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Why Do Girls Mature and Grow Faster Than Boys?

Actionable advice.

By Ritchie MillerPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
Why Do Girls Mature and Grow Faster Than Boys?
Photo by Meritt Thomas on Unsplash

Why girls mature faster than boys - it's about both nature and society - we'll see how. But this statement should not be taken as a universal and generalized fact!

While, indeed, from a physical, sexual, and intellectual point of view, girls are more advanced than boys in their development, they are often not emotionally mature.

In addition, this should not be an argument for proving the "superiority" of the female sex, an argument in the fight between the sexes - because boys quickly catch up with girls and even surpass them in physical and intellectual development.

"Men are always children" - this is one of the typical lines that form wrong opinions. While it is true that girls mature faster, it is not true that men do not reach the same maturity - but their development takes longer. There is no general rule, but usually, the difference in development is about two years - girls have a two-year advance in their physical and intellectual development.

Why girls get older faster:

Physically and sexually. From this perspective, it is clear to everyone that a girl grows faster. Girls start puberty before boys around two years old (in girls, the onset of puberty is generally at 9 years, in boys it is at 11 years). Why? Because nature has made them so that they can reproduce as soon as possible - for the species to survive. Why boys don't grow as fast - because nature has made sure that a boy grows up to sexual maturity so that he can be a fit "clan" leader.

While a woman can have children from an early age and take care of them due to her maternal instinct (part of the species' conservation instinct), boys need more time to become a partner able to protect their offspring. But it's not just about nature.

Society has contributed massively to this difference in development - after all, from the beginning, man has been a social being. In the archaic tribes, a girl was raised for the role of mother and is considered to be ready with the first menstrual bleeding - an older man took her as a partner. Instead, a boy had to reach an older age and prove his manhood through rituals - only then did he become an adult able to start a family.

Psychically and intellectually. It is proven that girls mature mentally and intellectually faster - not feminists, but neurological and psychological studies (the brain of a 12-year-old girl is developed in advance of that of a boy). Although a 12-year-old girl is generally smarter than a 12-year-old boy, the difference is towards the end of puberty. How much is the "thing" of nature and how much of society is hard to say? Why do girls mature faster mentally and intellectually?

Most certainly, especially due to social pressures. An example: while boys are encouraged to play, to have fun, girls are attracted to the role of mother since childhood: the girl who plays with dolls; and then they are drawn to the household. The pressure is generally higher for a girl: she is taught responsibly, with household chores. It's also about risk: a girl encounters several risks and is responsible for them early on.

Because they are the "weak sex", they are taught early to take care of them! Even when it comes to responsibilities at the beginning of sexual life - from the face is expected to take protective measures, because she is personally at risk! Intellectual development is also determined by different preferences: while boys are encouraged to play energetically, outdoor activities, girls are encouraged to do indoor activities, such as reading, drawing, and creative games.

And because of their romantic nature, they will read more, which further stimulates intellectual development. But the most important difference in the development of the intellect is that girls tend to take learning, education more seriously is more responsible early on, and work harder on their development. One more thing: that natural maternal instinct drives girls to want independence at an early age and therefore to work for it.

Romantical. Here it is clear - while a 14-year-old boy still prefers to play on the computer, a girl has romantic thoughts right in front of her. Why do girls mature more romantically?

Because naturally, they are "programmed" to want to reproduce - and for this purpose, to look for an ideal partner. While a boy has reasons to prolong the moment he will take a partner to protect, a girl has reasons to look for a partner to protect as soon as possible! In addition, the natures of the two sexes are different: girls tend towards idealism, while boys are towards practical and concrete!

Emotional. Here it is: do girls mature faster emotionally? From a certain point of view, yes - it's about the fact that they are taught from an early age to make everything more "seriously", while the boys are more "laissez-faire".

And in a relationship, for example, it is clear that a girl will get seriously involved, while a boy will take things easier. In addition, women are more socially complex, more empathetic, and pay attention to the expression and understanding of human emotions. Boys, perhaps from the preconception that it is not "masculine" to feel intense emotions, perhaps from a certain emotional superficiality, are less empathetic and able to communicate.

But from other points of view, girls do not mature emotionally faster, nor more so than boys. Precisely because of the nature of the two sexes: girls are idealistic, dreamy, boys more practical. Because of this difference, while a girl is emotionally involved without reasoning many times, boys can separate and clarify exactly what kind of involvement they want and whether involvement is beneficial…

As for emotional control - over time what society "forgives" a woman who cries or hysterics, a boy is taught from an early age to control his emotions…


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