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ETEA Test Preparations 5 Tips To Get Good Marks in Entrance Test

How to prepare and pass the ETEA Test or Exam with good marks. A complete guide.

By Khan JohnPublished 11 months ago 10 min read
ETEA Test Preparations 5 Tips To Get Good Marks in Entrance Test

1. How to learn book contents

In our system, people often go with learning things that don’t stay in their memory for a long time, but if we understand the core objectives of a topic then we can easily draw an imaginary image of the topic and learn it with ease.

Why we choose this topic to be the first of the book? Just to give you the idea that how important learning of a topic related to cracking an entrance exam.

There are three basic principles for learning things

A. First Principle of learning

B. The second principle of learning

C. The Third principle of learning

If you are thinking that psychology has no effect on your test result then you are wrong because those who top the board can easily top the ETEA too, how you prepare for your entrance exam is an important factor to consider.

Some candidate just sits in front of books and do study at the same time have headphone attach to mobile too.

In this book, I will guide you about those important things that you miss when you sit for preparing your exam.

This book is only to make you think. How to understand the course contents, how to prepare for the ETEA entrance exam, and how to work smart not hard.

2. How to prepare for ETEA entrance Test

Preparing for an exam that has 2 months of period and has to read three books is very difficult and required many efforts but at the same time at is not very difficult once you got the idea.

What is the Idea? Can you know about physics? The answer from you maybe, yes definitely, and why not yes, because you study this subject for 4 years.

Therefore, why I write physics here, just to thought you how the idea works, you have the idea that physics deals with the study of energy and mass and the relationship between mass and energy. This is the idea. Then you have to execute your idea later in form of K.E, P.E, or energy-mass conversion.

So, the first thing is to learn what idea a subject or topic presents, the better you understand the idea of the subject the better you present in form of writing or orally.

The second thing is to write down every word teacher told you, my teacher, here I mean your college teacher, not your academy teacher, we will talk you this in section 6 of this book.

Once I take one of the past ETEA paper I compare them to my noted lectures I found that more than 60% of the content from the paper match to my notes. So, always note down what your teacher told you or write.

Third, the most important point to be noted is to ask questions. The more questions you ask the better you understand. At his been said, “A smart person always questioned things”

Fourth, the last one is to make sure you thought MCQs to the weak (in studies) this will help you to more clear the idea and it the same time also helps your friend.

3. Why students fail the ETEA Exam?

Can you ever think why some student gets high marks will other don’t, why some fail, to get into the engineering or medical colleges, this is because of different reason, some of them may be low self-confidence, no proper planning for a test, don’t take interest in the exam and a lot of other factors.

Let discuss some of the important factors that make your failure for the test.

  • Self-confidence is a very important thing that combined your self-belief in the occurrence of a thing that you want. Self-confidence is a trait that helps you to achieve success in any thing that you want but keep in mind that self-confidence is not a success. It is a belief that helps you to achieve success. In addition, keep in mind smart work is the key to success with self-confidence.
  • No proper planning for the test is another factor that highly affect you are grading, the smarter you plan for your subject complication the better you are grading will be.

If you do not take interest in the exam for the reason that you know each and everything then you are on the big loss.

  • Overthinking is another issue with many students, this type of issue raises because of the fact that student family and friends like how my family reacts to my low ETEA Score, what my friends will think of me.

A very important question arise here is:

Why we do engineering or medical?

Some of you may have an idea that

  • It is a professional degree
  • My parents want me to become a doctor/engineer
  • I have a passion to become an engineer/doctor
  • I want to earn a handsome amount of money
  • Etc.

Here we go; we have a mission to go.

4. 10 things you need to do every morning for better study

It has been said that a “wake up early in the morning, say thank you to God for giving you such a beautiful life and start your day with a positive message, take a shower and go for the study and see the results.” DushakaZupta (New York best book author)

Here are ten things that you need to do every morning while starting your day

1. A proper goal of the day: Every morning when you wake up write a goal of the day related to your study, a proper goal help you to complete your course on time and at the same time at also create a sense of discipline.

One of the best psychological things is when you achieve your goal of the day, reward yourself with a sweet thing or something that you like to eat, with every achieving goal make your reward bigger.

What if you don’t complete your goal of the day? Then you need to keep a punishment for that too. Always remember to do progress in small steps, like 5% a day of your work cumulated to 150% in one month.

2. Exercising: Exercising early in the morning has a lot of benefits. Some of them are good health, active life, and have a good capacity of learning and doing constructive things.

What if you become ill on ETEA exam day, this will badly affect your score and maybe you do not go to the test.

I know a person who does a lot of work for the ETEA test but when test day reach he goes ill, that is the saddest part of the game.

In a study done by the University of British Columbia, researchers found that regular aerobic exercise, the kind that your heart and your sweat glands pumping, appears to boost the size of your brain hippocampus, the brain area involved in verbal memory and learning.

