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When snow feels like God's art

The World is beautiful but you can't tell anyone...

By Jane KumadaPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
(Today it is snowing outside my window, UK 06/02/2021)

It is so chilly this morning...

This fabric sarcophagus you're looking at, it is a proud composition of 2-duvet layers, 2 perpendicular memory pillows, and a secret hot water encrypted bag, a magic bag, that can disappear from view, when this bed very very rarely welcomes unlisted adventurous guests...

Let me check, my lower back hurts as usual, yep... so I am still alive

First thought comes to my mind - A CUP OF COFFEE - I don't know why this first image of the day feels like paradise, the solution to all sorrow in the world, I so look forward to my coffee ceremony, every morning...

Very cold init? Where are my socks...

I open the freezing curtains and the most beautiful scenery appears in front of me: it is snowing! My heart melts, my socks are still frozen...

It is a gentle snow, light snow, a muted scenery, time has stopped as well...I try not to miss every little detail, checking where snow has not just landed but has decided to sit for a while, that softness you would just love to imprint with one finger and if no one is looking, surely taste...

Somehow you love every roof you see and feel for your neighbors, you relate to their joyous face in the window frame; you have never communicated with any of them in 5 years, but you immediately feel united anyhow, under this enchanting snow. In the distance, two curved people are talking in the street, looking up and appreciating the human warmth snow can actually bring, but they can't really admit to each other...

I love you all brothers and sisters, I love you World!

I am not a religious person, I would describe myself more like a potential spiritual hoper, but today this unexpected snow feels like a God's masterpiece, it is perfectly loving...the crap thoughts, that usually inundate my mind, are also now silent and staring at the window, in wonder, close to me.

And now Ladies & Gentlemen, the Sun is rising...oh, God, not sure my eyes are ready for this, still half opened, like coin slots inside dark churches offer be serious, not sure my heart can take that beauty, as every ray of light has started to create the most amazing Kaleidoscopic now I'm lost in that world of light, where no geometry lesson could even try answering and disclosing the mystery of infinite shapes and what they really mean...

Who needs drugs...haha...I feel inebriated, I'm loving it! Even that chubby pigeon resting on the chimney looks satisfied with the World today, I think he's whistling "Rocky" Epic Theme and doesn't even need an Adrian to feel whole...

How could I kill every expectation now, I could think about love?

Don't get me wrong I am a big LOVE supporter, even when it doesn't win any Yearly Championship and the game results were clearly if all beautiful things should be silenced, so we can look at the snow from a window but we can't always share how wonderful it is...

Thoughts are our best friends and worst enemies...some thoughts we could never share with anyone, hilarious...some of them are so superficial, some of them are so naif, some of them will catapult you at the reception of a necessary long rehab asylum...

I have auto-censored a few, since you started reading this...

From now on, I will appreciate every beautiful hint of magic in this World, I promise, ...(you won't know, this is exactly what I promised myself, when that missionary ambulance driver waved back at me, in 1985).

I think I spent a very long time here, by this special window, in admiration, purifying my thoughts, my feelings, luckily it is Saturday, even my coffee could exceptionally wait...

well not anymore...Ouch, ...My back hurts!


About the Creator

Jane Kumada

A bit of humour, romantic drama and a scoop of realism, enjoy☺️

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