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Lena Borondia, A Modern Day Novelist On Vocal

Mariann Carroll’s 24th Vocal Interview Blog

By Mariann CarrollPublished 10 months ago 21 min read
Top Story - July 2023
Lena Borondia’s Writing Space With one of her pets , London Photo

Lena Borondia is a beautiful married lady with house full of pets, she adores. Lena join Vocal February 2021 with over 9 Top stories and has written over 130 stories on Vocal. She have several website for this Alaskan native to promote her freelance writing and imagery graphic designs. She is a professional editor as well.

Mariann : Lena, can I interview you for my Vocal Blog ?

Lena : That would be my privilege to be interviewed by you! 🌺🌺

Mariann: Thank you very much 🥰 I am on eastern time.

Lena: Okay cool. I’m on central. I think you’re an hour ahead of me. I’m about to head out for the day but am usually free in the evenings around 9. 😊

Mariann: Where are you from?

Lena : Hey! Sorry it took so long to get back to you. Been a crazy few days.

I've been stuck in central Texas for about ten years now after moving from southern Louisiana where I spent another ten years. I've also lived briefly in Hawaii and Kansas, but the first eleven years of my life were spent in my hometown of Seward Alaska. It is an amazingly beautiful and historical small fishing and tourist town on the south central coastline. As you can probably tell, I'm enormously proud to call myself an Alaskan. And a Sewardite!

I talk about it at great length in my first story on Vocal:

Mariann: When did you start writing? What did you write about?

Lena : Oh gosh. I know myself too well to think I will be able to answer this question succinctly. I apologize in advance for the novel I’m about to write! 🫣

Honestly, I think I’ve been creating stories my whole life.

I had a pretty crappy childhood and would escape into my own fantasy world as often as I could.

My mother was a great reader and introduced us to books early on, and those stories only fueled my imagination and gave me new worlds to visit.

But I didn't start putting any of these stories down on paper until much later in life.

It wasn't until my first semester of college that I caught the writing bug, but once I did, there was no going back!

Between classes and after school, I would retreat to a shady place in the Quad or an isolated spot in the Stacks at my University and allow my imagination to take me away, my pen furiously scribbling as I lived out the fantasies.

My first major story was a comedic mystery-thriller series about a journalism major who becomes a reluctant sleuth after seeing her best friend murdered. That character was an amalgamation of myself and all my favorite female heroines, and though she and her world have evolved as I’ve grown up, she is still my favorite character, and I’m still hoping to finish the series and publish it.

Then, when I was about twenty-two, I had a life-changing experience when I visited the Redwood Forest with my mother and sister after my grandfather’s funeral. I remember being so overwhelmed with the resiliency and just… LIFE that filled the forest. I sat down on this moss-covered stump and looked up at the seemingly never-ending trees that towered over me, and I remember thinking, “Now this…THIS is what Tolkien must have felt!” After that, I expanded my writing into high fantasy and the like, but my focus has always been on characters.

I didn’t write much for a long time after I had to withdraw from university and work full time to support my mother as she went through cancer treatment.

But once Covid hit, I discovered Vocal, and thanks to this platform, I got a jolt of writing energy and discovered a passion for poetry and short stories in addition to my old favorites.

Fun Fact: Lena is a freelancer editor

Mariann: What is your goal in writing ?

Lena: Well, I’d love to say that I have some noble goal like changing the world for the better or influencing at least one person positively… But at the end of the day, I write for selfish reasons.

I’m such an reticent person that I never actually show anyone my real self. I saw an interview with Zachary Levi recently (I freaking love him!), and he described the masks that we all wear every day. So many masks that we don’t even know our own authentic selves… If I didn’t love him before that, I would have after. It hit me so hard. I keep so much of myself inside, afraid to show weakness or honesty…

At the end of the day, I’m so exhausted from the charade that I lose track of myself. And even though I write fantasy stories about made up worlds, or romances about faraway lands and exotic accented men, or the story of a shy college girl turned super sleuth… all of my characters are like one of those masks I wear. They each are a part of me. And by writing these characters’ lives down, I feel like I’m finally able to show the world the real me. I’m able to speak through them. They are the masks I wear, and by telling their stories, I get to take the mask off. And as I write their stories down, their thoughts, feelings, hates, loves, desires… I feel like I’m Finally able to open myself up to the world and say, “this is me!” Or at least… part of me.

Also, I really, REALLY want to be a published novelist and make money off of it. I know, I know. We all do. But it’s been my dream since middle school. Since long before I started writing. I wanted to be the modern Jane Austen. But I’ll settle for the cleaner Janet Evanovich 😀

Mariann: How long does it take you to write a story on Vocal?

