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Are You Looking For Cheap and Affordable Dental Implants Treatment in New Jersey?

Best Dentist in New Jersey

By Jackson Dental NJPublished 2 years ago 13 min read

Dental implants have a success rate of 98%. It is higher than other tooth-replacement solutions such as dentures, bridges, and crowns. People choose dental implants because they last for the longest and provide the most natural-looking solution for tooth loss. No wonder everyone looks for cheap and affordable dental implant options.

How expensive dental implants can be? Just a single implant can cost anywhere between $1000 to $4500. This price incorporates the implant, the abutment, and the crown or false tooth. However, if you need bone grafts before installing the implants, the cost of the whole procedure may increase.

The costs of getting an implant for replacing a missing tooth play a significant role. Full dental implants cost more than just a single implant. But, you shouldn't make a choice purely based on the expenses. First, let us understand the types of dental implants and the whole process of installing them.

Types Of Dental Implants

Depending on your requirement and your oral health, your dentist will suggest the right type of dental implant for you. There are several types of dental implants, and for every type, there are different alternatives for coatings and connectors. The placing of dental implants comes mainly in two categories:

Endosteal Implants

The most commonly used dental implant is the endosteal implant. It is also an alternative to removable dentures. When you get an endosteal dental implant, your dentist installs a titanium screw in your jawbone that acts as an artificial root to hold the crown. In this process, your bone and tissue around the root must heal completely. Though it takes a few months for proper healing, this process provides the most strong and close to realistic results. In the process of installing endosteal implants, the screw is attached to the jaw. Hence, your jawbone must be healthy and dense. In case if you have a narrow jaw bone due to other health conditions, the installed screw may not get sufficient support. In this case, the endosteal implants may not work properly and you may have to go for subperiosteal implants.

Subperiosteal Implants

For people who want to get dental implants but don't have enough jaw bone density, the subperiosteal implant is a solution. In its process of installation, the subperiosteal implants are placed over the jawbone in the gum tissue. The implant support is revealed through the gums to hold the dentures or the crown. Subperiosteal implants aren't as durable as endosteal implants because the screw sits on the top of the bone instead of connecting to the bone. Still, a subperiosteal implant gives more support than dentures, and you can go for them if you have low jaw bone density.

Dental Implant Surgery Procedure

The dental implant surgical procedure takes place in two parts. The first part is to replace the teeth with the metal screw, and the second is to install the artificial tooth. It is essential that your oral well-being is good and your jaw bone is healthy. You may expect the whole procedure to go as follows:

1. The first step is to consult with your dentist. Depending on what is suitable for you, your doctor will suggest if you should get dental implants or not. Your dentist will examine your mouth and inspect the site where you want to get the implants.

2. Next, your dentist will analyze your jawbone through X-Rays or CT scans. This analysis will help the dentist to determine your bone density and health. Once it's confirmed that you can get implants to get your missing teeth replaced, you will have to come on the scheduled date of the surgery.

3. The procedure begins with giving anesthesia to the patient. It numbs the site and prevents pain and discomfort during the surgery. If you have dental anxiety, your doctor may also give you some sedatives.

4. Once you're ready, the next step would be the extraction of the remaining part of the tooth at the site.

a. If a sufficient amount of bone is present in your jaw, your dentist will extract the tooth and install the implant in the same visit. This installation is known as immediate implant placement.

b. Sometimes, a part of the damaged tooth might be present that needs removal. Your dentist may also place a synthetic bone graft to provide a solid foundation for the dental implant. It is known as Alveolar Bone Graft. Once it is placed, you may need 4-6 months to heal before getting the implant.

c. In case there is no sufficient bone present, and there is no tooth, an onlay bone graft is put on the jawbone. It takes around six months to heal completely.

d. When the dental implant is required in the upper jaw, you may have to undergo a procedure called a sinus augmentation. It is because there is a limited amount of bone present in the upper jaw. It happens due to the maxillary sinus, which is the air-filled space found in the bones of the face. In the sinus augmentation process, your dentist will raise the sinus floor so that there is space for bone grafting.

5. After the process of bone grafting and healing, the site becomes prepared for the placement of dental implants. An implant is a post made up of titanium. Your dentist will fix this post in your jaw through special tools.

6. After the installation of the implant, the dentist will stitch your gums and place a healing cap on the site. Now your phase of healing starts where the titanium posts fuse with your jaw bone. While your jaw heals, you can wear a temporary denture in place of your missing tooth as it may take you two to six months to heal completely. It is essential to take care of the implant site while you heal. You should not put any force or stress on the implants. Your dentist may also call you for routine examinations of your mouth to make sure that the healing process goes on well and there are no signs of infection.

