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Center Stage with Gerald Holmes

a creators in the limelight series

By Heather HublerPublished 10 months ago Updated 9 months ago 14 min read
Top Story - July 2023
Created with CanvaPro

Welcome back! I'm here with a new chat interview featuring creator, Gerald Holmes.

My aim with each mini-interview is to give a small glimpse into what makes up these amazing creators through a fun and informative format. I've limited the interview method to direct messenger. I've also asked creators to come up with a few questions for themselves as this is to aim the spotlight on them.

My amazing guest in this twelfth episode is one of the most heartfelt creators on Vocal with close to 100 publications. Two of his stories have been chosen as runners-up in challenges and quite a few have landed on the Top Story page.

If you haven't had the chance to explore any of his works yet, be prepared for an emotional rollercoaster ride. He pulls at the heartstrings, tugs at the tear ducts and gets that adrenaline pumping. Whatever piece you choose will end up making you feel something, that's for sure. He is a master at his craft.

I hope you enjoy this behind-the-scenes look into Gerald's mind as we explore how he approaches the writing process and life. Let's get started!

H: Welcome! And thank you for agreeing to this madness :)

G: Happy to do it. Hope I don't come off as a moron or as my wife would say, "Idiot."

H: LOL!! I highly doubt it!!

Just a few housekeeping things...don't worry about spelling and grammar, take as much time as you wish to answer, be as formal or not as you want :) Most of all I hope you have fun, but if there's anything you want taken out at the end, just let me know.

G: * thumbs up *

H: Sweet! I'll start with the first question then. Please walk me through your creative process. How do you begin a piece? Where does your inspiration come from?

(And if you need an intermission, just say so, lol.)

G: My process is something that changes depending on the subject. If it is something deeply personnel, it seems to flow from a simple spark or event and the words come naturally. But it is quite different if I am crafting a piece of fiction. With fiction, I usually do a lot of research and then create a story arc with some bullet points on the arc.

H: I can identify with that so much for the personal pieces. I love that you're more of a plotter for the fiction. It definitely shows! Do you find characters or a plot piece give you the jumping point to start? Or something else entirely?

G: Good question.

H: A lot of the time for me, a fragment of a scene plays out with one or more characters and I go from there.

G: I think I start with an idea for a plot but the most important thing for me is the overall emotion I want to bring to life. It could be love or fear or joy or anguish, or a mixture of all the above. I try to build the characters around emotion mostly.

H: That makes total sense because I always find your works incredibly emotional. You usually make me cry!

G: Thank you so much for that. That is the best compliment you could have given me. Fiction to me is hard work but very rewarding when I know my words have moved somebody.

H: Aww, well I know they certainly do for me :) Anything else you'd like to add for that one?

G: I think we're ok for that question.

H: Great! So the next question kind of extends from the last...Do you find it challenging to write characters or plots that don't align with your personal views? Or do you avoid that situation?

G: I have no problem putting characters into situations that cause them to do something I would never do. Such as my story, "The Fire at Freedom Pond Park." The main character is an arsonist that does it for revenge.

H: Lol, first I have to point out that I'm so glad you are not an arsonist out for revenge!!

G: 😆

H: But I appreciate that answer and your willingness to stretch yourself. It's hard sometimes to force yourself to get out of your own mindset.

G: I agree. I try to stay away from gory violence but sometimes the story needs it to make sense.

H: Yes, so true.

G: 👍

H: Okay, ready for a fun question?

G: Ok. Let's go.

H: YAY! What's a favorite hobby of yours and why does it appeal to you?

G: I have a couple really. I love to read. I seem to always have 2 or 3 books going at the same time. I probably read about a hundred books a year. Also I play guitar, mostly just for me, as it seems to calm my soul and ground me when life gets difficult.

H: Oh, you know I love that answer!!! Reading is the best pastime. And playing the guitar is something I've always wanted to do consistently. I have a very lovely one but haven't played it in years.

I think being able to play an instrument is such a tremendous joy and as you've stated, a soul release. What kind of music do you play?

G: I get you. There are times I may not play for months but then something happens that brings me back to the guitar. For some reason, I've been picking it up almost every day since my mom passed. She always loved the sound of the guitar, and I think it just brings me closer to her somehow. Hope that makes sense.

