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Why Masculinity is Important for Every Man

Men are under a lot of pressure these days, especially young men. Many feel the pressure to be successful at work, be the perfect partner, father and son all at once. The constant stream of articles about pressures facing millennial men only serves to amplify their stressors. But what is often overlooked is why this new era of hyper-masculinity is so important for men and why it’s something we should all embrace. Men have historically been the primary providers in society and are more likely than women to take on dangerous jobs or roles that require travelling frequently for business. Masculinity has long been associated with strength, integrity, dominance and aggression; not surprising given its roots in ancient Rome where masculinity signified citizenship rights that were limited to men. However perhaps because of this historical perception, modern culture sees masculinity as a vice rather than a virtue — an outdated relic of a bygone era best left behind. And that couldn’t be further from the truth.

By Nathan LopezPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Why Masculinity is Important for Every Man
Photo by Simone Pellegrini on Unsplash

Masculinity is in our nature

We’ve seen historically that periods of peace are followed by periods of war. While the trigger of war is complex, we know it’s somehow linked to men’s biological urge to compete and win. If we look at the animal kingdom, we see that the stronger animals survive while the weaker ones die off. Survival of the fittest is a Darwinian law that has ensured that the strongest species survive to pass on their genes. And while we’re not animals, we’re biologically wired to be competitive — just like other animals. We want to prove that we’re better than everyone else. This competitive drive can be seen in sports, business and even hobbies like chess. In fact, studies show that men compete more than women and that competition can be healthy for both men and women.

The importance of being a man

Men are more likely to commit suicide than women and are three times more likely to die from work-related deaths than women. Men are also more likely to suffer from substance abuse and mental health issues like depression and anxiety. These statistics show that men are in desperate need of assistance and support. If a man is struggling with mental health issues, he’s less likely to reach out for help than a woman. And if he does, he’s less likely to be diagnosed and treated. If we view masculinity as something negative, men will be less likely to seek support when they need it. A man who doesn’t identify as masculine will be less likely to seek help than a man who does. This is a problem given that men are less likely to seek help in the first place.

It’s not just about strength and dominance

On the surface, it might seem that masculinity only equates to strength, aggression and dominance. But that couldn’t be further from the truth. A strong sense of achievement is also a key component of masculinity. This can be seen in athletes and CEOs who are highly successful and driven to excel. A strong sense of pride is also key to masculinity. This can be seen in the male species who are often fiercely loyal to their family, friends and country. A man with a strong sense of pride will stand up for what he believes in, regardless of how unpopular his views are. A strong sense of self-worth is another key component of masculinity. This can be seen in men who are secure in their abilities and who don’t view their worthiness through the lens of others.

Why men need to embrace their masculine side

We’ve seen that a strong sense of masculinity is important for both men and women. While men are more likely to commit suicide and die from work-related deaths, women are more likely to suffer from mental health issues. It’s important that we have a society where people feel comfortable sharing their struggles and seek help when they need it. We can’t expect a man to seek help if he’s always been taught to keep his emotions in check and to be strong for everyone else. We need to encourage men to share their struggles just as we encourage women to do the same. This is where embracing masculinity becomes so important. By accepting that we are wired to be competitive, strong, proud and have a strong sense of self-worth, we can work to ensure that these traits are used in a positive way. A strong sense of pride can be used to promote the idea that everyone has value and is worthy. When we feel prideful about our achievements, it drives us to excel further and sets us up for success. A competitive drive can be used as a drive to push ourselves out of our comfort zones and try new things. When we embrace our masculine side, we’re setting ourselves up to be the best men we can be.

Bottom line

We’ve seen that masculinity is important for every man. It’s in our nature to be competitive, strong and proud. These traits are not inherently negative, but are actually beneficial in a society where people are comfortable sharing their struggles. If you’re struggling with mental health issues, don’t be afraid to ask for help. If you’re a man, don’t be afraid to share your struggles. By fully embracing your masculine side, you can be the best version of yourself.


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    NLWritten by Nathan Lopez

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