7. After the healing time passes, the dental implants are subjected to testing. This step is very important as it ensures that the surrounding bone has accepted the new implants. Once you have healed, your dentist will attach an abutment to the implant. The abutment is a prosthetic part that attaches to the implant through a screw. The purpose of this abutment is to hold the crown in its place.

8. Next, the dentist will take the impressions of this abutment to create a mold. Your artificial tooth that matches the structure and color of your natural teeth, will be created from this mold.

9. Once the crown or artificial tooth that resembles your teeth is created, it will be attached to the abutment through a screw or cement. And so you will get your new tooth which is as good as your natural teeth.

Why Dental Implants Are Worth The Investment

If you have missing teeth, getting dental implants is an option that you should consider. With dental implants, you get a strong foundation that replicates the roots of your teeth and the newly replaced teeth match your natural set of teeth. If you are thinking if dental implants are worth the investment, here are the reasons why you should consider them:

1. Dental implants are cost-effective. It may seem that dental implants have a greater initial investment as compared to other options. But the overall expenses of dentures or partial dentures could be much more over time. When you get dental implants, they can last you up to a lifetime. Whereas, dentures and partials may need replacement every couple of years because of changes in the structure of your jawbone. All these costs can add up to the financial burden while making dental implants one of the most cost-effective solutions.

2. Dental implants have a high rate of success. They are one of the best tooth restorative options available today. Around 98% of dental implants last a lifetime. However, the remaining 2% margin of the failure is due to not caring for the implants properly. Smoking and lack of dental care are identified as the main causes of the failure of dental implants. With a commitment to proper dental hygiene, healthy eating, and routine visits to your dentist, your dental implants will last you forever.

3. Dental implants resemble your natural teeth. An implant is designed to look, function, and feel just like a natural tooth. It is stable, strong, and doesn't fall from the place like dentures. To achieve a natural appearance, the artificial tooth or the crown is stained to match the color of the adjacent teeth. It not only looks good but also feels comfortable.

4. Dental implants keep your jawbone healthy. Your teeth maintain the health of your jawbone and prevent it from deteriorating. Since your jawbone is very sensitive, it starts to demineralize if you have missing teeth. Dental implants protect your jawbone by bonding to it and functioning like a natural tooth. This process of structural and functional connection between a living bone and the surface of a load-bearing artificial implant is called osseointegration. Other tooth-restorative options such as dentures, only sit on the top of the gums and don't affect the structure of your jawbone, thus making it vulnerable.

5. Dental implants are made up of titanium. When you get a dental implant, it bonds with your jawbone perfectly to keep the artificial tooth secure in your mouth. Titanium is the best material to make implants and doesn't cause any discomfort. It feels like your other natural tooth roots.

6. Dental implants keep your teeth in place. Most tooth replacement options like dentures require you to take it out and soak in a cup at night. It is essential to extend the life of dentures and stop the build-up of bacteria. Taking out dentures at night also lets your gums relax and heal. When you get dental implants installed, you don't need to do this extra work. Since implants are fixed in your mouth permanently, you don't have to take them out for cleaning or gum relaxation. They are just like your natural teeth and you can care for them by normal brushing and flossing.

7. Dental implants make it easier to speak. Sometimes, dentures can feel like having a block in your mouth and make speaking difficult. Many people are also worried that their dentures might slip out when they talk. Dental implants on the other hand feel natural and will not cause your words to slur. It allows you to speak clearly without any discomfort.

8. Dental Implants are low maintenance. Unlike dentures and partials, caring for dental implants is easy. You don't have to apply any adhesives for the teeth to stay in your mouth. You can care for them as you care for your natural teeth. Brushing twice a day and flossing once a day will keep your dental implants good for a long time.

9. Dental Implants are for people of all ages. Whether you're in college or about to retire, dental implants could be the best tooth restorative option for you. On the advice and approval of the dentist, you can get a dental implant at any age. Only children can't get dental implants because their jawbone is in the developing stage and may fail. You can get a dental implant at any age, and they last for a lifetime.

10. Dental implants protect your existing teeth. When you lose a tooth, it results in gaps in your mouth. To fill these gaps, the adjacent teeth shift to fill the gap as much as possible. It may result in other oral problems such as swollen gums, jaw pain, and more loss of teeth. Getting dental implants will replace your natural teeth and prevent the adjacent teeth from shifting.

11. Dental implants retain your facial structure. Tooth loss can result in the sinking of your cheeks making your face look older. Hence, people who have missing teeth tend to smile less often. When you get dental implants, it retains your facial forms and makes you look younger.

12. Dental implants don't get affected by cavities. Cavities are a serious problem that may lead to tooth loss. However, dental implants aren't susceptible to cavities. Due to their composition, implants feel, function, and look like natural teeth but they don't get damaged easily. When plaque deposits on the surface of the crown, it doesn't destroy the tooth. But if you don't take care of your dental hygiene, you may still develop gum diseases.