H: It makes total sense. I love that so much and that you have that connection with her even now.

I used to play very simple songs and sing along to my older boys when they were little. Music is such an amazing thing.

G: Mostly I play soft rock, like Cat Stevens or some country music I like. I tend to go on YouTube to learn newer songs. Right now I'm teaching myself "Wish you were Here" by Pink Floyd., chartrand channel

H: Oh, that's such a great idea! I never thought to look on YouTube for that stuff. And I bet your sister will love the new song you've chosen to learn. Though I'm sorry the selection may stem from your recent loss. For that, I am so sorry :(

G: Really it's a song I've always wanted to learn. So why not now. That song has always touched me.

H: No better reason :)

I'll move on then to the next question then if that's ok. If you have more to add, please go ahead first.

G: 👍

H: When did you catch the 'writing bug'?

G: I think I always wanted to be a writer. Maybe since I was a young boy and read Mark Twain for the first time. I still have the first book that I truly owned, "Huckleberry Finn."

Photo courtesy of Gerald Holmes

H: I was obsessed with that book when I was young. I loved the challenge of getting into the speech patterns. How wonderful, and so great you still have that copy.

G: I'm from Newfoundland, so the speech pattern felt almost normal to me. We barely speak English anyway.

H: LOL! I'm going to need a voice memo now. So, did you start off writing short stories or journaling?

G: I started writing songs actually. I really don't know why, but it just seemed to happen naturally.

H: Oooo, have you ever put music to them with the guitar?

G: Yes, I think all of them at one point or another. But I haven't played them in years until now. When I left home at 18 to move to Toronto, all my writing was left in a drawer in my mom's home. I thought they were lost until about twenty years later when my mom presented me with a scrap book, which contained my report cards from primary school along with several other old things. But to my great surprise, it also contained all of my writing. She had saved them for years knowing they were important to me.

Sorry that was a bit long winded.

H: No, not at all! This is your chance to speak all you want :) And wow, that is such an absolutely wonderful thing she did for you. What a treasure to have.

Did you ever have aspirations then of being a singer? Or songwriter? Professionally, I mean.

G: I think I did when I was much younger, but alas, life has a way of getting in the way. I became a father a little before my 19th birthday and that changed my path forever. But the thing is, I wouldn't change that for anything in the world. I now have the most wonderful daughter any man could hope for, and she has given me 3 beautiful granddaughters that are the inspiration of my life.

H: Life does have a way of just doing its own thing, but I am so glad that it resulted in such wonderful people in your life. What a blessing :)

This kind of leads to the next question then if you're ready.

G: Ready.

H: Perfect! If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would it be?

G: Read! Not just books but anything. Never stop learning. Read about writing, read about emotions. If you do this, you will find your voice.

H: Oh my goodness yes!!! I couldn't love that answer more. And read all kinds of stuff.

G: I agree. I find it unbelievable when people tell me that they don't read. I actually had a good friend tell me that he never reads because it takes too much time. My answer to that was,"Well that explains why you're a moron." We are good friends so he laughed. Thank God.

H: Honestly, if I were forced to choose between reading and would be reading. And that's hilarious!!!

There are so many things to read out there that I find it mind boggling when someone can't find something they enjoy.

G: I think most people these days have the attention span of a gnat.

H: I mean I love to read fiction the most, but I'm down for a good owner's manual too, lol!! And true, then read a short article! Or comics that break things up with pics or audio books if you want to listen instead...

G: 👍

H: LOL, this will have me going off on a tangent. Better rein it in. I've got about two more questions if you're good on fun and one to finish things up.

G: Ok sounds good.

H: Wonderful! What's your favorite color and why?

G: I have two really, red and white. We always have cardinals in our back yard. I love when they arrive with the snow. Seeing that bird with a background of new white snow is incredibly beautiful. White I love because my wife has olive skin and she just looks so good in white.

H: I really hope your wife reads this as that was such a sweet answer! And we have cardinals too here. They do look so striking against white snow. They come to the feeders outside my window all the time.

(And I am still so awed by your answer about your wife :) I'm pretty sure I look like a ghost in white, lol.)

G: 😆

H: Alright, drum roll...last question! What would you like readers to know about you as an author?

