it is very simple. Let me explain it to you. So I began in my parents' basement, broke, bankrupt, and with multiple foreclosures. It was dreadful. I was a complete disaster. When I was in my parents' basement, however. I began attending real estate investor association meetings.

And I discovered this thing called wholesaling.

My coach showed me how to start looking for properties for free. It's completely free. Contract those individuals and then charge a fee.

And now for the fun part: He told me that the fee should be around $5,000 per transaction.

Yes, you read that correctly. So, when I got my first deal, I got $5,000 because that's what I charge for my service, as taught to me by my coach. Again, I'm teaching you this completely free of charge. So, let me give you some pointers on how to go about wholesaling.

Let me tell you about wholesaling and how you can get these deals for free, as well as why it is the best number one side hustle.

But first, let me show you how to do wholesaling so you can get your first $5,000. So, when it comes to wholesaling, he taught me to distribute flyers, letters, bandit signs, and other items that said, "Are you behind on your mortgage payments?" Please contact us. We assist people in avoiding foreclosure. Now, I went after these types of properties and property problems because that's what he taught me. But keep in mind that you are not limited to going after people who are in foreclosure. You can pursue people involved in divorce, bankruptcy, relocations, and probate. There are so many options.

Once you've located the people in distress and have a property that they no longer want, it's very simple to contact them, according to the script.

You say that script, get them under contract, and then put them out there for free marketing. I'll give you all of the websites so you can start making money right away.

Now, I'm getting a deal every month, and that's how I'm getting out of my parents' basement. I was able to complete at least one transaction. In some cases, I completed two or three transactions per month. You can easily get one deal every month. It's a fantastic side hustle. It's also an excellent way to begin investing in real estate. As I previously stated, you can get started with bad credit and little money. It's a fantastic side hustle. I was able to complete 13 deals in my first year and earn more than $60,000 from this side hustle of wholesaling. 2

2.Rent Your House On Airbnb.

To put it another way, short-term rentals. This is a fantastic side hustle. You do not need to own or have a property right now to start making money with Airbnb.

Let me explain. So, Airbnb allows you to rent out your home, a room, or even a space in your home to people who need space. So, instead of staying in a hotel or a motel, people will stay at people's homes, okay? You can rent out your entire house, an apartment, a condo, or even individual rooms within your house.

You do not have to own the property in order to list it on airbnb, nor do you have to rent out the entire apartment or house. If you have a two-bedroom apartment, you can rent it out, and if you have a three-bedroom apartment, you can rent out one of the bedrooms. Two of the bedrooms are available for rent.

It's entirely up to you. You do not have to complete the entire house to begin earning money. Now, because my company does a lot of Airbnb, let me show you another way to make money with Airbnb. And we're looking for real estate. So, Airbnb is a fantastic side hustle that we assist people with, and we are looking for you to submit properties to our company.

3. Rent Cars On Turo

Turo is similar to Airbnb for cars. Turo is a website/app that you can use to rent out your own vehicle, similar to Airbnb, where you would rent out a property such as a house, condo, apartment, or whatever. You can do the same thing with your car, SUV, or even a van, a small bus, or a mini camper. Turo is for anything that can be driven like a motor vehicle. That, once again, is

And I've been doing this on Turo for over a year, and we've made a lot of money. So, let me tell you exactly how you can get started and turn this entire side hustle into a six-figure business. So, because cars are easier to obtain than houses, it's a very simple thing to do where you can start using your credit if you have good credit and start getting cars, a fleet of cars, and have you a fleet in an entire business on Turo. You can literally buy a car with zero percent interest, do it two or three times, and have a fleet of three or four cars running in less than a month. I've seen it done before.

So, let me show you how to do it quickly and scale it to a six-figure business. So, the first thing you should probably do is buy cars with credit. Even if you have bad credit, you can start fixing it with car loans, making money off of them, and then turning it into a real business.

So you'll get some automobiles. This is very simple if you have good credit. You can get two or three vehicles with extremely low interest rates. 3% and 2%, respectively. Even 0% interest is possible.

You get those cars running, make some money, and then buy some cash cars. You buy some Hyundais, Civics, Kias, and smaller cars that people can rent for $25 to $30 per day. That is a simple task. So, as an example, consider the following. You're given a nice car, possibly a Jeep Grand Cherokee. This is one of the first cars we bought. On Turo, that car earns us about a thousand dollars per month, okay? So, after about 3 or 4 months, we've made and profit of $3,400. Then you take that money and go out and buy some cash cars.

Again, no financing is required; you are now profiting from those vehicles. Plus, the cars you have are still profitable, and you can then upgrade to higher-end vehicles. Your Teslas, Porsches, Lamborghinis, and other such vehicles. You can even start getting into exotic cars, which can cost between $1,000 and $2,000 per day. And, once again, financing for exotic cars is vastly different than financing for Hondas, Nissans, and similar vehicles. As a result, it's simple to reduce those payments. You don't want to start there, though. This is a side business that you can grow into a six-figure enterprise. Begin with a couple of cars. Some nice mid-sized cars that people like. Maybe it's only a couple of years old.

You do not require anything brand new. You want someone else to cover the cost of depreciation. Maybe get some cars that have just gotten out of lease. You know, only a couple of years old, maybe two or three years old. Purchase those at a low interest rate and get them going. Then get some cash cards and move on to your high-end luxury or exotic cars. And this is how you can easily turn a side hustle into a six-figure business in a year. I've seen it done before.

We did it, and you can do it as well. It's extremely simple, and it's one of the best side hustles that no one knows about. As an added bonus, one of the things you want to do with your side hustle to make double or triple what others are making is to start building your business credit. It is very simple to establish a business credit profile that will enable you to obtain hundreds of thousands of dollars in your company's name. And in many cases, within a year.

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    Claudiu CozmaWritten by Claudiu Cozma

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