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Why do you call yourself a writer?

Reasons behind the "TITLE"

By grab wordsPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Why do you call yourself a writer?
Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

There are many different reasons why someone might choose to call themselves a writer.

For some, it may be because they have published a book or other written work, while for others it might simply be because they enjoy writing in their free time.

But no matter what your reasons are for calling yourself a writer, there are several key factors that can help you understand why this label might be an important one to claim.

First and foremost, calling yourself a writer is a way of acknowledging that writing is an important part of your identity.

Whether you write as a hobby or as a profession, being a writer means that you have a deep love and appreciation for language and communication.

It means that you understand the power of words to connect with others, express your ideas and emotions, and shape the world around you.

In addition to this sense of identity, calling yourself a writer can also be a way of giving yourself permission to take your writing seriously.

Many people struggle with feelings of self-doubt and imposter syndrome when it comes to their creative work, and it can be difficult to feel confident in your abilities as a writer if you don't believe that writing is a legitimate pursuit.

But by claiming the label of "writer," you are affirming that your writing is important and deserving of your time and attention.

You are giving yourself permission to take your work seriously and to pursue your writing goals with dedication and purpose.

Another reason to call yourself a writer is that it can help you connect with other like-minded individuals.

Writing can be a solitary pursuit, and it can be easy to feel isolated or disconnected from others who share your passion for language and creativity.

But by identifying as a writer, you can seek out writing communities, join writing groups or workshops, and connect with others who share your interests and goals.

This can be a valuable source of support, inspiration, and feedback as you continue to develop your skills as a writer.

Of course, there are also some potential downsides to calling yourself a writer.

For example, if you don't have any published work or professional experience, you may worry that you don't "deserve" the label of a writer.

You may feel like a fraud or worry that others will judge you for claiming to be something you're not.

And if you do have professional experience or published work, you may feel like you have to constantly live up to that standard, which can be stressful and intimidating.

Ultimately, whether or not you choose to call yourself a writer is a personal decision that will depend on your individual circumstances and goals.

But if you do decide to claim this label, it can be a powerful way of affirming your identity as a creative individual, giving yourself permission to take your work seriously, and connecting with others who share your passion for language and communication.

So don't be afraid to embrace your inner writer – you never know where your words might take you.

Final thoughts

In conclusion, calling oneself a writer is a personal decision that comes with both benefits and potential downsides.

However, at its core, identifying as a writer is a way of affirming one's love for language and communication, giving oneself permission to pursue creative goals with dedication and purpose, and connecting with a community of like-minded individuals.

Whether you are a professional writer or simply someone who enjoys writing in your free time, claiming the label of the writer can be a powerful way to acknowledge the importance of your creative work and the impact that your words can have on the world around you.

So, if you love to write, don't be afraid to embrace the label of the writer and explore all the opportunities that come with it.


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