G: I think the most important thing is that every story I write has a little part of me in it. My words are who I am. They come from my soul. Sometimes I make myself cry when the words land on the page and surprise me. I don't write for awards or accolades, they are nice sometimes but that is not why I write. I write because I have to. It's really that simple. I have been writing for so long that it is integral to who I am.

H: I am trying to figure out how to respond to that as it was a perfect ending to this interview.

G: ❤

H: It's obvious when reading your work that you put so much heart into your writing. I appreciate that and I'm sure other readers do as well :)

G: Thank you so much. You are always so kind. And as my profile says, "Kindness is the most attractive feature in any human."

H: There is nothing of yours I've read that I haven't felt something, and that speaks to your dedication to the craft. Well done you :) And you are so welcome! I'm just thrilled you agreed to do this with me. I appreciate your kindness in return.

G: Thank you for asking me to do this. I was a little nervous at first but actually, this was quite enjoyable. You are really very good at this.

H: Aww, thank you for that! I'm so glad you had a good time. I did too. This is one of my favorite projects on Vocal.

G: If you need a picture, here is a favourite of my wife and I when we moved into our first house together many years ago.

Photo courtesy of Gerald Holmes

H: Awww! Thank you for sharing this. I will definitely be putting it in the final piece.

G: You can see she looks good in white.

H: She sure does.

So we've reached the end. If you have any final thoughts, let me know. If not, thank you again for doing this. I know there are a number of readers who will be anxious to read this one.

G: Ok, thank you again. I am looking forward to seeing it. It's getting close to beer time now.

H: LOL! I'm having more water because it's so stinking hot here today. Enjoy your beer :)

G: Ok, bye for now.

H: Bye!


After party...

H: Oh! I forgot the final last secret question...What is one thing you did to mess with your sister when you were younger (or now) that she doesn't know about? Lol

G: What? I would never mess with my sister. I was nothing but the perfect brother. Well except, maybe, that one time when my younger brother and I tried to hang her.

H: LOL!!! Of course not. But let me hear about this story...

G: I guess she knows about it now. Everybody thought it was an accident, but we really tried to hang her.

We were just boys, maybe 7 or 8. Maybe even younger. We were at our grandparents' house, which had an old staircase that ran from the main level up to the bedrooms. My brother and I went to the top and dropped, I believe, a skipping rope thru the banister and got our sister to wrap it around her body so we could try to pull her up.

It wasn't working so we told her to put it around her neck. We were just starting to pull and she was crying which, luckily brought our mother running to see what was happening. She knew we were little idiots and were probably doing something stupid. That's the day that mom saved Cathy's life and wanted to kill her sons.

H: Oh shit! That's crazy! I have two sons and then a daughter (and then another son), so same kind of age order. Good thing your mom had mom hearing. Ugh, boys lol! That is a seriously crazy story.

G: I know, right. But absolutely true. I think all boys are born with the stupid gene and have to grow out of it.

H: But do they grow out of it?? lol My hubby and kids always laugh when I point out the videos on TikTok or YouTube, wherever, when people are doing dangerous stupid stuff, that it's almost always guys..hahaha!!

G: I know I've seen the ones titled, "This is why women live longer than men," and love them.

H: LOL! Well thank you for answering that extra question :)

G: No problem. It was fun.

~ The End ~


I hope you enjoyed this brief look into Gerald's writing life. I highly encourage everyone to check out his work and subscribe. I'm sharing one of his fiction pieces that placed in the Word Hunt challenge. It's just so good!

Chat interview conducted via facebook messaging on July 3, 2023.


About the Creator

Heather Hubler



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Comments (41)

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  • Leslie Writes10 months ago

    Wonderful addition to the series! I need to read more of Gerald's stories and read more in general. Congrats to you both on a very entertaining and insightful interview :)

