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Which foods have magnesium?


By DharuPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Which foods have magnesium?
Photo by MIND FAVOUR on Unsplash

which foods have magnesium :

Magnesium is an essential mineral found in many foods and supplements. It plays an important role in many physiological functions in the body, including aiding in the regulation of nerve and muscle activity, helping to create ATP (the energy molecules in our cells), and forming healthy bones and teeth.

Inadequate magnesium intake can lead to muscle cramps, anemia, low energy levels, and even depression. To ensure adequate intakes, it is important to consume magnesium-rich foods in a well-balanced diet.

Green leafy vegetables are some of the best dietary sources of magnesium:

Spinach, swiss chard, and romaine lettuce are especially rich in this mineral, with about 24 mg of magnesium for every cup, cooked. They are also a great source of fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Other vegetables that are high in magnesium include bell peppers, Brussels sprouts, squash, and broccoli.

Nuts and seeds:

Nuts and seeds are also packed with magnesium, with about 64 mg for every quarter cup of almonds, for example. Pumpkin seeds contain the highest amount, with almost 150 mg per quarter cup.

Peanuts, cashews, and sesame seeds are also good sources. Eating a handful of nuts or seeds each day is a simple way to get more magnesium in a balanced diet.

Whole grains:

Whole grains, like wheat bran, quinoa, and cornmeal provide plenty of magnesium. A cup of cooked wheat bran offers 166 mg of magnesium and quinoa has about 115 mg per cup. Cereal grains and wheat germ are also sources of magnesium, as well as whole-grain pasta.


Plant-based milk like soy, almond, and coconut are fortified with magnesium, often providing around 30-40 mg per cup. While dairy milk is naturally low in magnesium, some brands of yogurt and kefir are also fortified with the mineral to make them even more beneficial.

Beans are a great source of magnesium:

Beans are a great source of magnesium, too. Black beans, kidney beans, garbanzo beans, and navy beans offer a significant amount of the mineral. A cup of black beans has 120 mg, while navy beans provide around 75 mg. Legumes, like lentils and soybeans, are also loaded with magnesium and make great additions to many dishes.

Dark chocolates:

some dark chocolates are also a good source of magnesium, with a decent amount of magnesium per square. However, it is important to choose dark varieties with at least 70% cocoa solids, as these are usually lower in sugar and higher in antioxidants and other beneficial compounds.


Spices such as coriander, caraway, ginger, and mustard seeds are very high in magnesium. To get the most out of them, try grinding them up to a powder and adding a teaspoon to smoothies, yogurt, and other dishes for some extra flavor and magnesium.


some fruits are also high in magnesium. Bananas and avocados, in particular, provide a large amount of the mineral. A medium-sized banana contains about 27 mg of magnesium, while a single avocado provides 45 mg. Raspberries, strawberries, kiwi, and figs are other fruits high in the mineral.

Just remember that most of these foods should be enjoyed in moderation, as eating too much may lead to side effects like loose stools, nausea, and abdominal cramps. Always consult your doctor before incorporating these foods into your diet.

Overall, magnesium is important for health and can be easily obtained from a variety of plant and animal-based foods. Eating a well-balanced diet that focuses on green leafy vegetables, nuts and seeds, whole grains, beans, fortified non-dairy milks, certain fruits and vegetables, and some fish and dark chocolate can help to ensure adequate magnesium intake for optimal health.

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Everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self doubt.

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