Lena: Really, it depends on the story. Sometimes, I'll sit for hours or even days, weeks with a story, and nothing will come from it. Other times, I'll sit down at the computer with a vague idea, and it just pours out. To be honest, I'm partial to the stories that just pour out of me. My favorite fiction pieces on Vocal right now are the ones that I just pounded out. Didn't overthink or over edit. My story "At the Edge" took about two hours to write, I think. I spent more time on the cover art. I did, however, do something new for that story, and that was get some feedback before publishing it.

I think Cathy Holmes, Gerald Holmes, and Heather Hubler provided the most valuable feedback for it, and it did help. But generally speaking, I write my stories very quickly and without too much editing. Let's just say that I am a Big Fan of Vocal's quick edit tool 😀

Mariann: What does your writing space look like?

Lena : Sadly, I don’t really have a writing space. I usually sit in my bed with my laptop in my lap (like the name suggests 😅) and put my headphones on as I struggle to find just a few minutes of solitude and silence. But if I could have a writing space… oh boy, I have dreams::

I'd want a cupola (preferably overlooking the beach and the mountains/forest) with 365* screened/opening windows and a skylight with solar-powered string lights. Inside would be a small table with a selection of gum, teas and coffee. There would be one of those five-gallon water coolers with hot and cold taps, a mini-fridge stocked with Kombucha, tonic water, and limes, and then there would be a small writing desk, a bookshelf full of dictionaries, thesauruses, and all the best books, a fan, an amazingly comfortable chair, a hammock, and some floor cushions for staring up at the stars and meditating. Most importantly, there would be noise-canceling headphones and a lock on the door that leads up to the cupola, and nobody, especially my husband, would be allowed inside... except my dog 😉

Fun Fact: London , sweetest wolf-hybrid rescue , 14 month pup on the cover picture of this interview.Lena has 3 dogs and 6 cats pets the household .

Example Imagine of Lena Borondia’s Freelance work

Mariann: I love your Cover pictures on your Vocal stories, how do you create them ?

Lena: And thank you so much for the compliment! I used to just use the usual photo sites like Unsplash (Pixabay is my favorite of those types), but lately I've been into Ai art and almost exclusively using Wombo Dream Ai. They have a great App or you can use the website. I love that it doesn't make you pay to keep creating, and even the premium is a better deal than the others if you ask me. I know many use Dall-E, Midjourney, or Nightcafe, and I tried those platforms as well, but Wombo is by far my favorite for its user-friendliness and cost. But most importantly, I think the results are just phenomenal. Often times for Vocal stories, I honestly just take a couple minutes to create a graphic with Wombo. But I also use it to create the book covers I create with my freelance job as a graphic artist. I always spend a lot of extra time getting it just right and complementing the ai art with the Canva or Powerpoint design tools. I always use my own art or photos as the foundation just to ensure that my graphics are wholly unique and original. No duplicates! That makes me feel more like it's a real art form. Maybe I'm just kidding myself, though. 😅

I particularly like the cover art for my recent fiction story "Filthy Habits." I think it just really pops, the couple looks real (except the man's ear--oops lol), and the emotion is vivid.

Mariann: What’s your real life schedule and how do you fit your writing in it ?

Lena: So, this is sort of the question I always dread, because unlike the rest of the amazing Vocalites out there, I don't currently have a real job, other than my freelance editing and designing, but somehow, I still feel like I have no time at all.

So... Most days, I'm able to wake up anywhere between 10 and noon, depending upon my husband's needs. He works from home, so I spend most of my time making him food or keeping him company (his job is way laid back). First thing I always do is let our three dogs outside and clean up any messes they've made. We have one wolf-hybrid puppy and two fifteen year-old dogs, so there are almost always accidents of some kind. Then, I check on our three kitties. Our youngest is handicapped and needs help in and out of the litter box, so there's more messes to clean up there too. Usually, just with the pet stuff, it takes me about an hour before I'm able to sit for a bit and relax. I usually work on the usual household chores (my husband is old-fashioned and does not help with any chores or cooking), paying bills, looking for houses, and generally attempting to spin straw into gold. London (our wolf baby) needs regular visits to the dog park, so I do this a couple times a day, usually. Several days a week, I participate in a volunteer Bible teaching work (I'm one of Jehovah's Witnesses), and I have a couple of Bible studies that I do a few days a week. One of my students is actually going through Cancer right now, so I've been spending a lot of time with her (about five hours or so each study). I average about 30 hours a month in my ministry, and then I also go to our two weekly meetings for worship which takes about six hours a week for prep and actual meeting time. I have doctor appointments every Tuesday, and my husband is off from Sunday-Tuesday, and other than the essential chores and meetings, he does not like me to do anything on those days except our couples fun (usually feeding a bunch of duck flocks that have adopted us around the area). I usually get mostly just chores done before my husband is off work at five-ish, and then we go to the duck ponds and dog park, and I come home and make him dinner. By then, it's usually around nine or so (he likes to eat late), and then we watch whatever show he wants (right now it's the Simpsons lol), and then we hang out until he sleeps. Usually by about midnight, I'm able to feed the dogs and cats, clean the litterboxes, take out the trash, and shower. Then, around one or two am, I sit down for the night and try to relax or write while I keep the wolf as quiet as I can until he wakes up at five am or so. Then... at last... I sleep.

