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Fun and Easy Exercises for Kids to Stay Active at Home

Tayyari Jeet Ki

By Aaron JonasPublished about a year ago 4 min read

With more children staying at home due to the pandemic, it's essential to keep them active and engaged. Exercise not only helps kids stay physically healthy but also improves their mental and emotional well-being. In this article, we'll explore some fun and easy exercises for kids at home.

Jumping Jacks: Jumping jacks are a classic exercise that kids of all ages can enjoy. It's an excellent cardio exercise that helps improve coordination and balance. Start by standing with your feet together and arms by your side. Then jump, spreading your feet wide and raising your arms overhead. Jump back to the starting position and repeat.

Yoga: Yoga is a great way to promote flexibility, strength, and relaxation. There are many yoga videos online specifically designed for kids. Start with some simple poses, such as downward dog, cat-cow, and child's pose. Encourage your kids to breathe deeply and hold each pose for a few breaths.

Dancing: Dancing is a fun and energetic way for kids to get moving. Put on some music and encourage your kids to dance along. You can also find dance workout videos online that are specifically designed for kids.

Hula Hooping: Hula hooping is a fun and challenging exercise that helps improve coordination and core strength. Encourage your kids to start by hula hooping around their waist and then try hooping around their arms or legs.

Balloon Volleyball: Balloon volleyball is a fun and low-impact activity that can be done indoors. All you need is a balloon and a net or a piece of string to use as a net. Encourage your kids to play volleyball by hitting the balloon back and forth over the net.

Animal Walks: Animal walks are a fun way to get kids moving and promote creativity. Encourage your kids to walk like different animals, such as a bear, crab, or frog. Animal walks help improve balance, coordination, and gross motor skills.

Obstacle Course: Create an obstacle course in your home using pillows, chairs, and other household items. Encourage your kids to crawl under chairs, jump over pillows, and balance on one foot. Obstacle courses help improve agility, coordination, and balance.

Scavenger Hunt: Create a scavenger hunt in your home by hiding items around the house and giving your kids clues to find them. Encourage your kids to run, crawl, and climb as they search for the hidden items. Scavenger hunts help improve problem-solving skills and promote physical activity.

Stair Climbing: Stair climbing is a great exercise that helps improve leg strength and cardiovascular endurance. Encourage your kids to climb up and down the stairs several times, taking breaks as needed. You can also make it a fun game by timing each climb and trying to beat their previous time.

Jump Rope: Jumping rope is a fun and challenging exercise that helps improve coordination and cardiovascular endurance. Encourage your kids to start by jumping with both feet and then try jumping on one foot or doing double unders. You can also make it a fun game by seeing how many jumps they can do in a row.

Simon Says: Simon Says is a classic game that can also be used as a fun exercise. Choose actions like jumping jacks, lunges, or squats and give instructions to your kids to perform them as part of the game. This helps improve listening skills and promotes physical activity.

Indoor Soccer: You can set up a mini indoor soccer field in your house with just a ball and some markers. Encourage your kids to kick the ball around and try to score goals. This helps improve coordination, balance, and gross motor skills.

Chair Workouts: You can also incorporate chairs into your child's workout routine. Encourage your kids to do exercises like tricep dips or step-ups using a sturdy chair. This helps improve upper body strength and coordination.

Backyard Play: If you have a backyard, encourage your kids to spend some time playing outside. They can play games like tag, hopscotch, or jump rope. This helps improve cardiovascular endurance and promotes outdoor play.

Biking or Scootering: If you have a bike or scooter, encourage your kids to ride around the neighborhood or in a nearby park. This helps improve balance, coordination, and cardiovascular endurance.

Jumping on a Trampoline: If you have a trampoline in your backyard, encourage your kids to jump on it. Jumping on a trampoline is a fun and low-impact exercise that helps improve coordination, balance, and cardiovascular endurance.

Skipping: Encourage your kids to skip around the house or in the backyard. Skipping is a fun and easy exercise that helps improve coordination and cardiovascular endurance.

Playing Catch: Playing catch with a ball or frisbee is a fun way to improve hand-eye coordination and gross motor skills. You can play catch indoors or outdoors, depending on the weather.

Running or Walking: Encourage your kids to go for a run or walk around the neighborhood or in a nearby park. Thi1s helps improve cardiovascular endurance and promotes outdoor play.

Water Play: If you have a pool or access to a nearby lake or beach, encourage your kids to swim or play in the water. Swimming is a great cardiovascular exercise that helps improve overall fitness and promotes water safety.

Indoor Climbing: If you have a climbing wall or a sturdy piece of furniture, encourage your kids to climb on it. Climbing helps improve upper body strength, coordination, and gross motor skills.

Martial Arts: If your child is interested in martial arts, you can find online tutorials and classes that teach the basics of karate, judo, or taekwondo. Martial arts helps improve strength, flexibility, and coordination.

Yoga for Kids: Many yoga studios and online platforms offer yoga classes specifically designed for kids. Encourage your kids to try some simple yoga poses to improve flexibility, balance, and relaxation.

It's important to remember that exercise for kids should be fun and enjoyable. Encourage your kids to try different activities and find what they enjoy. You can also make it a family activity by exercising together. This helps promote family bonding and encourages everyone to stay active and healthy.


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    AJWritten by Aaron Jonas

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