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You Don't Wanna Be a Doctor

The three types of people that are found in this career

By Ayla AhmedPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

Anyone who finds themselves existing within the capitalist society that controls us today is aware of the obvious. Certain jobs make you money and others, simply, do not. There are outliers, like there is with anything, but the group of careers that seem most sophisticated (doctors, lawyers, dentists etc) are simply more stable. These people are also aware that studying to fill these positions of prestige, money, and respect is the smart and logical path to follow. Now when you decide to enter these fields every single person you meet, and I mean EVERY single one, will fall into one of these three categories.

1. Passionate Piper

Believe it or not there are people, here and there, who truly care for these fields. Piper wanted to be an engineer from the first time she laid her eyes on her Mad Minutes in 6th grade. Piper lives, breathes, dreams, and screams math. These people have a real passion for cleaning teeth, sewing up flesh, and arguing with a guy (or girl) in a black cloak. Maybe they find it rewarding or exciting. Maybe they genuinely find it interesting. Sometimes people love the intellectual stimulation. Some people would give an arm and a leg to do whatever it is they care so much about. Whatever the reason, the passion burns bright. These people, however, are rare. We don't like to believe it of course. We want to believe that everyone in medicine is doing it out of sheer desire to help those poor little cancer babies. But let's not be stupid here. Most people don't care—like our next two.

2. Breathing Billy

Speaking of people who don't care, Billy here really doesn't. Billy has no passions. Nothing about him makes him special 0r unique. He can't draw. He can't sing. He isn't incredibly smart. He might have played soccer for a couple years in his childhood, but he was never all that good. He, actually, has no talents at all. He is basically just a living breathing body on this earth who, truly, isn't needed anywhere because he does nothing useful. His uselessness is mainly drawn from the fact that he doesn't care about anything. He has no passions. Now, since Billy is passionless, he just wants money and stability. That is why, my friends, he goes to med school. Med school means money and money means stability. In his eyes, thats his ticket to living the easy life. I mean, he's not wrong. He will be living a great life. But at what cost? I knew a guy who did medicine for money. Total asshole. He would prescribe extra unnecessary drugs when they weren't needed because it would make him more money. Dickhead. These are the people who make up most of these careers. In it for money, stability, (sometimes to make their parents proud) and because they couldn't be bothered to do anything else.

There's still another group of people though. They're similar to Billy, in some ways, but still significantly different.

3. Defeated Delilah

Delilah was different from Billy in the sense that she wasn't useless. She could sing like an angel. Her grandma loved hearing her melodies and she was always asked to perform for the family on Christmas Eve. She was exceptionally talented. She adored singing as well, she always hoped to do it forever. It was her real passion. But Delilah also knows it's out of her realm of possibility. Her dad doesn't know the director of MTV and her mom didn't go to high school with Justin Bieber's manager. Only about 0.000002% of singers make it big from what she heard. She just knew she wouldn't be one of them. So she went to law school. It would make her parents proud, she'd have money, and be stable.

She hated it. She saw people her age, like Billie Eilish and Olivia Rodrigo, live the lives she wished for. Sometimes she dreamed of dropping out and running away to New York. But she has to be logical. She had to stay in law and forget about singing.

There's a lot of Delilahs out there. They have passions they wish they could pursue. This could be art, dance, maybe even fashion design. They don't even necessarily have to be "artsy" passions. Maybe they just want to own a company or build houses. Regardless of the reason, if they don't promise a monthly check, these desires are pushed to the back of their minds. They pack them up and shove them down to the bottom of their bags. Sometimes the bag is burned, sometimes it's stuck at the back of the attack. Who cares where it goes though? As long as its out of the way of this logical and straight path they're dreadfully treading through.

There is no debating. Everyone can write their name under these labels. Now did I use the scientific method and conduct this research using proper procedure? No, I did not. But I promise, and I cannot stress this enough, everyone you meet in one of these white-collar professions will be part of one of the three groups.

Now, its not necessarily their fault (unless you're Billy and you wanna be a doctor for the money—in that case, fuck you Billy) because we're sort of conditioned to do this. Actually, forget sort of, we're full blown shoved into it. You have to pay to live. If you want to live, then pay. You have to pay enough though. You can't just pay a little. So make sure to get a job that pays you enough. If you can't—or don't want to—get the job, then you can't pay. If you can't pay, then die.

I guess that's just the way it is though. Some people want to live, some prefer to die. There's no right or wrong though: just, simply, life or death.


About the Creator

Ayla Ahmed

If you like a little bit of everything—but mostly complaints, advice, or sad fiction—then don't hesitate to read my stuff.

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