Oh, I almost forgot. I'm currently on a break, but I'm also enrolled in full time courses through online university. They're accelerated courses, so I do a full load of semester's worth of work (literature and writing courses mostly) in 8-week periods. So, it's A LOT of work. And it's kind of hard fitting that in with the rest. And I've always been a writer who needs like... peace... to write, and I rarely find that. So, to be honest... I very rarely find the ability to write. Most times when I'm finally by myself, I'm so tired and wound up that I relax and watch a show rather than write. And during the times in the day that I might have a moment, my husband is always coming in to talk even when he's working. And I cannot write when he's around, so it's actually really hard to find time. I am absolutely AMAZED by all the Vocal writers I subscribe to, like YOU!, who are always coming out with new stories. I get the notifications daily and see multiple new published stories by the same creator and am like... HOW!!!!???

But I am sadly, not nearly as good at organizing my time or my thoughts as well as the rest of you! 🙁

Mariann: Who are your favorite vocal writers ?

Lena: Oh boy... favorite Vocal writers? EESHK! No possible way to choose only one or two , and I KNOW I'm going to leave some out, but... here goes...

The Holmes siblings. Gerald and Cathy. They're so funny and real. Cathy is just... a freaking CLOWN! But also so raw and full of heart. And Gerald is just... oh, he has the most beautiful writer's soul. His writing and his characters are so real. So human. You can just feel the life he pours into them as he writes. It's also so raw and humorous, but in a totally different way. I'm still dying for them to cowrite a novel together! Can you imagine?! Like the next, and better Preston/Child series. Oh, I can so see it!

Dharrsheena is just so much fun! She's real, and she's spooky. I never read her stories and think... "meh..." It's always like, "EEK!" or "YEAH!!", or "DAMNNNN!!!" lol. She just really has a way of capturing my attention!

Tiffany is just SO genuinely herself, so kind, and somehow merges her vulnerability into her warrior spirit! I love that about her. Honestly, she reminds me of myself a little, but so much better. She's mild and kind, but fiercely protective and encouraging! She's like the human spirit within us all saying, "YOU CAN DO IT!"

Alfiya is just pure poetry! The first time I read one of her poems, I was just completely drawn in. It's lyrical and honest. Simply beautiful. More words would ruin it. Simply beautiful.

The Dani Writer is just like, "AAAH! My SOUL SISTER!!!" I love her heart. I love her connection to her home, to the earth, to herself... She really knows herself, and she is fearless in putting herself out there. It's freaking amazing! Even when I'm not 100% sure I know what she's saying.... I FEEL IT! It hits me like a bullet, and I know. She gets me.

Cindy is just oh man. Like how do I even describe her? She's a freaking gem!!! She tells awesome stories with characters that I just KNOW I've met before. I've lived their story. I've felt their pain, their joy, their grief. And I love the sometimes subtle, sometimes brutal realness to her stories. And the way she really crafts a good comeuppance! I LOVE THAT!

Mike, of course, is just SO PROLIFIC! But in the best way. I can totally see himself out on one of his walks, speaking into his phone or a tape recorder and just like... melting himself into the story like wax. He's just... Mike. "This is ME!" he says with every story. And they're all full of his kindness and genuine observations, his encouraging, uplifting, never-say-die MIKEYNESS! I just love it!

Babs is just... She's BABS!!! I have this weird mental picture of her with cameras flashing in her face like one of those old time red carpet scenes in the movies. Her hands flying around signing a million autographs at once. Except instead of autographs, it's just love in every direction! Here's a kiss for you, and you, and you, and YOU! All the while she's writing her own humorous and honest stories, baring her heart on her sleeve! She's like Mike in female form, but they're each their own person in the best way!

