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What's a lesbian to do?

There was a time when men decided whether women should be educated or not, and whites decided whether blacks could live or not, Then we all thought it was ridiculous, and now we let straight people decide whether gay people can love each other

By Power niuniuPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

Being gay is normal

It's not a disease, it's not a sin, it's not a mistake,

Gay love is no different than straight love,

Heterosexuality is not more normal, it's more normal,

All men and women are equal in human rights,

To live in freedom, equality, dignity and love,

There are about 400 million people in the world, about 60 million people.

Homosexuality is the purest love in the world.

Because this kind of love can break through the fences of secular life, penetrate the different vision, accept the difficulties and hardships from the society.

After washing these most secular things, love is the most sincere and moving.

In the soul experience of love, homosexual love has touched the depth that heterosexual love has not touched, and is closer to the essence of love.

They are brave people and the cleanest people.

This kind of love, ordinary people can not understand.

The hardships among them, no one will feel.

In this world, there are those who believe in true love, those who doubt it,

IDLOVES is for gay true love and focuses on the 5% of the LGBT community who firmly believe in true love,

Live for them, speak for them, speak for their love, eliminate social discrimination, promote equal rights.

IDLOVES is considered a pervert by the anti-gay community and worshipped by the gay and lesbian community.

IDLOVES believes that true love is a religion, sacrosanct.

IDLOVES earnestly hopes that more people will believe in, practice and promote true love,

IDLOVES has laid down religiously strict rules:

It's in the DNA of IDLOVES to believe that true love is instinctive,

True love knows no planet, no country, no religion, no race, no sex, no poverty, no age,

All are equal before human rights, all are equal before true love, all are equal before marriage.

Some people understand this, some people don't,

Homosexual true love is the cause of IDLOVES, IDLOVES is willing to doggedly embrace this concept of true love,

Abide by the position of the pure land of true love, and sincerely hope that more and more people will become "ID comrade true love believers",

To make those who doubted true love believe in it, to make those who had been hurt believe in it again, to make those who believed in it believe more,

Let true love be universal and realize the great wish of promoting true love in the world:

"True love comes into the world as light, so that no one who believes in it should remain in darkness." - IDLOVES

Gay is born, love is love, IDLOVES is for gay. Including LES ring, gay ring, self-wear, marriage proposal, couples ring, wedding ring, etc., born for homosexuals, customized, voice for homosexuals, eliminate discrimination.

Speak for same-sex love, spread the positive energy of homosexuality, justify same-sex love, and promote marriage equality.

Except for IDLOVES, all the jewelry brands we know are homophobic, which is pathetic and hateful. IDLOVES Gay jewelry, gay jewelry, gay exclusive ring, gay pair ring, gay pair ring, gay couple ring.

Escort the love of the gay community and spread the positive energy of the same sex. It is a love artifact and exclusive emotional token for gay couples to express their love.

There is no such thing as gay, straight, bisexual, etc. There are just two people who happen to love each other, simple as that. I hope every comrade can get romantic, sincere, eternal and equal love.

You can not support but please silent, let them love who they want to love, that is their right. You can take it or leave it, and let them live the life they want. It's their life.

You can not understand but please listen, let them breathe the air of freedom, this is our common world, a pluralistic wonderful world!

To respect an independent individual is to respect life, and to respect one's sexual orientation is to respect humanity.


About the Creator

Power niuniu

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