13. Dental implants allow you to enjoy your favorite food. When you wear dentures, you may have to stick to softer food items to prevent damage to the teeth. You may also worry about slipping dentures while biting or chewing. With dental implants, you can have all the food that you want. Like your natural teeth, implants make it easy to bite and chew your food with proper bite force.

14. Dental implants let you smile freely. When you lose a tooth, it may be embarrassing for you to smile. The gap in your teeth may lower your confidence and make you conscious about how you look. When you get dental implants, no one, except you and your dentist can tell the difference between your natural teeth and implants.

Cheap And Affordable Dental Implant Treatments

As per a study of the American Dental Association, one of the main reasons why people don't get the required dental care is because they can't afford it. Dental implants are also one of the most expensive procedures to restore missing teeth. Hence, many people go for other options that are cheaper but less optimal. The whole procedure of installing the implants is expensive because of what is involved. Cheap dental implants are hard to find without compromising the quality. When you get a dental implant, you not only pay for the superior quality of materials that may last you for a lifetime but also for the skills of your oral surgeon who plans your entire treatment and gives you a perfect smile. The cost of a dental implant per tooth in the United States ranges from $3,500 – $4,000 on average. In case you need more than one implant, it may cost you a lot of money.

If you want to lower your dental implant procedure costs, here are some possibilities:

Compare Quotes

When looking for dental implants, don't accept the expenses that your regular dentist might quote. It is always best to find the best prices for the dental implants procedure in your area. It's not always necessary to visit a dentist's office in person to estimate the costs. You can contact them on call or through their website. You can also search for “dental implants cost in New Jersey” on search engines to get an idea about the costs. Once you compare the costs, analyze the procedure and check the reviews of the patients, you can choose the clinic that suits you.

Don't Overlook The Hidden Costs.

While comparing quotes, pay attention to all the services being provided. It may seem that one dentist is affordable but later you may realize that there are several other additional expenses related to the procedure. Make sure that you check if the following procedures are included in the given quote:

• Anesthesia

• X-rays and Ct Scans

• Dental Impressions

• Medicines

• Preliminary Surgeries

• Follow-Up Visits, etc.

If you are not sure, it is always best to ask your dentist and clarify the additional expenses. Otherwise, you will have to pay extra later and your implants won't be cost-efficient due to hidden fees.

Sign Up For Dental Savings Plan

Several dental clinics in partnership with insurance companies provide dental savings plans. It is like a membership plan in which you have to pay a yearly fee and in return, you get low-cost dental treatments including dental implants. Before choosing your dental savings plan, you should talk to your dentists and make sure your plan serves your dental requirements.

While searching for and affordable dental implants in New Jersey you may come across offers that may be too good to be true. If you see that someone offers dental implants at a very low cost, it may be possible that:

• Dental implants are made up of poor-quality materials that won't last for long.

• The dental professional is not skilled and experienced in implantology

• The dentist may place fewer implants, less than you need. It overloads the implants.

Are You Looking For Cheap & Affordable Dental Implants Treatment In New Jersey?

When we talk about dental implants, we refer to a surgery that involves placing screws in your jawbone. Hence, you must find an experienced dental professional and best dentist in New Jersey who doesn't compromise your oral health to cut the costs.

At Jackson Dental, we understand how important your smile is to you. We also understand that getting dental implants is a huge decision that may make you anxious. You may likely think getting dental implants is worth the cost? Or, should you choose dental implants over partial dentures?

We at Jackson Dental walk you through the entire process and make sure that you are comfortable at every step. Our team of highly skilled and experienced dental professionals provides you with exactly what you need. Our hands-on experience with modern dental tools and technology enables us to examine your oral health and suggest the best possible dental solutions. At Jackson Dental, you not only get affordable and cheap dental implants in New Jersey, but also patient-centric care, comfort, and best dental care in New Jersey. Don't let the dental implant procedure become too heavy on your pocket. Rest assured and let us take care of your oral health.


There could be several reasons for tooth loss including injuries, and tooth decay. Missing teeth may stop you from smiling when you want to smile, and eating what you want to eat. Assessing the countless benefits of dental implants, they are worth considering. Modern dentistry and state-of-the-art technologies are capable of providing you an artificial tooth that looks, functions, and feels just like your natural tooth. Millions of people in the USA wear dental implants and people around them can't even tell that they had a missing tooth. Why should tooth loss stop you from smiling and feeling confident?

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About the Creator

Jackson Dental NJ

Dr. Farida Ali Best Dentist in New Jersey, is committed to providing you with excellent dentistry in a comfortable environment. At Jackson Dental, you get a one-stop solution for all your dental needs.

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