Heather... What do you even say? She's just freaking awesome! Encouraging, prolific, amazing poet, but also just fantastic at crafting a plot and characters! Every story she writes is just SO entertaining!!! She's also real and humorous and insightful! But what I love most is just that each of her stories is engaging enough that I can actually forget I'm reading it! THAT is exactly what I'm looking for in fiction or poetry. As Tolkien said, "The moment disbelief arises, the spell is broken; the magic, or rather art, has failed." Heather's spells never fail!

Scott... I mean c'mon! Just... avsolutely purely fantastic writer. His stories never make me feel like he follows a formula like the pulp writers do. I mean I love Dean Koontz and Stephen King and all, but let's be honest. Each story is just a different name of the place and characters... but the story is the same. The characters are the same! I know why... it SELLS! But Scott is never stagnate. He writes real life. Real people. And he does it with this purely genuine and amazing insight that he's had from living such an awesomely full life, and the kindness and wisdom just leaps onto the page, even in his microfictions... you FEEL the soul!

Oh my... I'm forgetting some.

But I didn't forget you my dear friend. Saved you for last ;)

YOU are just. Gosh. Goodness in written form. Whether you're writing fiction, poetry, or one of your interviews, you just pour yourself into it. Your kindness, your goodness. It's so beautiful! I'm honest in my writing, but in a very calculated and intentional way that's honestly sneaky... But you, you're just so open. It's like every word reveals another piece of your heart. And every word is strength and kindness. Beauty!

SO.... There are JUST SO MANY I'm leaving out here!









That's it! I have to start writing pieces about these amazing people! There's TOO MANY!!! And too many words for each!!f

Mariann: If you were a book what title will you give yourself?

Lena: Good lord. I'm not the one to answer this. I need some time lol.

Gut reaction, first words that popped into my head: "Fat, Ugly, Stupid, and Lazy: The Girl's a Hot Mess!"

But I know that's just the years of abuse and bullies and self-hate taking over. You know what? I figured it out.... I wrote a story about it. Two actually. Screw all the bullies and all the negative thoughts and self-loathing and doubt. I owe it to Bob. He predicted it when I was four years old, and thanks to my mother's training and my own stubborness... He was right. So, in honor of Bob Gepner, the first man I loved, the first man who saw the real me, My book's title would be his words... "The Girl's a Tryer.

Mariann: What’s your favorite Facebook group ?

Lena : Oh goodness, I'm so sorry. I missed all the last messages! And thank you so much. Yes! It's SO hot here. Our air conditioning's been out of commission the last couple years, and it's about 92*F in here right now. Ayeee! But hopefully fixed tomorrow! Fingers crossed! 🙂

And again, thanks so much for the interview and such fun questions! I know you're working on the draft, so if I'm too late to answer the last questions, no worries! But here are my answers:

So, I'm guessing my favorite Vocal-based Facebook group. I'd have to say the Vocal Social Society. It was the first real Vocal group I got involved with, and it probably is the only reason I've had the limited amount of success I have. Otherwise, I'd be totally invisible! Besides that, I've met some truly awesome creators who have become wonderful friends (like you love!), and I've had the privilege of being an admin and helping Caroline and Les pioneer some of the threads and etc. It's been truly fun and given me so much experience in so many ways. So... definitely... Come one, come all! Join the VSS call! 😀

Mariann: Is there anything else about you , you would like to share?

Lena: Ooh, goodness. I never know what to say to this question. Like so much and nothing at all at the same time :D

I guess one thing though that pertains to Vocal and this interview is just how much I apologize for my verbosity. I simply say (ahem... or write/type) WAY too much! My articles on Vocal are the same. So, I guess just bare with me dear Vocalites and readers. I think it's because I am so used to keeping everything tucked up my sleeve in real life that when I write or share my thoughts in writing form... they just seriously pour out of me. That quote about writing being easy, you just have to bleed out onto the typewriter... pretty true for me, really. Not the easy part, but the bleeding part. And when it comes to my writing, I'm shamefully cursed the writing form of hemophilia... Sometimes referred to as "word vomit"... yep. That's me. 🤭🤢🤢🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

Mariann: If you can change the world, what would you change ?

Lena : Oh boy that's a tough one. If I could change anything in the world... I'd go for ... "Harsher parole violations, Stan... and... world peace!" JK. Sorry, that question always reminds me of Miss Congeniality. Awesome movie. But honestly, I guess that is what I'd change... not the parole violations bit 😉 As one of Jehovah's Witnesses, though, I would have to say I would just speed up this system to the new world Paradise the Bible promises.. (oops, sorry Vocal. I know that's religious and very controversial, but it's my one wish)... Oh... and that Dogs never have to die!!!

