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This story is a reflection of the inner battle many face when dealing with the fear of love. It’s not an easy path, but acknowledging the fear is the first step towards overcoming it.

By SarahPublished about a month ago 3 min read
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash

The irony wasn't lost on me. ME, Sarah, the hopeless romantic, the girl who cried at every wedding movie, the one who devoured romance novels like chips, was terrified of love. It wasn't a fear of butterflies or awkward dates. It was a cold, clammy dread that twisted in my gut every time things started to get serious.

Maybe it stemmed from watching my parents' loveless marriage. They co-existed under the same roof, their conversations polite but distant, their touches few and far between. Love, in their world, seemed like a faded photograph, a promise long forgotten. The fear settled in me young, a seed taking root in the fertile ground of my childhood.

The first time I felt it consciously was with David in high school. We were the perfect teenage couple, sharing secrets and stolen kisses under the bleachers. But as the months passed, and David started talking about "forever," a panic bloomed in my chest. Forever? What if forever felt like my parents' marriage, a slow suffocation of the heart? I ended things abruptly, leaving David bewildered and me with a churning sense of guilt.

College was a whirlwind of independence and exploration. I threw myself into academics, friendships, and anything to distract from the emptiness gnawing at me. Dates were one-offs, never progressing past a shared meal or a movie. I built walls around my heart, thick and reinforced with cynicism.

Then came Alex. We met in a literature class, and our shared love for Jane Austen sparked endless conversations. He was funny, kind, and had eyes that crinkled at the corners when he smiled. Slowly, the walls I'd built began to show cracks. Alex chipped away at them with his gentle persistence, his unwavering belief in me, and a love that felt different. It wasn't suffocating, but a warm embrace, a safe place to land.

The fear, though, was a persistent whisper. It replayed scenes from my childhood, and conjured images of a loveless future. One night, curled up next to Alex, the weight of it became too much. Tears streamed down my face as I confessed my fear, the words raw and shaky. Alex didn't laugh or dismiss me. He held me close, his voice a soothing balm.

"Love isn't a guarantee, Sarah," he said, "but it's a risk worth taking. We can face it together, one step at a time."

His words struck a chord. Maybe love wasn't a happily-ever-after fairytale, but a journey with its share of bumps and detours. Maybe facing the fear, with someone by my side, was the bravest thing I could do.

We didn't move in together or get engaged right away. We took things slow, building a foundation of trust and communication. We talked about our fears, our dreams, and everything in between. Slowly, the fear began to lose its power. It still flickered sometimes, a faint echo in the back of my mind, but it no longer controlled me.

Our love story wasn't perfect, but it was ours. We argued, we compromised, and most importantly, we grew together. There were moments when the weight of my past threatened to pull me under, but Alex was my anchor, reminding me of the strength I possessed.

Today, years later, we stand hand in hand, a testament to the fact that love can conquer even the deepest fears. It's not always easy, but the joy, the connection, the feeling of being truly seen – it's all worth it.

Love isn't a guarantee, but it's a chance. And sometimes, the greatest love story is the one you write by facing your fears and choosing to believe in happily ever after, one day at a time.


About the Creator


Feeling positive and reaching for dreams. Sharing what works for me, hoping it helps you too.

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