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When Do You Feel Love?

Signs That This Feeling Is Real

By Atif AdamsPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
When Do You Feel Love?
Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

When do you love it? It seems like a useless question - because it's said that you simply know that you love, that you don't need to look for "evidence". But it happens that we are wrong: at one point we swear on everything we love so that soon we will realize that it was just a flame that went out… So, when you truly love, what exactly does it look like? what do you feel is "real"?

Maybe "itemizing" love and ticking as in a "yes" or "no" test seems completely superficial. But read what is written below and if you recognize yourself, if you can honestly say "yes, I feel that way" to the following, then, indeed, you are among the lucky ones who have truly found love…

When do you love it?

You truly love when your loved one seems unique, seems like the person for you and the only one you want. But you don't idealize her by looking at her through pink glasses: you know her shortcomings and defects very well, but you love her as she is and she looks great as she is. Do you think this is the only one for you?

You love when you feel something you haven't felt in the past: when your feelings finally seem real, intense, new, different… Maybe you've had feelings in the past for other people - but this time it's different, it's better, it's what you dreamed…

You love when you often think during the day about your loved one smiling suddenly: you remember a word, a gesture, a look of yours… You want to have something from him/her with you always so that you feel him / her close … And if you don't see each other for a few days, it's as if you feel a physical need for him/her.

When you love - when you can't wait to be with the person, to be together - you would rather not do anything else at the end of the day than to be with him/her. Would you like to spend as much time together as possible, other activities previously loved by you are now less important…

You love when you get involved in a relationship, without hesitation and the fear of "will I never be with someone else?". If you love, you never want to be with anyone else and you don't even think about such things: you know for sure that this is what you want.

You love when you see yourself in the future with your partner. You can't imagine your life in the future without your partner - or you can, but you don't like what you see! When you are excited about your common future, what you will do together, a normal life, but so great because you have him/her by your side… You love the idea that you will have a normal life, but together, what he/she does is wonderful.

You love when you put the relationship first. Which doesn't mean you forget about yourself and your goals in life - not at all! But the relationship becomes more important and is the first thing that gives you satisfaction and happiness. No purpose of yours is more important than the relationship than your love.

You love when you know what empathy is. Specifically, when you are so connected that you immediately perceive their mood and you can feel it. When he/she is sad, you are a little sad too - when he/she smiles, it automatically gives you a smile on your face… Sure, it is important to remain a person with your individuality - but love makes the two emotionally connected, to understand their moods, and to live together…

You love when you give up. If you are sure that you are giving up even the most important things to make him/her happy, to save the relationship - then you love. Of course, you should never actually get to this place - because if your partner loves you too, he/she will never ask you to give up something important to you.

When you love - when you feel grateful and lucky to have him/her by your side. You feel that you have received something incredibly valuable and that your life is much better now, you even ask yourself "do I really to have it?"

You love when love for your partner stimulates you, makes you good. You want to be a good person for your partner because he/she deserves the best. He/she does not ask you to be better, but you want to be better. He/she does not limit you, he/she does not ask you to be the way you are, but he/she encourages and stimulates you simply through his / her love…

You love when you feel at ease with your partner. Not only do you feel comfortable - but you also feel like you've known each other forever. You often understand each other only by looking; he/she understands what you feel and what you think and vice versa; you do not feel the need to hide or pretend to be different; you can be yourself and he/she loves you the way you are.

You love when your partner is the only person you say things to. Or maybe not alone - maybe you told all your "dark secrets" to your best friend! But you feel that you can tell your partner everything about yourself, without the fear of scaring him, of disappointing him, or the, fear that your trust will be betrayed. You love when you can openly show them "this is me" and when you want your partner to know everything there is to know (and vice versa, when you want to know everything about him/her).

Finally, going back to where we started: when you love - when you don't ask yourself, having doubts, "do I love him/her?", Because you feel it so strongly in you that you know it's love!


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