  • Thavien Yliaster10 months ago

    "I try to build the characters around emotion mostly." Now that's something. When I build a scene, sometimes it's how I feel, but it's mainly on the senses and how I want the audience to perceive it. Yet, the crafting of an emotion, or the direction/conducting of said emotions like a symphony is another thing altogether. That's a talent I need to hone. Music is a driving force for many. Great, now I feel called out and lazy as I haven't practiced in weeks, if not possibly months. Well, that's the kick in the rear I needed. If I can't create something I need to practice at the simplest things so as not to rush the creative process. Progress is progress no matter how small. My condolences for the lost of Gerald's and Cathy's mother. My their grief be soothed and calmed like the rage of a storm. All sad things, like all good things, must come to an end, but until then they must be and exist as they are. I thought he loved the colors red and white because of the Canadian flag. Hearing about cardinals and snow is even more lovely and awesome inspiring. I too love seeing the cardinals in winter, but also the blue jays in the green of spring and summer. All-in-all, I would say that he's accomplished a lot of goals I aspire to. He's a husband, father, and grandfather. Tons of men would kill to be in his shoes. Yet, not every man can fill those shoes. Now I really am debating on when I should start a family, especially since huge life events like those are rarely planned and more on life's terms. Fantastic interview as always, Heather. You always make sure that both the You and the person being interviewed shine in the limelight. Way to share the spotlight! Bravo!

  • Gina C.10 months ago

    Another absolutely wonderful, natural and fluid interview! It was so great getting to know Gerald a bit more; the care and passion he puts into his work is so evident. My mom recently did the same thing with a bunch of my work 🥰 Amazing job, both of you!

  • Such a great interview, Heather! Congratulations as well! I loved to read the two of you talk about your plotting process. It reminds me of how Tolkien and Lewis were such different people when it came to crafting their tales! Well done my friend 💖

  • JBaz10 months ago

    Absolutely love this interview. Heather my friend, you did it again. Another wonderful written piece that lets us see into one of the most dynamic. Writers in Vocal. (Although I personally would have kept the hanging a secret…lol) Gerald, so good to see this side of you, Heather is correct, you emotionly are invested in your characters and it shows. Congratulations both of you.

  • Dana Stewart10 months ago

    Congratulations to you both on the Top Story 🎉

  • KJ Aartila10 months ago

    Great interview! Love Gerald and his stories, and this was a great look into his writing persona. ❤️

  • Missclicked10 months ago

    it felt like i was not reading but watching the interview, loved it!

  • Paul Stewart10 months ago

    Congrats, both of you on a well-deserved Top Story

  • Congratulations on your Top Story

  • Mackenzie Davis10 months ago

    This was so sweet! So great to learn about Gerald and his inner process, as well as his family. That story about Cathy is absolutely wild! Well done on this one! It flowed so well.

  • Yulianto Arif10 months ago


  • Anh Tuấn Nguyễn10 months ago

    Congratulations on this Top Story

  • Truly delightful reading an interview where both the inteviewer and interviewee are such prolific readers. I think Heather gets in about 300 books a year and Gerald gets in over 100. Amazing! I love Gerald sharing that "I have no problem putting characters into situations that cause them to do something I would never do." That takes a lot of creativity. Congratulations on Top Story!

  • Lamar Wiggins10 months ago

    Another great interview. Each one is unique. Well done to the both of you. Gerald and I have several things in common, the most important being beer and writing. So what kind of beer do you drink, Gerald? And I never read 8 seconds yet. Gonna do that now. Congrats on your top story!

  • Melissa Ingoldsby10 months ago

    Very natural and in depth interview, well done Heather! Congratulations on top story❤️

  • Kristen Balyeat10 months ago

    Amazing interview, Heather!!! I say it every time, but you’re just so great at it! Gerald, loved getting to know you! Such wonderful answers, so heartfelt and beautiful! Very cool that you play guitar– “wish you were here” is one of my favorite songs of all time. And your comment about your wife was the sweetest! Very cute couple– you look so happy together! Additionally, I’m very glad you didn’t hang Cathy! Sheesh, my heart skipped several beats just hearing that story. Congrats on top story!!

  • Congratulations on this Top Story✨🎉😉💕

  • Marilyn Glover10 months ago

    Congratulations on top story. I think you have a great thing going here and hope you keep the interviews coming.

  • Dana Crandell10 months ago

    Congratulations, you two!!!!

  • Cathy holmes10 months ago

    There it is. Finally! Congrats on the TS, you legends

  • Donna Renee10 months ago

    So glad to see that this got Top Story, you two! 🥰🥰🥰

  • Great to see you hitting it off and learning more about both of you

  • Caroline Jane10 months ago

    Fabulous. Absolutely, sincerely, unequivocally FAB. Great interview with a wonderful human. ❤

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