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Google Tests A.I. Tool That Can Write News Articles

AI alert: Which journalism jobs are at stake amid Google talks with media houses?

By Abdul BasitPublished 11 months ago 3 min read
Google Tests A.I. Tool That Can Write News Articles
Photo by BoliviaInteligente on Unsplash

Google is testing an artificial intelligence (A.I.) tool that can write news articles. The tool, called LaMDA (Language Model for Dialogue Applications), is still under development, but it has already produced some impressive results.

LaMDA can generate summaries of factual topics, write news articles, and even create stories. In one test, LaMDA was able to write a news article about a recent earthquake in Japan. The article was well-written and informative, and it accurately reflected the facts of the event.

Google is not the only company that is developing A.I. tools for news writing. In 2022, OpenAI released a similar tool called GPT-3. GPT-3 has been used to write articles for a variety of publications, including The Guardian and The New York Times.

The development of A.I. tools for news writing raises a number of ethical concerns. Some people worry that these tools could be used to automate the news industry, leading to job losses for journalists. Others worry that A.I.-generated news articles could be less accurate or reliable than articles written by humans.

Google has addressed some of these concerns by saying that LaMDA will not be used to replace human journalists. Instead, LaMDA will be used to help journalists write more quickly and accurately. Google has also said that LaMDA will be trained on a massive dataset of news articles, which should help to ensure that its output is accurate and reliable.

It remains to be seen how A.I. tools will impact the news industry in the long term. However, there is no doubt that these tools have the potential to revolutionize the way news is written and consumed.

Here are some additional details about Google’s A.I. tool:

  1. LaMDA is a factual language model, which means that it is trained on a massive dataset of text and code. This allows LaMDA to generate text that is factual and accurate.
  2. LaMDA can generate text in a variety of styles, including news articles, blog posts, and even creative fiction.
  3. LaMDA is still under development, but it has already produced some impressive results. In one test, LaMDA was able to write a news article about a recent earthquake in Japan. The article was well-written and informative, and it accurately reflected the facts of the event.

Here are some of the ethical concerns that have been raised about A.I. tools for news writing:

  • Automation: Some people worry that A.I. tools could be used to automate the news industry, leading to job losses for journalists.
  • Accuracy: Others worry that A.I.-generated news articles could be less accurate or reliable than articles written by humans.
  • Bias: It is also possible that A.I. tools could be biased, reflecting the biases of the data they are trained on.
  • Automated journalism: AI can be used to automatically generate news articles from data. This can be done by feeding the AI a dataset of news articles and then training it to identify the key elements of a news story, such as the headline, lead paragraph, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Once the AI is trained, it can then be used to generate new news articles from scratch.
  • Fact-checking: AI can be used to fact-check news articles. This can be done by feeding the AI a news article and then asking it to identify any factual errors in the article. The AI can then be used to generate a list of the errors with supporting evidence.
  • Personalization: AI can be used to personalize news articles for each individual user. This can be done by tracking the user's interests and then using this information to generate news articles that are likely to be of interest to the user.
  • Creation of multimedia content: AI can be used to create multimedia content, such as videos, images, and infographics. This can be done by feeding the AI a dataset of multimedia content and then training it to identify the key elements of each type of content. Once the AI is trained, it can then be used to create new multimedia content from scratch.

Google has addressed some of these concerns by saying that LaMDA will not be used to replace human journalists. Instead, LaMDA will be used to help journalists write more quickly and accurately. Google has also said that LaMDA will be trained on a massive dataset of news articles, which should help to ensure that its output is accurate and reliable.

It remains to be seen how A.I. tools will impact the news industry in the long term. However, there is no doubt that these tools have the potential to revolutionize the way news is written and consumed.

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Abdul Basit

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