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3 Tips to Instantly Boost Your Blog's Income

Most people aren't willing to put in the effort

By Mathis Raja OfficialPublished about a year ago 3 min read
3 Tips to Instantly Boost Your Blog's Income
Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash


If you're a blogger, then it's likely that you've wondered what steps to take in order to earn more money from your blog. Most people aren't willing to put in the effort necessary for making their blogs profitable—however, with just three simple steps:

Get the word out.

Your blog is a valuable asset that you can use to reach potential customers. You may have spent years building up your audience and developing a loyal following, but if no one knows about it, then why would they come back?

To get the word out, we recommend using social media as the primary way of promoting your content. While Facebook is still king when it comes to driving traffic to your site (with over 2 billion users worldwide), Twitter continues growing rapidly in terms of user growth and engagement rates.

If you already have an established brand on these platforms or are looking for opportunities for growth/expansion in terms of audience size/reachability...then we have some great news: Twitter has officially announced plans today (June 20th) at its #TwitterSummit event in San Francisco!

Advertise on other blogs.

While you're at it, why not advertise on other blogs? It's a great way to get your name out there and make some money at the same time. You can use Google Adsense or affiliate marketing as a way to make money from running ads on other people's sites. You can also use sponsored posts (which means you get paid for writing about them) or offer to do guest posts for other bloggers if they'll let you write about their product/service or brand.

If all else fails, consider starting your own blog!

Set up your blog

After found what a blog is and how to start one, it's time to set up your own. There are many different options out there, but we'll look at some of the most popular ones in this section.

Choose the right platform: WordPress is by far the most popular option for bloggers, but others include Tumblr and Medium (both of which are free). If you're just starting out with blogging and don't want to invest too much money into something that won't do much good for your business, then maybe stick with WordPress until later on down the road when you have more experience under your belt.

Choose a domain name: You should always choose an easy-to-remember domain name so people can find your site easily when they go looking for content related to whatever topic area interests them most (for example "blogging tips").

Don't worry too much about having lots of SEO power here because those days are long gone now; instead focus more on user experience and making sure visitors can understand what type of content they'll find once they arrive at their doorstep via search engine optimization strategies such as keyword placement/placement within text blocks - whatever method works best based off what kind of audience would be visiting from Google search results pages

Partner with companies.

If you're looking to partner with companies and earn commissions, there are several ways to do it. The first thing you should do is find out if any of the companies in your niche offer affiliate programs. If not, go ahead and create an account on a website like Affiliate Window or Commission Junction (and then make sure that the banners aren't too distracting).

To start your affiliate marketing campaign, begin by building relationships with brands by promoting their products through blog posts and social media posts. This will help increase traffic for both parties involved!

  • You can increase your income without a lot of extra effort.
  • You don't need to be an expert to make money.
  • You can do it by partnering with companies, or you can advertise on other blogs.
  • No matter what your skill level is, there's a way for you to start monetizing your blog right now and get paid for the work that you already do!


If you don’t have a way to make money from your blog, there’s no reason to keep it going. The key is finding the right niche and taking advantage of opportunities that other people might miss because they are new or outside their experience.

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About the Creator

Mathis Raja Official

"Financial enthusiast & affiliate marketer sharing my journey through finance, blogging, & YouTube videos. Helping others make the most of their money & reach financial freedom."

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