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17 Side Hustles That Gen Z Do That You Can't Miss!

Unleash the Gen Z within you and dive into a world of innovative side hustles! From social media influencing to selling digital art, let's hustle like we were born post 2000!

By Nathan ChenPublished about a year ago 3 min read
17 Side Hustles That Gen Z Do That You Can't Miss!
Photo by Garrhet Sampson on Unsplash

Picture this: You're sitting at your desk, sipping on a single-origin oat milk latte while trying to figure out how to increase your income without adding another nine-to-five to your calendar. Sound familiar? Yeah, I thought so. Well, have I got news for you! It turns out the tech-savvy, avocado-toast-loving, Harry Styles-obsessed Generation Z has been quietly revolutionizing the side hustle game. And you, my friend, can join the revolution too.

Here are 17 side hustles that Gen Z is rocking, which you might want to try:

Social Media Influencing:

When Kylie Jenner is charging a whopping $1 million for a single sponsored Instagram post, you know there's serious money in this game. You might not get Jenner-level cash right away, but even nano-influencers can make a tidy sum promoting brands they love.

Online Reselling:

Remember when Princess Mia in 'The Princess Diaries' sold her high school's used baseball uniforms online? Gen Z has taken that idea and run with it, flipping thrift store finds on sites like Depop and Poshmark for serious profit.

Content Creation:

TikTok isn't just for viral dances anymore. Creators are earning income by making sponsored content, receiving viewer gifts, and even launching their own merchandise.

By Malte Helmhold on Unsplash

Virtual Tutoring:

If you're a whiz at calculus or can recite Shakespeare backwards, online tutoring can be a lucrative side gig. With the shift to online learning, there's a high demand for tutors in various subjects.

E-Sports Coaching:

Think you're the LeBron James of 'League of Legends'? Consider becoming an e-sports coach. As e-sports continue to grow in popularity, many gamers are willing to pay for coaching to level up their skills.

Podcast Editing:

With everyone and their dog starting a podcast these days, there's a growing need for editors who can make these audio gems shine. If you have a knack for audio editing, this could be your calling.

By Austin Distel on Unsplash

Digital Art Sales:

We've all heard about Beeple's $69 million NFT sale, right? Digital art, especially NFTs, has exploded in popularity. Even if you don't land a multimillion-dollar sale, there's plenty of space for new artists in the market.

Remote Tech Support:

If you're the person who everyone calls when their printer won't print or their laptop's on the fritz, why not turn that into a paying gig?

Affiliate Marketing:

Got a blog or a website with a decent amount of traffic? You can earn money through affiliate marketing. By promoting products or services, you receive a commission for each sale made through your unique link.

Online Course Creation:

If you have a unique skill set or expertise, you could create an online course. Platforms like Udemy make it easy to reach an international audience.

Subscription Box Services:

Do you have a knack for curating? Subscription box services cater to a variety of interests, from gourmet snacks to cruelty-free beauty products.

Personal Styling:

With platforms like StitchFix and TrunkClub, you can get paid to help others look their best. You don't need to be a fashionista like Timothée Chalamet – just a good sense of style and an understanding of what looks good on different body types.

By Good Faces on Unsplash


If you have a knack for the written word, ghostwriting is a great side hustle. You could be crafting speeches for politicians, penning autobiographies for celebrities or writing articles for busy entrepreneurs.

Virtual Assisting:

The rise of remote work means that many professionals and small businesses are in need of virtual assistance. If you're organized and reliable, this could be a great gig.


Dropshipping allows you to start an online store without ever holding inventory. It's not as easy as Tony Stark makes tech look in Iron Man, but with some dedication, it can be quite profitable.

Online Fitness Coaching:

If you're a fitness enthusiast, consider offering online personal training sessions or creating a fitness program. Just don't expect everyone to be as buff as Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson overnight.

Freelance App Development:

If you can code, consider freelance app development. With more businesses moving online, the demand for this skill has skyrocketed.

It's time to take a page out of Gen Z's book and get creative with our side hustles. Not only can these gigs provide a decent income stream, but they can also let you explore your passions and interests in a new way.

The world of side hustles is as broad and diverse as the cast of 'Stranger Things', and just like those kids, you've got every chance to succeed. So put on your favorite Billie Eilish album, fuel up on some cold brew coffee, and get ready to hustle, Gen Z-style!

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About the Creator

Nathan Chen

I'm Nathan Chen, a queer Asian writer advocating for LGBTQ+ issues, Asian representation, millennial lifestyle, work life & mental health. Let's explore life's complexities together!

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