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Taking a Leap of Faith

For most of my life, the word "trust" felt like a foreign language.

By SarahPublished 2 months ago 3 min read
Taking a Leap of Faith
Photo by Joshua Hoehne on Unsplash

Maybe it was a childhood shaped by broken promises, or maybe it was just the way I was wired. Whatever the reason, I built walls around my heart, thick and strong, convinced that letting people in meant getting hurt.

A Life on Guard

It wasn't a conscious decision, this constant state of guardedness. It was a subconscious reflex, a shield I held up anytime someone offered a smile or a helping hand.

Friendships? Forget about it. Vulnerability felt like a weakness I couldn't afford.

This self-imposed isolation wasn't a badge of honor. It was a lonely existence, a constant hum of "what if" echoing in the space where connection should have been.

I yearned for the warmth of genuine connection, the joy of shared laughter, and the comfort of a hand to hold. But the fear of betrayal was a constant companion, whispering doubts in my ear.

A Crack in the Armor

One day, a new neighbor moved in next door. Ema, with her infectious laughter and an endless supply of homemade cookies, was living proof that sunshine could exist even in the corners of my guarded world. She didn't pry, didn't push.

She simply offered kindness in small doses, a friendly wave every morning, and a helping hand when I struggled with a heavy grocery bag.

At first, my defenses were on high alert.

Was this genuine?

Was this leading to some inevitable heartbreak?

But Ema's unwavering warmth chipped away at the walls I'd built. Her genuine concern, her open-hearted laughter, started to create a tiny crack in my armor.

Hesitantly, and cautiously, I started to let her in.

Sharing snippets of my life felt like a risk, a secret whispered in a crowded room. But Ema listened. Not just with her ears, but with her heart. She offered understanding without judgment, and support without expectation.

Slowly, the fear started to loosen its grip.

Building a Foundation

It wasn't a sudden change, some dramatic moment of epiphany. It was a gradual shift, a growing sense of security.

I began to find myself leaning on Ema, trusting her with snippets of my past, and worries about the future. And with each shared secret, the walls crumbled a little further.

The journey wasn't without its stumbles. Old anxieties would creep back in, whispering doubts in my ear.

But now, I have a different perspective. I had Sarah, a living example of the good that could exist in the world. When fear threatened to engulf me, I could hold onto the memory of her kindness, a reminder to trust my judgment.

Learning to trust wasn't about becoming naive. It was about acknowledging that not everyone is out to hurt me. It was about taking calculated risks, and opening myself up to the possibility of connection, even if it meant facing the occasional disappointment.

The Rewards Outweigh the Risks

Today, my friendships are built on a foundation of trust, a foundation that took years to build. I still have moments of apprehension, moments where the old fear tries to resurface.

But now, I have the tools to silence it, the courage to take a leap of faith.

This journey has taught me that trust isn't something someone "earns." It's a choice we make, a risk we take with the hope of creating something beautiful. It's about opening our hearts, even if it means getting a little bruised along the way.

Because the rewards – the joy of genuine connection, the comfort of shared laughter, the strength that comes from knowing you're not alone – far outweigh the risks.

So, if you're someone struggling with trust issues, know this: you're not alone. It takes courage to tear down those walls, but the view from the other side is breathtaking.

Take it one step at a time, one tiny leap of faith. You might be surprised by the beauty that awaits you on the other side.


About the Creator


Feeling positive and reaching for dreams. Sharing what works for me, hoping it helps you too.

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