Exercise and the brain: Exercise helps memory and makes your thinking by both direct and indirect means. Some of the growth factors that occur with the brain due to exercising are chemicals of the brain cells that affect the health of the brain cells, the growth of new blood vessels, and even the abundance and survival of new blood cells.

3. Healthy diet: “To be healthy you need to eat healthily”. 90% of diseases are due to the food you eat. Omega-3 fatty acid – found in salmon, walnuts, and Kiwi fruits – provide many benefits, including improving learning and memory and also help you to fight against mental disorders such as depression and dementia.

Synapses in the brain connect neurons and provide critical functions; learning and memory occur at synapses.

Omega-3 fatty acids supports synaptic plasticity and seem to positively affect the expression of several molecules related to learning and memory storage.

If you are not learning and memorizing things then probably you are lacking Omega-3 fatty acid.

In Australia, a study is conducted on 396 children aged 6 to 12 who were given a drink contacting Omega-3 fatty acid and other nutrients such as iron, zinc, and folic acid, children’s who drink these nutrients showed higher scores on a test measuring verbal intelligence and learning.

Another study is conducted after six months and one year those children don’t receive the nutrition and they perform poorly when the test is conducted again, so the result shows that Nutrition is very important for your memory and learning. So how you define a healthy diet? A diet that has all the necessary nutrients that are useful for our body.

4. Solving a puzzle: Can you know how many dimensions a coin has? Two, wrong. A coin may have three dimensions or even more, but that all depend upon your reference. How to solve a puzzle that helps you? By solving a puzzle every morning, your brain trains to manipulate new techniques. According to research, those who play “chess” (A Mind Game) get a higher score than those who did not play.

5. Positive thinking: Thinking is very important for our success. The famous quote is “What you think of, you will achieve it” and the other one is “What Human Imagine, he can do that”.

If you are thinking that you will fail the test, you already fail, if you are thinking that someone else is better than you, then that person is already better then you. If you are thinking, you cannot do Engineering or medical you will never do that. See the power of thinking!

Once one of the Pakistani leaders expresses his view about Thinking, “Great countries are made on the basis of thinking.”

6. Solve mathematics problems: From an experiment conducted in the US that those students who solve mathematical problems do well in SAT (A test like ETEA for admissions in US universities) exam as compared to those who do not solve mathematical problems.

7. Get Up Early: Stop telling yourself you are not a morning person. If you want to be your most productive self, it is time to change your habits.

Waking up early in the morning can have a positive impact on your life. Some of the benefits include increased productivity, more time for breakfast or exercise, and more time during the day things done.

To be an early riser you need to learn when to sleep, that is the most important thing to do.

8. Sit well fashion: Go to exercising, take a bath, and sit well dressed. The more you feel fresh the better you understand the content of the book.

A study is taken at the University of Georgia in which the learning rate is determined using a sample of 2000 students, at the end, they concluded that the best time for learning is between 5 to 10.

9. Study normally:

10. Get a review of your previous workday: Do this every morning before you start new work. How it helps you? It helps you to remember it for a long-time, enables you to find out the problems you faced, this will also help you to better learning the course because by revising a piece of content you had better understand what the authors want to convey you.

One of the famous quotes is “People who wake up early, never be unsuccessful”

From one of the studies conducted on billionaire’s habit that what different billionaires have that the rest of the people lack. They find that “95% of billionaires wake up early, between 4 am to 6 am”

Know I want to show you the hard thing to do a piece of work.

“The hard thing is not dreaming big. The hard thing is waking up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat when the dream turns into a nightmare.”(Taken from the book “The Hard thing about hard things”)

Critically thinking is above all which says “Question everything and go in-depth of the matter”

5. 10 things you need not do every morning for better studying

There are some things that hurt your whole day workflow, how to avoid this? If know about those hurdles then you can easily avoid those poisonous things in your life and sit a better timetable for your academic work.

Here are 10 things that you need not do when you wake up in the morning

A. Starting study as a wake up: Wake up early the morning will help you to

B. Thinking about exams

C. Don’t have breakfast

D. Use social media

E. Going to an outing with friends

F. Using Multidimensional working methodology

G. Study different subject on same day

H. Have no proper plan for the day

I. Leave the hard part

J. Study with friends

6. Can academy help you in cracking the ETEA test?

For some people, yes and for some, it is not a good idea to get into Any Coaching academy.

For people who think that they don’t have enough knowledge or they didn’t study in their two years of course then the most suitable choice is to get into any coaching academy.

For those people who think that they can solve their multiple-choice questions of ETEA, provided by ETEA officially, so for those people coaching is not a big problem.

I hope this helps.

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About the Creator

Khan John

I write about NSFW AI Scene and everything that is happening in the AI NSFW including recent developments. Contact me : Twitter, or an email at: [email protected]

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