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"A Better World"

Thoughts about Sarah J. Maas' Throne of Glass and A Court of Thorns & Roses series'

By Luna FaePublished 2 years ago 6 min read
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A few months ago I looked at my long To-Be-Read wish list on and saw A Court of Thorns and Roses. It had been on my list for a while and I was at a point where I was frustrated with books because the previous 6 I had attempted to read ended up being dull and a waste of time. So I decided to take a risk and order the book. I only had a very vague inclination as to what it was about and I had successfully avoided any spoilers on the series, so while I was mildly worried this would be yet another dud, I was also excited because old-world fae (the creepy, gonna-eat-you-while-you-watch kind) always fascinated me.

Not 3 days later the book arrived at my doorstep and I was anxious to start a new adventure. So, as it was Winter and a sweet, soft snow was falling outside, I gathered up my softest blanket, snuggled close to my husband, grabbed a cup of hot cocoa and started to read.

After just the first chapter, I was hooked. I knew I needed to order the rest of the series right that minute because for the first time in many years, I would get through that book before the night was through. I can tell you now that while A Court of Thorns and Roses was extraordinary, I had no idea what the second, third, fourth and fifth books would hold. Nor how they would legitimately change my outlook on life and myself. I know many people have said things like this specifically about this series and I know it may sound cheesy, but for me at least, the feelings that came with diving into this series are genuine.

Throughout the first to the fourth books, the story follows Feyre, a mortal girl whose family is thrown into poverty after their fortune is lost. After she unknowingly kills a fae, Feyre is stolen away by a fairy lord, finding that the stories humans have come to believe about the fae are not what they seem.

A Court of Thorns and Roses is very reminiscent of Beauty and The Beast, but the series truly becomes its own entity once you start reading the second book, A Court of Mist and Fury. This series not only re-awakened my love for books, but so much more. The characters are so engaging that you simply can't help but love or hate them. Sarah J. Maas created a world that everyone who has read the books wants to live in forever. With that said, after I read the series, I knew I loved the way she writes, so naturally, I had to read the Throne of Glass series next.

When starting Throne of Glass I was a little thrown off honestly. The writing style was different somehow, and then I came to find out that Throne of Glass was actually Sarah's first written series. The evolution of writing throughout the series was actually a LOT of fun to witness as in the beginning, it was like Sarah was trying to find her footing and figure out how she preferred to portray things, whereas by the end of the series, you were completely in love with the characters, the plot and everything in between because by then, you could tell without a doubt that Sarah had found her voice and she was confident in it.

Looking back on it now, I wish I had known that Throne of Glass was her first series because I think I would have enjoyed really seeing her come into herself and the growth she made between TOG and ACOTAR. But alas, I have no regrets because between Aelin and Feyre, I have learned more about myself than any other books have taught me.

Throne of Glass is about a girl who puts the "sass" in Assassin. Celeana Sardothien lives in a world where an evil mortal King has conquered most of the world and made sure magic cannot exist, by killing and driving out any and all things concerning the magical and mystical. As Celeana goes through a myriad of trials, she stumbles into an adventure that she is certain will end in misery.

Both series taught me so many things, but the most important one was this: Fight and keep hope for a better world.

This long-winded article is meant to portray the thoughts that both these phenomenal series has inspired in me. Feyre went through much more than any of us will, and not because we don't have the fae to contend with, but because of the emotional and physical demands she overcame. She experienced anger, fear, bitterness, heartbreak, revenge, power, and in the end became someone she never even dreamed of being. A pillar of strength, and the most beautiful power. Aelin started out as someone who didn't care what happened to the world, and didn't want any responsibility in the possible creation of a new one, but in the end she becomes something not only powerful, but emotionally enduring. She becomes someone she simply would not have recognized in the beginning. Aelin conquers an early life full of trauma and time and time again, overcomes betrayal, heartache, self-doubt, rage, loss and much more. Honestly if Aelin and Feyre met let's just say I'm pretty sure the Universe would explode because there is just not enough room for the incredible awesomeness that is them in one measly world. They are.....indescribable.

Both of these women, while yes they are in fantasy worlds, inspired me to drop my bitter, angry view that Iv'e built over time of the world and see things just a little more....lovingly. They inspired me to see something I hadn't looked for in a very long time: Potential.

I don't need to tell you that the past few years have been difficult in a plethora of different ways. I grew to hate people and feel trapped. My patience went from 10 feet to 10 cm, and my compassion took a hiatus. Feyre reminded me that love is a strength and it never goes away for good. She reminded me of the power I hold within myself and that compassion, self-love and understanding are all necessary for a better world. Aelin helped me to take a good hard look at my dark side and ask if it was worth forgetting my light. She taught me to trust myself and that just because I have flaws and traumas of my own, they certainly don't rule me or my life. They are simply a part of my journey. She taught me that I am always stronger than I give myself credit for.

All these books came from one person: Sarah J. Maas. This one person has changed so many lives just by writing. Let that blow your mind for a second. One person. Just one, did all that. So how can I possibly think that one person can't change the world?

All this comes to me simply saying that to make a better world, I believe that kindness, love, patience, and faith in yourself can make a much larger difference than anyone could imagine. Focus on bettering yourself and being kind and courageous and you could move hearts and mountains. Create a better world within, and you will create a better world outside.

Thank you for taking the time to read these thoughts, and I hope they find you well and on your way to impeccable happiness. Blessed Be.

book review

About the Creator

Luna Fae

Hello Lovelies! I am a Military wife, artist, singer, writer, reader, animal lover, and all around goofball who loves exploring and making people smile. I'm so excited to have this writing outlet and hope you love what you read! Blessed Be!

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