Mariann: How many pets in your household ?

Lena: And girl... don't even fret. I lose count of my own pets ALL THE TIME! lol.

So, right now, we have three dogs. That seems to be my magic number. I always seem to pick up another "wanderby" when I lose one. We have two fifteen year old dogs and one 14 month old---the wolf dog! 🙂 Then... there's my husband and my (ahem) 6 cats (she says under her breath and diverting her eyes)... and (oh boy) way more in the house that are my mothers and then sisters... We are a pet household. But at least I'm down to just dogs and cats. I no longer have the guinea pigs, reptiles, fish, and our cockatoo he died a year ago after us having him for 32 years! 😞 😞 :(

So... ya.. We're literally a zoo here! lol

Mariann : How long have you been married ?

Lena : My husband and I had our (wow) NINTH wedding anniversary in April. But I only think of it as our fifth, because he was stuck in Canada the first few years as we did immigration. We only saw each other for a month on our anniversary for those years. So, we're like a military couple almost... "Nine years, but really only five civilian.." lol

I totally had fun interviewing Lena, She is an amazing and awesome writer in my book . 🥰🥳Thank so much Lena .


About the Creator

Mariann Carroll

Proactive for positive change.Born in the City of Chicago ,Illinois.

Multi race .Studied in a foreign country .Fluent in several languages .

fascinated by diversity.A Romantic and a dreamer.Interest in healthy living

Reader insights


Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Expert insights and opinions

    Arguments were carefully researched and presented

  2. On-point and relevant

    Writing reflected the title & theme

  3. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  1. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

  2. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

  3. Masterful proofreading

    Zero grammar & spelling mistakes

  4. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

  5. Easy to read and follow

    Well-structured & engaging content

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Comments (15)

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  • Lena Folkert10 months ago

    Mariann. I’m so sorry how long it took me to reply to your amazing and kind interview. I’m the worst at this. And you’re like the best! 🤦🏼‍♀️❤️ thank you so much for an awesome interview experience and for helping me share a little of myself to our vocal family. 😘😘❤️❤️

  • Babs Iverson10 months ago

    Marvelous, terrific interview!!! Mariann and Lena, this was so honest with Lena shared her pets and personal life. Lena, thank you for your sweet shoutout and compliment. Seding you both (hugs!(

  • Dana Stewart10 months ago

    Lovely to get to know Lena better. Congrats you two on Top Story!

  • Tiffany Gordon 10 months ago

    Lena is beautiful inside & out! I love her authenticity & Beautiful writing ability! What a wonderful collaboration you two! Congrats on your TOP STORY Mariann! This was Brilliant!😁

  • Congratulations on your Top Story🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

  • I love your description of your ideal writing space, Lena: a cupola with screened windows all around with views of both the ocean & the mountains. It sounds absolutely on point for how you describe yourself & your writing: constantly wearing innumerable masks to present to others (as you want to be seen), but in your writing your characters reveal the you behind each of the masks. Windows are a sign of openness, psychologically speaking, & yet you keep the door locked to all but your dog(s), thus keeping those masks handy & readily accessible. Great interview, once again, Mariann. So good to find someone else who suffers from "word vomit" syndrome, lol.

  • Naveedkk 10 months ago

    Great work Congratulations on Top Story 🎉

  • D. ALEXANDRA PORTER10 months ago

    Congratulations on Top Story & Cheers to both of you!!! Now, this is a perfect example of "awesome" on Vocal. 💜👏💜

  • Cathy holmes10 months ago

    Wonderful interview. Lena is great! Congrats on the TS

  • Donna Renee10 months ago

    Such a fun one!!!! I love your dream writing space idea!! 😍😍

  • Gerald Holmes10 months ago

    Loved this. Lena is one of the best writers I have read. It was wonderful to learn more about her life and how she ticks. Thanks so much for doing this.

  • Heather Hubler10 months ago

    What a joy to learn more about Lena!! A wonderful interview, Mariann :) I feel so connected to you, Lena! I have to shove writing in when I get a chance too as my days are unpredictable and usually quite full. You have so much going on and yet still write such stellar stuff. And I love that sci-fi piece to this day!! I was brought to tears by your all your write ups on favorite creators, and humbled that you included me. Thank you both for being a sweet presence on Vocal and fb :)

  • Here I am again because my original comment disappeared. I wrote a few paragraphs but now I can't remember what I wrote 🥺 I know I was so pleasantly surprised the Lena mentioned me and that I enjoyed this interview so much!

  • That was a great conversation and probably another Top Story, great interaction between both of you

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