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When to Say “I Love You” and How to Do It.

Never Make Mistakes;

By Akalazu WisdomPublished 3 years ago 10 min read

Falling in love is one of the biggest milestones of a long-term relationship. Saying “I love you” is both exhilarating and terrifying. Will those three little words be the start of something great? Or will they send your partner running for the exit?

Love is what gives your life purpose and meaning. By showing it to another person, you’re allowing yourself to be vulnerable, and opening yourself up to rejection. So is the risk worth the reward? If so, how do you know for sure when to say I love you?

Why it’s important to express how you feel
The importance of honest communication in any relationship cannot be overstated. It’s the glue that keeps us all together, and it benefits everyone involved.

There are many ways to communicate with your significant other, whether it’s verbally, through body language, or in the form of physical contact. Each gesture has the potential to bring you closer together or push you further apart. Saying “I love you” demonstrates your devotion and commitment, while boosting your partner’s self-esteem and encouraging them to respond in kind.

Expressing your feelings is a vital part of connecting in a relationship and helps it move forward. Even if these feelings aren’t mutual, it’s best to be on the same page. This way, it’s not so scary to profess your love. You can also better gauge whether your partner is going to reciprocate, or if they need more time.

Tips on when to say I love you
There’s never a set timeline to dictate when to say “I love you” for the first time. Each relationship is unique and so is the bond you share with your partner. It doesn’t matter if it takes three weeks, three months, or three years — the depth of your relationship is what really matters. But if you’re still nervous about when to say “I love you,” consider the following things before you decide to make that leap.

Do you care what the answer is?
If you’re finally ready to say “I love you” and want to do so simply because you need your partner to know how you feel, then go for it. Often times, we’re afraid to say those three little words out of fear that our feelings won’t be reciprocated. As a result, you might have a hard time saying it out loud first. You end up being more concerned with how your partner feels about you than with how you feel about them. Once you understand that love develops at a different pace for each individual in a different way, then you’ll be able to look past those concerns.

Do you feel like you’ll explode if you hold it in any longer?
Have you been toying with the idea of when to say “I love you” for awhile? Feel like you just can’t stand the anticipation anymore? Well, it’s time to let it out. It could be damaging to your emotional health to hold in such significant feelings for so long. Get it off your chest once and for all so you can finally move forward, whatever the answer may be.

Have you and your partner discussed the future?
Making mutual plans or envisioning the future together, whether it’s next month or 10 years from now, is a clear sign that you’re in love. And chances are, your partner feels the same way.

Does your gut tell you it’s the right time?
Trust your judgment. Only you and your partner know what’s best for your relationship. If you really, truly feel the time has come to express your love, then you shouldn’t be afraid to take the plunge.

Are you convinced it’s love and not infatuation?
Infatuation is a highly intense emotion that’s easily mistaken for love. It can sweep you up in a whirlwind of addictive behaviors or create a toxic relationship. Infatuation usually occurs when there’s a strong sexual attraction and physical desire between two people. You might abandon your responsibilities and the people you love. But the relationship itself feels empty and lacks substance, affection, and respect.

Genuine love, on the other hand, means you’ll gladly take the bad with the good. You’re willing to make small sacrifices for one another, and offer honesty, faithfulness, and commitment. Your partner encourages you to become a better version of yourself, rather than trying to change you into somebody else. So before you choose the moment of when to say “I love you,” think about the nature of your relationship and which category it falls under.

How to tell someone you love them
Telling someone “I love you” for the very first time is generally an intimate event, done in a quiet and private setting. You can plan it in advance ‒ treat your partner to a romantic dinner for two at their favorite restaurant. Or you can say it in bed when it’s just the two of you relaxing in a familiar environment, with no one else around.

However, if you’re both outgoing people who enjoy public displays, then forget about keeping it low-key and feel free to shout it from the rooftops. Remember though, if you select this route, you must be prepared for any answer from your partner in a public forum.

Ultimately, you should do it when it feels right, where it feels right, and in a way that feels right for your relationship.

As nerve-racking as it may be, the first “I love you” should ideally be said face to face. No, video chatting doesn’t count. Neither does Snapchat, Messenger, Twitter, Instagram, or any other app. If you’re in a long-distance relationship, then it’s up to you to choose the right way.

Ultimately, you should do it when it feels right, where it feels right, and in a way that feels right for your relationship.

Admittedly, saying “I love you” is pretty intimidating, but it’s also potentially one of the most rewarding things you’ll ever do. Give some serious thought as to whether you’re in the right stage of your relationship to utter those words.

Furthermore, remember that it’s unnecessary to turn it into a big production. Just be sincere and say it from the heart. Whatever the outcome may be, you’ve been true to yourself.

How to Love Yourself: 10 Ideas for Better Self-Appreciation;

 Self-love is the basis for having a healthy relationship with the number one person in your life...YOU. Yet, learning to love yourself can be difficult. Next, Flo outlines what scientific experts have to say on the subject and shows you how to love yourself.

