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What is Considered Cheating in a Relationship

Cheating in a Relationship

By Nelis ThuoPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Ups and Downs of Relationships

Cheating in relationships is one of the most controversial topics in dating. Some people associate teaching with being sexually intimate, while others associate cheating with as little as texting someone other than your partner. Being emotionally or sexually disloyal to your spouse in a monogamous relationship is the definition of cheating in its simplest form. Cheating is often defined as having a close emotional or sexual relationship with another individual.

The subject of what exactly constitutes cheating becomes more complicated when discussing particular instances of dishonest activity, and contrary to what some may claim, there is no definitive explanation.

Various couples adhere to multiple sets of rules. Cheating is, after all, a gray area. In today's world of Tinder and constant connectivity, it's more crucial than ever to establish how you and your spouse describe monogamy and cheating. It's shocking how many couples go through with marriage despite having fundamentally incompatible viewpoints.

The problem with cheating is that there isn't a short list of actions labeled as "cheating" or "not cheating." According to relationship therapist Jeanae M., cheating may range from a casual flirtation with someone other than your spouse to overt sexual activity with a stranger. Cheating is anything that oversteps the bounds of your love partnership and causes a breakdown in mutual trust.

Whenever you wonder, "Would my spouse/partner be OK with this behavior?" you're probably on the verge of crossing the line into cheating territory. In the end, you and your spouse are the only ones who can determine if you cheated or not (s). You, as a team, are the ones who establish the rules and pledge to uphold them.

Types of cheating

There are two major types of cheating that we shall discuss: Emotional and Physical cheating.

Physical cheating

Most people automatically associate "cheating" with some physical activity. Simply put, it's the physical closeness you're not meant to experience in a committed relationship with anybody else. Additionally, it is important to note that even persons in polyamorous relationships may cheat and be cheated on if one or more partners partake in conduct that goes outside the boundaries they could well have established for themselves. Although its manifestations might vary widely in severity, all forms of physical cheating include using one's body to violate some rule.


  1. Having sex with another person other than your partner.
  2. Inappropriate physical contact with other people.

Emotional cheating

Emotional cheating is where situations start becoming a little confusing. When one cheats emotionally on their lover, they tell a third party about their personal life and how they feel connected to them daily. When you emotionally cheat, you feed yourself falsehoods such as, "We haven't even kissed; therefore nothing's occurred that I should feel embarrassed of," or "We're only mates!"

A genuine friendship is not an act of emotional cheating. You should seek and value friendships as near to the heart as love partnerships. The issue arises, however, when one infuses such connections with hidden sexual or romantic tensions. When you tell your spouse that "Linda" is "just a work buddy," but you're sharing all your deepest, darkest, most intimate fantasies with her, that's a problem.

People who emotionally cheat devote their time, attention, and feelings to someone other than their partner. This causes them to ignore their relationships since they aren't spending as much time with them.


  1. Separating emotionally from your relationship and turning to a third party for support.
  2. Having in-depth phone conversations with someone else about your innermost thoughts and feelings without informing or consulting your spouse.
  3. Not telling your spouse about your romantic involvement with another person out of fear of their reaction.
  4. Behaving as if you were a couple — without really being one — with another person.


Infidelity is often understood to include sexual activity and other forms of personal touch. Other social activities, such as lap-sitting or sharing a meal, might be interpreted differently depending on the person.


About the Creator

Nelis Thuo

Welcome to my world of words! I am a lover of all things literature and storytelling. Join me on my journey as I explore the depths of the human experience and uncover the beauty in the everyday.

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