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Create a Solitude Bucket List and Learn to LOVE Being Alone

You'll make a new best

By Rick MartinezPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Photo by Mantas Hesthaven on Unsplash

They say that if you imagine that the audience is naked, speaking on a stage is less frightening.

Have you seen the way the average American is built these days? If I imagined naked people, I'd get spooked. Spooked by all that fleshy flesh-ness.

But I digress...

Aside from public speaking, some of the biggest social fears people have include activities where they perceive being judged, embarrassed, or rejected.

These feelings are often associated with being alone.That's why it's common for people to avoid solitude rather than enjoy it.

Somehow, there's a stigma against doing things on your own which means there are plenty of people failing to have unique experiences simply because they don't want to go by themselves. It's a bummer, too, because people miss out on things they would like to do when they don't have someone else to join in.

Before you know it, life's passing by, and many of the fun things they want to do never happen.

Solitude feels odd at first

Have you ever dined alone or gone to a movie by yourself?

Ever taken a vacation solo or traveled long distances on your own?

Solitude may feel odd at first, but engaging in activities by yourself can be incredibly satisfying. Doing things on your own makes it possible to do what you want, when you want, and how you want. You don't have to negotiate with others or consider anyone else's timelines or expectations.

So while it may feel odd at first, just know that there is a distinct sense of freedom when we engage in active solitude.

Solitude is a gift

Being able to engage in activities alone is a gift.

Having time for yourself and to yourself can help you recalibrate your emotions, sort through your thoughts, and get to know yourself better. You never realize how much others influence you until you are free from their input and impressions on your life. You also don't understand how much chatter and stimulation bombard you each day until you are free from the 'noise.'

So while some may believe solitude is some sort of strange affliction, you're smart enough to grasp that they're far from the truth. It's a gift.

Create a solitude Bucket List

Sitting down and considering what activities you'd like to try is a fun way to dream.

From hiking the Appalachian trail to jumping out of airplanes, what activities would you like to experience? Why not try them alone? Start small and learn to enjoy the many benefits of solitude.

I mean, who made the rule that everything you do has to be with others?

Consider these options and add your unique twist.

  • Go to your favorite restaurant solo
  • Take in a play, concert, or movie
  • Take a multi-day road trip
  • Attend a silent retreat
  • Rent a cabin in the woods for a week

There's no right or wrong activity to add to your list. The key is to tackle the list solo and enjoy the unique experiences that come with solitude.

It's freeing to know you don't need anyone else to have a good time and can enjoy activities with or without the company of others. Be sure to disengage from your smartphone too. Being glued to your phone can be a crutch to avoid the fears of solitude. Instead, focus on being in the moment and enjoying it!


People often avoid solitude because they fear the social judgments and perceptions that come with it.

-Solitude can be incredibly satisfying, helping people to get to know themselves better and freeing them from outside influences.

-Creating a "solitude bucket list" is a fun way to dream about all the activities you want to try by yourself.

-The key is to enjoy the experiences that come with solitude instead of using it as a crutch for avoiding social fears.

So, the next time you're feeling anxious about going out by yourself or doing something new, just remember that it's totally normal and okay! You can do anything you set your mind to. Just enjoy the experience and create some amazing memories.


Solitude can be a great thing. Join my email list with 1,000's of others who love some "alone time", and for more freelancing insights.


About the Creator

Rick Martinez

I help CEOs & entrepreneurs write & publish books that give them authority & legacy | Bestselling author | Former CEO turned ghostwriter |

California born, Texas raised.

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