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6 Myths About Having A Career In The U.S. Coast Guard!

I Sincerely Believed These Were True.

By A.OPublished 3 years ago 6 min read
The important role of the coast guard is sometimes under appreciated

For most suburban kids who actually grew up pretending to be soldiers and spending several weekends watching action thrillers which were set during the wartime(These were the favorites), They usually always have a good and healthy respect for those real-life heroes who served in the real armed forces. It is also well admitted that they would have a pretty blur sense of what it meant to be an actual member of the U.S. armed forces or military. Growing up in the land-locked Midwest, the Coast Guard Position — the unique military branch which is most associated with the nation’s coast and its waterways — seemed especially even more intriguing and mysterious.

I still do vividly remember some of the earliest myths and rumors about serving in the Coast Guard that I did hear as a kid: such as, members must attain an expert-level in swimming and diving, they must be able to hold their breath for five complete minutes under the water, and that such recruits would have to withstand and endure tear-gassing at the basic training for as long as excruciatingly possible before putting on their gas masks. While i would admit some part of me must have known from the onset that these were real big exaggerations, however they did contribute to my little senses and knowledge of back then that a career in the Coast Guard was definitely beyond the grasp and reach of an ordinary individual.

Today, being an adult, I’m quiet excited and happy to report that these wild notions could not be anything further from the truth. While serving in the U.S. Coast Guard sure is a big responsibility and quiet tasking requiring strong character, both mental and physical wellness and fitness, and a real sense of focus , dedication and commitment, it doesn’t necessarily require superhero strength. To put an end to these rumors and give a lot of people out there including my readers an idea of what it’s actually like to serve under the U.S coast guard, We have teamed up with some friends serving in the U.S. Coast Guard to pop the biggest myths surrounding the organization.

Continue reading to get the facts cleared up once and for all.

Myth 1 : There Usually is A Two-Year Compulsory Waiting List To Join The U.S Coast Guard.

This is Plane False! As a matter of fact, the Coast Guard is constantly hiring, and its members do typically come in at basic or beginner training just a few short months after they start the enrollment process. And a bonus to note: Immediately upon their enlisting, members do receive a good start up salary, as well as allocated allowances for meals and housing, also receiving comprehensive medical and dental plans all cost free.

Myth 2 : There Aren’t Any Good Or Great Roles For Women In The Coast Guard.

If You must know, Women have been serving in the Coast Guard since the 1970's, and its female service members do currently fill up nearly all of its active-duty roles the service has to present or offer, this also includes top-ranking leadership positions as well. Women were actually first integrated into the Coast Guard in 1973 to be precise, and as you know with their uniqueness and difference in thorough thinking and reasoning they immediately began to transform the organization, For the better of course( however slowly it was). The number of women who were enlisted in the Coast Guard continues to increase each year; and of currently, over 5,800 women do actively serve throughout the U.S in the organisation.

You just got to love the job of a coast guard

Myth 3 : You Sure Do Have To Get Gassed At Basic Training.

This ones usually my favorite as i was one strong believer of this. But it would surprise you to know that this age-old myth simply started out on a playground somewhere — I did heard it myself as a kid — and it has grown like wildfire and managed to persist till of course now you are reading this article. The Basic Training in the Coast Guard do consist of quiet a lot of fitness tests and challenges, but one being tear gassed as a test or challenge is definitely not one of them. The only seed of truth and reality to this tear-gassing myth is that some Coast Guard recruits who are interested in becoming part of its boarding team may receive pepper spray tests at their respective field units.

Myth 4 : You Certainly Have To Be A Rescue Swimmer Before Joining The Organisation.

As much as possessing the unique training and skill set it takes to be a rescue swimmer would in no doubt be of interest to a Coast Guard recruiter, You would be in awe to discover that rescue swimmers do actually make up a very small percentage of the organisations active-duty members. There is of course a swim test which is included in basic training, it basically consists of jumping off a six-foot platform, swimming a 100 meters unassisted, and also treading water for complete five minutes. But trust me, just as that may be, if swimming isn’t your strong suit, don’t give up hope just yet: There’s extra training usually made available for those people who are somehow unable to pass this test on their first try.

Myth 5 : The U.S Coast Guard Isn’t Really A Real Branch Of The Military.

This myth is really an easy one to pop. The organisation was established in the year 1790, making it among one of the oldest organizations in the federal government list. One interesting distinction that usually does most of the time cause wide spread confusion is that the Coast Guard is not involved or considered a part of the Department of Defense rather it is part of the Department of Homeland Security, granting it distinctive and special law enforcement power on the high seas.

Myth 6 : New Coast Guard Recruits Are Not Needed For Domestic Service & Will Be Sent Overseas.

A wildly common misconception is that the its members are actually being re-appropriated for service overseas outside of the U.S, especially to the Middle East. And while the organisation does have a strong presence there, An individual being stationed in the Middle East is definitely completely voluntary as you get to decide. In fact-if you should know, placement in this region is quiet highly competitive among its members because there are a lot of sweet benefits which are associated with those special assignments oversees.

Final Myth also worth Bursting.

Myth : Its Members Don’t Get To Choose Their Job Description.

This is just Another common wrongly perceived lie that those who are recruited are given an aptitude test and then just like that automatically assigned a career path chosen for them by the employers. This is simply just not true. members of the Cost guard are usually encouraged to try out every job function which is available or presents itself to them within the service so as to allow them make an informed and self aware decision about which path to pursue to make the job more conducive and worth while. The vast variety of different jobs available to its members does include roles like health services technicians, equipment repair personnel, rescue swimmers, and of course operations specialist.

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About the Creator


I am a content writer who writes about blogging, YouTube, Relationships, How-To's, Medium, Quora, Travel, self interests And In-between.

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