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Your Gut Feeling Always Starts As A Whisper

Listen before it SCREAMS.

By Omasanjuwa Ogharandukun AnirejuoritsePublished about a year ago 4 min read

Sinclair is a young woman who has always trusted her gut feelings. One day, she had a feeling that something was not right and she should not drive the route she always takes to work. She was puzzled about this feeling and decided to listen to it. She took a different route that morning and avoided a fatal accident that had happened on her usual route.

As she drove to work, Sinclair saw on the news that there had been a fatal car crash on the road she usually takes. Her heart dropped when she realized that she could have been involved in the accident if she had not listened to her gut feeling. She felt grateful that she had followed her intuition, and grateful that she was safe.

Sinclair's gut feeling had saved her life that day, and it was a powerful reminder of the importance of trusting our instincts. It's easy to dismiss our gut feelings as insignificant or unimportant, but they are often the whispers of our inner wisdom. In this case, Sinclair's gut feeling was a warning, and if she had ignored it, the outcome could have been tragic.

It's important to remember that our gut feelings are not always accurate, but they are worth paying attention to, especially when we are faced with a difficult decision or a sense of unease. In Sinclair's case, her gut feeling led her to avoid a fatal accident, and it's a powerful reminder of the importance of listening to our gut feelings and trusting our instincts. This experience has taught Sinclair to always pay attention to her gut feelings, and to take them seriously, even when she doesn't understand where they are coming from or what they mean.

Sinclair's experience also highlights the importance of being aware of our surroundings and being open to change. By taking a different route that morning, Sinclair was able to avoid a dangerous situation that she would have been exposed to if she had stuck to her usual routine. Sometimes, it's important to be flexible and adapt to unexpected situations, and our gut feelings can help guide us in these moments.

Why Your Got Feelings Might Be Right

Have you ever had a feeling that something just wasn't right, but couldn't quite put your finger on what it was? Or have you ever had a hunch about a decision, but dismissed it because you couldn't explain why you felt that way? These are examples of our gut feelings, and they are often dismissed as insignificant or even ignored. However, our gut feelings are an important part of our decision-making process and should not be overlooked.

Our gut feelings, also known as intuition, are the whispers of our subconscious mind. They are the subtle hints and nudges that we receive from our inner wisdom. They are not always loud or obvious, but they are always present. Our gut feelings start as a whisper, and if we listen to them, they can guide us to the right decision.

The problem is, we often ignore these whispers because we don't understand where they are coming from or what they mean. We are taught to rely on logic and reason, and to dismiss our feelings as unimportant. We may even question our own judgment when we have a gut feeling that doesn't make sense to us.

But, our gut feelings are not based on logic or reason; they are based on our subconscious mind, which processes information in a different way. Our subconscious mind is constantly taking in information, even when we are not aware of it, and it uses this information to form connections and make associations. This is why our gut feelings often seem to come out of nowhere, or to be unrelated to the situation at hand.

It's important to remember that our gut feelings are not always accurate, but they are worth paying attention to, especially when we are faced with a difficult decision. If we ignore them, we may miss an opportunity or make a mistake that we would have been able to avoid.

So, how do we listen to our gut feelings? The first step is to pay attention to them. When you have a gut feeling, take note of it, and try to understand what it is telling you. Don't dismiss it because you can't explain it or because it doesn't make sense. Trust that it is there for a reason.

The second step is to take action. Our gut feelings are often accompanied by a sense of urgency, and it's important to act on them as soon as possible. If you have a gut feeling that something is wrong, don't wait to see what happens. Take action and investigate the situation.

Finally, it's important to learn to trust yourself. Our gut feelings are the whispers of our inner wisdom, and they should be trusted. The more we trust our gut feelings, the more we will be able to use them to guide us to the right decision.

In conclusion, Sinclair's experience serves as a reminder that our gut feelings are an important part of our decision-making process. They start as a whisper and can guide us to the right decision if we pay attention to them, take action, and learn to trust ourselves. It's important to listen to our gut feelings and trust that they are there for a reason, even if we don't understand them at the time. By doing so, we can avoid dangerous situations and make better decisions in our lives.

Omasanjuwa Ogharandukun


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