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What if you don't like to cater to others?

The biggest problem that introverts encounter is that they are not very good at talking and expressing themselves.

By Taufik OluPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
What if you don't like to cater to others?
Photo by Imam Fadly on Unsplash

"I'm almost an introvert, I don't like to cater to others, but also very emotional, very afraid of losing. In other people's eyes, I may be a little cold, see people I know not to greet, but I just do not know how to interact with people."

This is the voice of an introvert. Today, we are going to discuss the topic of "how to interact with people as an introvert".

About introversion

The concepts of introversion and extroversion originated from psychologist Jung's theory. When he analyzed personality traits in 1921, he proposed this change, saying that there are introverts and extroverts and that the difference lies in the direction of mental energy.

Introverts' energy is directed inward, and they are more interested in the inner world, preferring to be quiet and alone.

They are not necessarily quiet or withdrawn, but rather they have a richer inner world. It's just that when they are overstimulated by the external world, they have difficulty concentrating, which accelerates their energy drain. Their attention is inside their minds. They need a quiet, reflective place where they can think holistically and rejuvenate themselves.

So, introversion and social fear are not the same things. Introverts are not afraid to interact with people, they just don't like to interact with people too much.

About being unexpressive

The biggest problem introverts have is that they are not very articulate.

Why is this?

As we mentioned before, everyone lives in two worlds. One is the real world, and the other is the world in your head. Introverts are people who live more in the world of the mind.

They have two characteristics.

One is rich in inner feelings, they are not as dull as seen on the surface, on the contrary, they are very sensitive inside, just do not show it.

Second, the logic of thinking is too complex, it will be a matter of all angles and aspects to consider. When you consider a problem too complex and want to express the simple and clear, naturally, it is very difficult. To prevent people from misunderstanding their meaning, they will think carefully before expressing themselves, so that outsiders will think that this person is slow to respond to talk, a little wooden

Introverts also have many advantages

Introverts are more sensible and self-disciplined

Introverts are less likely to lose their minds over immediate pleasures and are more self-disciplined, able to resist immediate temptations for the greater good in the long run.

And introverts like to be alone, they usually choose to read books, draw, write and do other activities to enrich themselves and improve their skills. Therefore, we can find that among successful people, there are more introverts than extroverts.

Introverts have more depth

In general, extroverts like to try different things, know a little bit about everything and everyone, and are the kind of people who are widely involved. They are always ready to do the next thing and want to grab every bit of excitement they can in life.

External stimuli of all kinds are the source of energy for extroverts. However, they do not explore these stimuli too deeply inside. Just like going to a restaurant, they like to taste different meals in different restaurants but rarely stay too long on a dish.

Introverts like depth. They like to delve deeper into a problem and like to explore a problem in depth rather than at the end. They absorb information from the outside world, think about it, and understand it. And they will think about it again long after they have acquired it, like cows regurgitating food.

Even in communication, they don't like and don't deal well with superficial social pleasantries.

They like to have substantive conversations, deep conversations about topics they care about, not just meaningless chit-chat, and they like to build deep relationships with people, not just meet a lot of people in general.

Introverts, throughout their lives, are looking for stable intimate relationships, and although they don't have many friends, they have no fewer friends than others.

As a friend said: "I do not hate socializing, just do not want to waste time on unimportant people."

So, if you are an introvert, how can you better interact with others?

1. be curious about the outside world.

Introverts tend to be too immersed in the world of their minds, feeling more secure and pure in the world of their minds (as introverts know). But we should also realize that the real world is the base of life, the source of our imagination and creativity. Be curious enough about the outside world.

2. Avoid the perfection mentality.

Many introverts are not good at expressing themselves because they subconsciously believe that when they communicate with others, they must have perfect expression skills and deep insights.

But in practice, few people can reach such a high level of communication, so to avoid mistakes, they will try to express themselves as little as possible, giving others the impression that they are not good at expressing themselves.

Introverts need to be more relaxed about communication, about speaking. People value sincerity in expression more than skill.

Therefore, for introverts, it is important to understand that it is important to say what you want to say rather than having to think perfectly before you say it.

3. it is equally important to communicate feelings and ideas.

In fact, for introverts, nothing is more difficult than communicating with others about their feelings at the moment.

On the one hand, they feel that this is a personal matter and should not talk to others, and on the other hand, they think that the value of feelings in communication is far less important than ideas.

Exchanging your feelings is a key step in building deeper relationships, and your self-exposure will make others feel trusted, so they will trust you. This is the real value of exchanging feelings.

Whether you are an extrovert or an introvert, you are who you are. Accept yourself, recognize yourself, and actively expand yourself to become a better version of yourself.

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About the Creator

Taufik Olu

Money is round. It rolls away.

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