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When I'm 64!

Life's Journey

By Alexis MundyPublished 9 months ago 3 min read

I can't believe I am 64 and soon to be 65. Where has the time gone? I am sure many people as they get older ask the same question, and like me start reminiscing. But what really started me thinking was hearing The Beatles singing their song When I'm Sixty-Four on the radio. Hence the above picture seemed apt to me.

The song starts with the lyrics:

"When I get older losing my hair and ends with Will you still need me, Will you still feed me When I'm sixty-four." (The Beatles,1967)

When we look at aging we see that people, and especially women become invisible it's as if we have served our purpose in life by bringing up the next generation and now in many ways are seen as redundant. Yet we don't feel old and definitely don't feel redundant . It is society that perpetuates this myth and it's about time things changed.

I am a Baby Boomer and we are seen as well off, often owning our own home, but this is nonsense. Many of us rent, and have hardly any savings to speak of. I blame politicians for this because instead of taking some of the responsibility for the problems globally.

They encourage younger generations that we had it so good in the past and are to blame.We worked hard when we were younger and suffered hardships just like any other generation, and deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. Of course some older people are grumpy but then so are younger people. It has nothing to do with age but personality. Young people also have lots of issues now, the pandemic, lack of housing, cost of living and so on But we are all in the same predicament whatever our age unless we are really well off.

An example of my childhood in the 1970s was coming home to do homework by candle light because of the power cuts in the UK. There was high unemployment, poverty and strikes. We had terrorist attacks by the IRA, and as much crime then as we do today, but much less publicised by the media.

What I really want to say as an older person is that we still have a lot to offer, and unlike previous generations we live life to the full. I certainly dont sit around all day watching Netflix or TV. In fact many of us still work even if only part-time. We also have a lot of experience to offer the younger generation, and they also have a lot to offer us so instead of bickering young and old should appreciate each other for what each of us offers in life.

The other thing is many of us are also digital and also love learning. For example I gained my BA in Philosophy in 2022 at age 63. I still love learning new things. I also love YouTube, Instagram and Twitter as well as Facebook. I keep up with fashion, music and the other day my co-worker who is young was offering me fashion advice which I really appreciated. They in turn like the 70s and 8os music. When I think of it we have more in common with the younger generation than people give us credit for.

Baby Boomers also need to try and interact and be more understanding of younger people and the issues they deal with in the 21st century. Much better to listen and help them than moan about them. We were young once and growing up is not easy for any generation.

Finally, I want to reiterate that we are not invisible and have so much to offer in society. So next time you see an older person in the street acknowledge them with a smile you might just make their day and bridge the generation gap.

My motto is: Everything is Possible.

Alexis Mundy


The Boomer Motto is: Everything is possible. I so agree.

Alexis Mundy


About the Creator

Alexis Mundy

I am originally from the UK. Now living in New Zealand. My life so far has been a rollercoaster. I have children with special needs, lost my previous husband in 2008 and in 2021 my son Andrew died. Writing has and is cathartic for me!

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  • Denise E Lindquist9 months ago

    I so relate to your story! This is the first year I understood crabby old people! Live with chronic pain and I get crabby too! Thankfully, at 69.5 my pain is still intermittent.😉❤️

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