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Why My First Time Freelancing Was A Lot Like My First Time, uhm, You Know

It left me breathless and wanting more, way more

By Rick MartinezPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

"Hey bro, you wanna pick up some extra work on the side?"

My left eyebrow shot up, head kinda turned to the left.

That one, simple, very innocent question was the tiniest of sparks that lit the mightiest of bonfires.

You see, while it was a bit extra work "on the side," there was something about not having oversight. About there being no real boss. And beyond that, I earned more in those two hours of "work" than I did in twenty hours at my real J-O-B.

It was like having sex for the first time.

Enjoying the hell out of each and every unbelievable moment (especially the end) and not quite knowing why.

I was a freelancer.

On some levels, I knew that's what they were called. You know. The folks who are kinda like business mercenaries. Who seem to show up outta nowhere and make way more money than you doing the exact same job.

Yeah. I was one of them now. But I still didn't quite know what that meant.

And that's really the easiest way to describe my first time. How I broke into the biz of freelancing. And then to explain to you a little, just a little, about the choice and journey you too are about to embark on.


Freelancing is a simple concept but can be a tricky (and scary) business.

Wikipedia defines freelancing as: Freelance or freelancer, are terms commonly used for a person who is self-employed and not necessarily committed to a particular employer long-term. Freelance workers are sometimes represented by a company or a temporary agency that resells freelance labor to clients; others work independently or use professional associations or websites to get work.

Pretty cut and dry. Basically, it's all you, baby.

On its basis, we all know what a freelancer is, but do we really KNOW what it means to freelance? It's not only about the work, but also the lifestyle one desires to create that compels us to take this path. There are many questions and misconceptions around freelancing, which this article hopes to address.

So let's break this down into easy-to-chew, bite-sized chunks.

What does it mean to freelance?

Working on your terms. Taking clients you choose. Creating an income that supports your life or dream lifestyle by tapping into the skillset you already possess.

Or put another way, not having to answer to "the man" ever again.

The beauty of this question is that Wiki pretty much answered it, and now you get to put the sprinkles on top. I'm not a rebel, per see, but damn do I hate having to answer to a boss (unless she's my wife, of course). So for me, the answer to this question is that I get to call my shots, pick my clients, and deliver on a promise using skills I've been honing for years.

Bottom line: you are not only the captain of your ship, but you're the creator of that damn ship as well.

Why would anyone want to do it?

This can be a profound and personal answer and may well be the reason that keeps you going during the tough or "lean" times. Take your time with this and ask yourself "why" five times. Let your answers stew in you.

But since we're on the subject, here is why I choose this path.

Freedom and Power.

These two words together feel right, and for some, feel oh so wrong. Some folks who want to freelance for some touchy-feely, altruistic reason are turned off by the word power. And if that's you, then you must read on because I'm about to change your mind (and heart).

But first, freedom.

Freedom from an office.

Freedom from someone saying how much I will make.

Freedom from anyone placing limits or restrictions on what I know I have to offer the world.

And now, power.

Power is a word that scares folks and may even come across as narcissistic. But I don't care because here is why power is a driver for me.

I want the power to spend all my days on earth ON MY TERMS.

If you are desiring to, wanting to, or actively choosing to become a freelancer, then you too, desire power.

Bottom line: you'll be kicking yourself wondering why you waited so damn long. And, power is awesome.

So for me, freelancing is the only answer.


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About the Creator

Rick Martinez

I help CEOs & entrepreneurs write & publish books that give them authority & legacy | Bestselling author | Former CEO turned ghostwriter |

California born, Texas raised.

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