Why self-love is important
Self-care, self-esteem, self-compassion, and self-appreciation all contribute to a healthy mindset and the image you have of yourself. Think about the elements of a strong relationship with your partner: respect, honesty, pleasure, forgiveness, and acceptance. These should also apply when you’re learning to love yourself.

Self-love is part of a well-balanced lifestyle as it positively affects your opinion of yourself. Learning to love yourself has several emotional and physical benefits, too. When you show yourself compassion, you’re more likely to eat well, exercise, get plenty of rest, and manage stress.

Research shows that self-love may lower your chances for depression or anxiety, and increase your resilience in challenging situations. When you accept yourself, you’re less likely to engage in destructive habits like smoking, drinking alcohol, or taking drugs. Higher self-esteem also equals better test scores and work productivity.

10 tips on how to love yourself
1. Get to know your body
Body confidence has a lot to do with your overall self-esteem. Many women struggle with body image, believing they need to look a certain way to fit in. Remember that what you look like on the outside is not a reflection of who you are on the inside. Plus, the more accepting you are of your body, the less concerned you’ll be with how it compares with someone else’s.

Practice self-massage, speak kindly of your body while looking in the mirror, and wear clothes that boost your confidence.

Develop a positive body image by listening to what your body needs and wants. Practice self-massage, speak kindly of your body while looking in the mirror, and wear clothes that boost your confidence.

2. Focus on your strong points
It’s easy to forget how awesome you are. When you have low self-esteem, you tend to think about what’s wrong rather than what’s right.

Write down your greatest strengths. Maybe you’re a good listener and your friends trust you, or perhaps you’re generous with your time or money when helping others.

Consider asking a close friend or family member what they admire most about you. Refer back to your list whenever you’re feeling low.

3. Beware of social media
When you’re learning to love yourself, avoid comparing your life to everyone else’s. Social media profiles represent a curated version of a person’s life. You’re seeing their happy moments and edited photos, not the times when they’re struggling. Social media draws you into a comparison trap, especially when it comes to body image and notions of success.

When you’re learning to love yourself, avoid comparing your life to everyone else’s.

If you’re starting to feel anxious, inferior, or unattractive, it might be time to kick social media to the curb! Put down your phone and go for a walk, or commit to taking a break from it for awhile.

4. Spend time outdoors
Studies show that spending time with nature is mentally and emotionally comforting. Living in a fast-paced city is occasionally overwhelming, but the great outdoors teach you to slow down and appreciate the simpler things.

Enjoy a bit of quiet “me time” in nature and figure out how to love yourself. Go for a walk on the beach and watch the sun set. Pause and breathe slowly, taking in the beauty of your surroundings.

5. Practice mindfulness
Mindfulness enhances your ability to self-regulate, making you less reactive to things that happen. It’s particularly helpful for learning to love yourself because you can train yourself to accept the present. Effective mindfulness techniques include:

Sitting in meditation for 5 to 10 minutes per day and observing your natural breathing rhythm
Journaling, or writing down what you’re grateful for
Doing one activity completely uninterrupted and free from distraction, like eating a meal or washing the dishes
6. Make time for hobbies
When was the last time you did something you truly enjoyed just for the fun of it? It’s natural to get caught up in to-do lists and all the things we think we should be accomplishing. But carving out some time for hobbies is the perfect way to learn to love yourself.

Whether it’s painting, singing, dancing, crafts, or sports, devoting time to what you love reaffirms the importance of personal joy and happiness.

7. Respect your own boundaries
Loving yourself is as much about saying yes to your own needs as it is about saying no to people or things which offer nothing in return. Don’t feel guilty about saying no to others, and communicate your wishes respectfully when boundaries are crossed.

8. Stay active
There are countless mental, physical, and emotional benefits to staying active. Physical exercise releases endorphins, which improve your mood, decrease stress, and even enhance decision-making abilities.

Learning to love yourself also means treating exercise as something that benefits you as a whole, not just a way to change your appearance.

Schedule routine, moderate workouts in the form of your favorite activities. Learning to love yourself also means treating exercise as something that benefits you as a whole, not just a way to change your appearance.

9. Know when to rest
Your body needs 6 to 8 hours of good-quality sleep per night to rest and recover. Getting enough rest keeps you focused and energized throughout the day so you can do all the things you truly enjoy.

10. Try talk therapy
If you’re struggling with how to love yourself, and feel depressed or anxious about life, you’re not alone. Consider discussing these feelings with a qualified counselor or therapist who can promote self-acceptance, boost self-confidence, and help you learn to love yourself more. Speak with your doctor first and ask them to refer you.

These tips on how to love yourself are only effective if you practice them with an open heart and mind. Learning to love yourself takes time and an ongoing commitment to fulfilling your physical, emotional, and spiritual needs.


About the Creator

Akalazu Wisdom

I love creating new ideas and keeping people update on Love and free from breakups 💔💔


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