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How To Become A Stand Up Comedian With Everyday Humor

Your Unintentional Humor Can Help You Become a Stand Up Comedian

By MindsabiPublished 4 months ago 4 min read
Become a stand up comedian

Humor surrounds us, hidden in plain sight.

Some individuals have an innate talent for making people laugh, often without even realizing it.

They’re the life of the party, the ones who effortlessly generate chuckles from friends and family.

You might be one of them, or perhaps you know someone who fits this description.

But have you ever considered that these unintentional comedians might be sitting on a goldmine of untapped potential to become a stand up comedian?

In this article, we’ll explore the world of those who are naturally funny and discuss how their everyday humor can help them become a stand up comedian that succeeds.

Are you a natural comedian?

The Natural Comedians Among Us

Ever attended a gathering where someone stole the show with their wit and humor?

These natural comedians have a unique ability to find humor in the mundane.

They’re quick with clever one-liners, hilarious anecdotes, and sharp observations.

What sets them apart is their authenticity.

Their humor flows effortlessly, arising from genuine reactions to situations and conversations.

People are drawn to them, often commenting, “You should be a comedian!”

But what if they took that suggestion seriously?

The Power of Observational Comedy

Stand-up comedy has a genre known as observational comedy, made famous by comedians like Jerry Seinfeld, Louis C.K., Richard Pryor, Dave Chapelle, and many more.

It thrives on keen observations of everyday life.

Comedians in this genre find humor in the seemingly ordinary.

This is where our unintentional comedians have a unique advantage.

They’re already masters of the art of observation.

They naturally notice the quirky details and absurdities of life that elicit laughter.

If they can learn to harness this talent intentionally, they might be able to become a stand up comedian that is successful.

Bringing Out Your Inner Comedian

So, how can someone who’s unintentionally funny nurture their inner comedian?

It starts with recognizing the power of their humor and making a conscious effort to refine it.

Keep a Comedy Journal

Start by documenting the funny moments and observations that arise in daily life.

This practice helps in refining comedic material.

Watch and Learn

Study the work of comedians known for observational humor.

Understand their timing, delivery, and how they structure their jokes.


Test your comedic material at open mic nights or with friends.

Get feedback, and don’t be afraid to adjust your approach.

Join a Comedy Workshop

Consider enrolling in a comedy workshop or taking online courses to further develop your comedic skills.

Do You Know Him?

Now, let me introduce you to John.

He’s your everyday guy, not some larger-than-life character.

John’s got a regular 9-to-5 job, just like many of us, and he doesn’t have a comedy stage in his immediate future, or so he thought.

What makes John special?

Well, without even trying, he’s the funniest person in the room.

Seriously, folks always told him, “John, you’re hilarious!”

He’d make witty remarks at family gatherings or crack everyone up at work meetings.

His humor was so casual, so natural that he didn’t even realize it was a superpower.

One day, a friend who’d witnessed John’s comedic genius firsthand had an epiphany.

They said, “John, you should totally try stand-up comedy!”

John chuckled, thinking they were crazy.

How could I become a stand up comedian?

That’s for professionals, right?

But you know what?

John decided to give it a shot anyway.

He signed up for an open mic night at a local comedy club.

As he stepped onto that stage, clutching the microphone like it was a lifeline, he had no idea what would happen next.

Guess what?

The audience loved him.

They laughed at his everyday observations and tales from his regular life.

Do you know someone like John?

John had discovered his secret talent – making people laugh intentionally – and he couldn’t believe it.

His journey to become a stand up comedian had begun that very night, and he realized that anyone, even someone as ‘regular’ as him, could dive in and become a stand up comedian.

So, the next time someone tells you that you’re funny, consider it a sign.

You might just have an inner comedian waiting to be unleashed.

If John could do it, well, why not you too?

The Thing About Humor

Humor is all around us, waiting to be discovered.

If you’ve ever been the unintentional funny person in the room, you might just have what it takes to become a stand up comedian.

With the right tools, guidance, and community, your natural humor can roll you right into a career when you become a stand up comedian.

Don’t let your comedic potential go to waste—embrace it, nurture it, and let it shine on the stage.

Get more comedy tips and clips here


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